Butternut Squash

Lasagna, soup and salad—these basic dishes are all made more delicious by adding super sweet butternut squash. Butternut squash is packed with vitamins, calcium, iron and fiber, and also brings vibrant color to any meal. This aptly named squash has a buttery, nutty flavor that's similar to yams and sweet potatoes. Because it's so sweet, butternut squash can even be used for beautiful tarts, decadent brownies and refreshing sorbet. Its sweetness tempers aspicy curry dish, and its texture balances out the crispy, fatty pancetta inthis soup. Whether you're looking for a healthy side dish or decadent main course, butternut squash proves its versatility in this veggie-packed guide from Food & Wine.

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在越南,卡博查南瓜撒上猪肉,做汤,叫做canh bi do thit heo。这条经典盘子上的即兴即将来临,以温和的胡桃木交换,可以很好地保持其形状,并在快速烹饪时吸收肉汤和猪肉的丰富风味。这种芳香的肉汤汤在一个小时的小时内融合在一起,用鱼酱和糖腌制的嫩猪肉,以享用淡淡而令人满意的饭菜。
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With its earthy sweetness and dense texture, butternut squash makes a hearty vegetable steak. At Chaval in Portland, chef Damian Sansonetti highlights its complexity with his chorizo spice mix. He blooms the blend of cumin, Pimentón, and coriander in oil to release their aroma, which provides a smoky foundation for this shoulder-season dish.
Roasted Butternut Squash Parmesan
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如今,我的口头禅是我的口头禅,当我想到一个想法时,我会把它倾倒,直到我对其进行磨练,圆形和抛光。我将多余的多余的装饰刮掉了多余的褶边,然后尝试将这个想法削减到必需品中:我如何使它变得美味,使它变得轻松并尽可能简单地烹饪?当我制作胡桃南瓜schnitzel时发生。切成木板,浸入鸡蛋中,挖过panko,炸了,这或多或少是帕尔姆的基础层,除了我使用南瓜代替茄子(或鸡肉)。我开始思考南瓜的甜味如何与marinara的酸度和融化的奶酪的decade废……我的意思是,这种伙伴关系并不令人惊讶?除了味道,如果我能做出一个非常出色的素食主义者,而没有麻烦和煎炸,那么它或多或少会使我有资格遵守,对吗?带有腌料,奶酪,最后是一个超级鲜味的烤面包屑浇头(谢谢大蒜,帕尔玛干酪和营养酵母!)。首先,壁球:我烤了直到嫩15分钟,然后用酱油涂上了酱汁(我在书中工作时发现的一个技巧,Umami Bomb). Then it got showered with generous amounts of shredded fontina, mozzarella, and Parmesan cheese. Back into the oven it went until the cheese was molten, golden, and browned.It wassogood (I mean, those breadcrumbs … I could eat them by the handful like granola). But there was one problem—since I made it all on a sheet pan, the squash was in a single layer and gave off side-dish vibes. So the next time, after sheet-panning the squash, I layered it traditional-style in a baking dish. So instead of an open-faced parm, this was now a double-decker of squash–marinara–oozy cheese with main-dish gravitas. It was hearty, way less fussy than making a traditional parm, and my stovetop didn’t need to be degreased post-cooking.
Winter Squash and Savoy Cabbage Gratin with Garlic Crema
SPQR的旧金山厨师马修·阿卡里诺(Matthew Accarrino)希望在这里加增奶油牛奶的烤大蒜酱。这是冬季南瓜与白菜的丰富而健康的结合,所有这些都含有松脆的榛子。Slideshow: 更多壁球食谱
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这款来自食品与葡萄酒的贾斯汀·chapple(Justin Chapple)的质朴的奶油奶油搭配超级薄饼(秘密:冷冻磨碎的黄油)和淡淡的甜味冬南南南瓜馅料,使其成为完美的素食餐。亚搏电竞亚搏电竞搭配绿色沙拉。Slideshow:Squash Recipes
胡桃南瓜牛排au poivre
在牛排上的一场素食中,F&W的Justin Chapple交换在胡桃壁球牛排中为牛肉换成,并用首选的牛排馆绿色,炒菠菜。Slideshow: 更多的胡桃南瓜Recipes


Red Kuri Squash Soup with Ancho Chile and Apple
“Kuri南瓜有一个独特的,让步ntrated sweet flavor that’s beautiful in”,芝加哥Frontera Grill的厨师Rick Bayless说。(胡桃木是一个很好的替代品。)他用苹果,肉桂和雷西尼ancho辣椒添加了更多风味,甚至在壁球种子中混合了味道。Slideshow: 更温暖的汤食谱食品和葡萄酒的食谱亚搏电竞亚搏电竞Chefs' Easy Weeknight Dinners.
Butternut Squash Tartines with Pancetta and Pecorino
在这个简单的tart骨食谱中,胡桃南瓜被带有一点辣椒的凹口 - 少量的热量与甜食作斗争。酥脆,烟熏培根和大量剃须的Pecorino奶酪的顶部增添了完美的咸味。Slideshow: 更多的胡桃南瓜Recipes

Our 28 Best Butternut Squash Recipes

There are several seasonal ingredients we gravitate toward in the fall, including apples, pumpkins, cranberries, and, of course, butternut squash. Soft and creamy when cooked, with the ability to taste sweet or savory depending on the preparation, it’s a versatile food we keep coming back to. You can add it to macaroni and cheese, make it into soup, and even use it to create a version of chicken Parmesan. Read on for those dishes, as well as other butternut squash recipes we love.