
Cheesecake is always a crowd pleaser, but don't be surprised if your go-to recipe completely differs from a friend's. Cheesecake ingredients and textures can vary depending on the region. New York claims one of the most popular styles—a dense, creamy dessert that uses heavy cream and eggs to enrich the cream-cheese base. Chicagoans will serve you a version that is firm on the outside and creamy in the center, while Italian-Americans decided to drop the cream cheese altogether in favor ofricotta. F&W's guide to cheesecake goes beyond traditional recipes (but we have those, too) with ideas for tangy goat cheese swap-ins, ways to bake with your slow cooker, tricks for not cooking at all and flavors that fit any season.

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Blueberry-Coconut Vegan Cheesecake
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This vegan cheesecake is just as creamy and tangy as the conventional versions thanks to cultured nut-based cream cheese fromMiyoko's Creamery, founded byvegan visionary Miyoko Schinner. For the cheesecake base, the agar must reach a temperature of 208°F to be activated and ultimately set. Don't worry if you don't have a thermometer-just keep the lid on the pot for 3 to 4 minutes until the agar has dissolved thoroughly, and then check the texture. When the agar runs off a rubber spatula without sticking, it's ready to use.
Goat Cheese Cake with Wine-Poached Cranberries
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克劳迪娅·弗莱明(Claudia Fleming)的节日芝士蛋糕上有蜜饯的开心果,并在蛋cranberry凝胶上披上,搭配浓郁的山羊奶酪和玛SScapone,这是奶油般的。一定要以低速在马斯卡彭中击败,以保留其超平滑的质地。加入明胶后,不要跳过酸果蔓混合物;去除泡沫是透明,光滑的凝胶的关键。
St. Louis–Style Cheesecake with Blueberries
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This No-Bake Peach Cheesecake Will Bring You Joy
This is the prettiest cheesecake. It is also the easiest cheesecake.
The perfect ratio of cream cheese to ricotta gives this peachy layered cake an extra-creamy texture.
This Basque Cheesecake from Chef Tavel Bristol-Joseph Is Impossible to Mess Up
The Food & Wine Best New Chef was shocked by how good this dessert turned out. You will be, too.


Basque Cheesecake
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Chef Tavel Bristol-Joseph bakes a perfectly creamy cheesecake, without a water bath and with no risk of a cracked or sunken top, by incorporating whipped cream cheese with heavy cream to make the batter.
这个充满活力的紫色的芝士蛋糕,有斑点的with bits of fruit, sits in a sweet, buttery crust and gets topped with juicy, syrupy macerated currants. Folding egg whites into the batter creates a light, fluffy texture.食谱a dapted from 超越北风 达拉·戈德斯坦(Darra Goldstein)。
Rating: 3 stars

这款柠檬酥皮芝士蛋糕将酥脆的Graham Cracker外壳,甜美的柠檬 - 麦卡波酮馅料和大量的枕头意大利酥皮融合在一起。Slideshow:更多蛋白酥皮食谱