
扁平的意大利面,例如扁平葡萄球菌,塔格利亚尔和帕帕德尔,非常适合诸如ragù和bolognese之类的丰盛酱汁。准备ragù的一种美味的方法是用经常被忽视的鸡大腿而不是典型的牛肉或小牛肉 - 这是一种较轻的肉,与番茄 - 橙酱配对很好pappardelle dish. Along with chopped vegetables, diced pancetta, fragrant herbs and plenty of dry white wine, this ragù is one of our best. For something a bit lighter, try tossingcooked pappardelleor tagliatelle with sautéed spinach and garlic, crushed red pepper and tangy feta cheese. Find these recipes and more in Food & Wine's guide to flat pasta.

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With the first sign of pea shoots at the market, I grant myself permission to act like a gleeful schoolgirl. Pea shoots, sometimes called pea greens or pea tips (and not to be confused with pea sprouts) are the tender young tendrils of pea plants like sugar snap peas or snow peas. Their appearance feels momentous to me, as they are the first shots of green I’ve seen in months. They even look coy for taking so long to show up. With their wispy, bouncy tendrils and delicate demeanor they seem to say: “Apologies for the late arrival, but we’re so happy to be here.” I start cooking them with abandon: pea shoots tossed with lemon juice on top of a frittata; with grassy olive oil and shaved Parmesan; sautéed with lots of ginger and garlic to accompany shrimp. Sometimes I even just crunch on pea shoots raw like a grazing rabbit. I’m just very happy they finally made it to the party.Given their highly anticipated entrance, I suppose they deserve a recipe worthy of a celebration meal, so I’ve gone ahead and planned them one. I hope they’ll be pleased. I toss the pea shoots with pasta and tender crabmeat in a bright, lemony butter and white wine sauce, and finish the dish with mint and other tender herbs. The resulting crab and pea shoot pasta makes a simple but very special supper that has everything to do with the quality of the ingredients. If you can find fresh tagliatelle, use it. The delicate texture is a fine match for the crab to get tangled up in. But if another long, dried, ribbon-like shape (such as linguine or fettucine) is in closer reach, use it—it will also work well. An easy salad composed of endive or fennel and radishes would be a nice addition to this meal.To drink, white is always a safe bet with crab;Saumur Blanc,Manoir de la Tête Rouge, “Tete d’Ange” 2017 (Chenin)零售价约为22美元,非常美味。但是对于这道菜,我认为粉红色,最好是气泡,例如Manoir de la的免费慕斯宠物纳特 TêteRouge. It’s a blend of Cab Franc and Chenin Blanc grown in Le Puy-Notre-Dame in western France and truly coincidentally imported by my friends atGoatboy Selections—a small but mighty natural wine import company that has an impressive roster of producers. Sometimes it’s a good idea to pick a wine based on the back of the bottle, not the label on the front. If it’s stamped with a seal of approval from a distributor you like, you’ll more often than not be pleased with your selection. This wine is plainly just darn delicious. It smells subtly of tart, red fruit, has good acidity to cut through the richness of the butter, and plays nicely with the sweet salinity of the crab, but above all is playful and easy to sip on—we can all drink to that.
Fettuccine with White Chicken Ragù
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This creamy chicken ragù is easy to make and boasts remarkable depth thanks to the flavors of an Italian-style sofrito made with onions, carrots, celery, and parsley.
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费城Wm的木烤箱。Mulherin的儿子创造了风味和舒适的氛围。在餐厅对意大利面Puttanesca的变化中,烤葱增加了烟熏味和char。Slideshow: 更多扇贝食谱
俄勒冈州波特兰的Ava Gene's的厨师Joshua McFadden的这种破坏规则的意大利面将完全改变您对乳制品和海鲜的想法。亚搏电竞茴香酱的深甜,奶油味完美地弥补了贻贝的洁粉。Slideshow: 更多贻贝食谱
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This dish incorporates two regional specialties:夏南瓜和橄榄油。根据这本书的说法:“由于其理想的风土,阿维利诺地区的Irpinia以其橄榄油和橄榄油的生产而闻名:富含,肥沃的火山土壤和由于靠近Apennines山脉的凉爽气候。透明在这里,油与西葫芦混合起来,制成草药香蒜酱。改编自 Naples and the Amalfi Coast (出版社,39.95美元/ 49.95美元,April 2017) Slideshow: 更多的扁面条食谱
大多数意大利家庭都有自己的Sugo版本,一种肉汁。在曼哈顿的Pasquale Jones,瑞安·哈迪(Ryan Hardy)和蒂姆·卡斯帕雷(Tim Caspare)使用鸡肝来丰富它们。可以根据您自己的喜好切割肝脏:切碎切碎,使它们模仿碎牛肉肉类或切碎的牛肉,以增强其风味。Slideshow:快速意大利食谱


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这种手工卷的意大利面,混合了荞麦和通用面粉,称为布莱克in Friuli. The name refers to the unconventional triangular shape, though the pasta can also be squareSlideshow: 更多意大利面食谱
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Pesto is traditionally made with basil, but here, asparagus does the heavy lifting.Slideshow: 更多意大利面食谱

Salty, smoky, thick-cut bacon adds depth while artichoke hearts and spinach help to lighten this creamy, savory chicken pasta dish.Slideshow:更多鸡肉食谱