

Rating: Unrated 2
For this creative take on lasagna, chewy, tender Korean rice cakes are coated with a spicy sauce of sweet Italian sausage, fennel seeds, crushed red pepper flakes, gochujang, ssamjang, and kimchi. A caramelized, bubbly, stringy provolone topping helps temper the heat. Find tubular Korean rice cakes, which are sold partially cooked and vacuum-sealed, in the freezer section at Korean markets or online.
烤宽面条与蘑菇ragù和prosciutto cotto
Rating: Unrated 4
This 24-layered pasta masterpiece from Danielle Glantz, chef and owner of Pastaio Via Corta, a pasta shop in Gloucester, Massachusetts, consists of a heartymushroom ragù用干和新鲜的蘑菇制成;奶油,注入洋葱的贝切梅尔;和咸薄片cotto,分层handmade sheets of pasta。格兰兹说:“面食片就像丝绸一样,与您最关心的人分享是特别的。”“我建议在几天内将食谱分开。制作ragù,然后制作贝加梅尔,然后在早晨制作意大利面。”推出面食时,请确保非常谨慎地使用面粉。如果使用过多,可以很快将面团干燥,面团将变得非常困难。在切入之前,请务必让烤宽面条静置30分钟。ragù和béchamel可以提前3天整理,面食可以提前1天。
Onion Béchamel
而不是冲过贝加梅尔她的史诗般的烤宽面条,Pastaio的厨师Danielle Glantz通过Corta选择了长时间的慢炖,使浓郁的浓密的白色酱汁融合了一半的洋葱的味道,随着酱汁煮熟并变稠,它们变得融化了。这种浓郁的酱汁可以提前一天制作,并在密封的容器中冷藏;在低火中缓慢加热,如果需要,加入一滴水以松开。
素食烤宽面条“ bolognese”与植物性肉
Rating: Unrated 1
Not Up for a Big Thanksgiving Turkey? Lasagna Is the Answer
Rating: Unrated 2
要创建一个充满风味的素食宽面条(而不是淡淡的含水),请先烘烤蘑菇和红辣椒搭配快速注入大蒜的油。蔬菜在烹饪时,将帕尔玛干酪盛满的快速乳清干酪搅拌在一起,以增加鲜味。使用No-Boil Lasagna面条和优质的商店购买的番茄酱在不牺牲味道的情况下减少了烹饪时间。有关的: 更多的烤宽面条食谱

More Lasagna

Woven Lasagna with Prosciutto and Fresh Spinach Sauce
Rating: Unrated 2
As we soar into Salt Lake City, Utah, my boyfriend Tom is looking through one of the plane’s tiny oval windows toward the snow-capped mountains, noting weather conditions in anticipation of a weekend shredding powder. Meanwhile, I’m checking for a Wi-Fi signal so I can find a grocery store where I can shop for our après-ski meals.Early spring ski trips with friends are kind of a thing for Tom and me. Tom and said friends are accomplished skiers. I am not. My strength in the group is serving as chef for the weekend. So before I strap into ski boots and ascend the mountain, I’m thinking about the details of the feast to follow. Last winter, in a cabin outside of Park City, Utah, I made an old-school lasagna that was such a hit everyone emailed me after the trip demanding the recipe.You’ll find no handmade pasta or béchamel sauce in this lasagna. When cooking in a remote locale, I take pleasure in such conveniences as a box of noodles and a can of tomatoes. And instead of that classic combination of ground beef, pork, and veal, I find that Italian sausage flavored with fennel seeds and other Italian seasonings makes up for the fact that I’m simply not going to buy several jars of dried herbs of unknown freshness at peak prices while on holiday. But fresh basil brings brightness, sliced mushrooms lend earthiness and toothsome texture, and ricotta delivers the creaminess between the layers.Since you’re eating Italian food in an alpine setting, what better wine to pair with this casual lasagna than an Alpine Italian red. These rustic wines typically have lively acidity and a medium body to play well with the richness of the dish. So check a bottle of Nebbiolo from Valle d’Aosta or Nerello Mascalese from Mount Etna.When cooking for famished friends in a kitchen of modest means, the key is to make hearty food that satisfies a crowd and can either be made ahead or pulled together quickly after a long day on the slopes. Build the lasagna the night before so all it needs is an hour or so in the oven while your crew showers up. (This is a great strategy not only for ski vacations, but for busy weeknights, too.) Then you’ll have a comforting meal that’s eaten in long johns and Wigwams, with full wine glasses, in front of a crackling fire.
Fast-and-Easy Curried Vegetable Lasagna

这是我个人最喜欢的烤宽面条。奶油curry sauce will remind you of butter chicken. Adjust the amount of chile flakes for more or less heat.幻灯片:更多的烤宽面条食谱