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This faux lasagna Bolognese delivers all the comforting flavors of the Italian classic, thanks to layers of richly seasoned plant-based meat and a quickly simmered marinara. Cheesy spinach and tender zucchini pack in even more vegetables, which get an extra umami boost from plenty of parmesan. If you’ve never cooked with plant-based meat before, trust your instincts and your eyes; it browns as it cooks, just like ground beef.


学分:艾伦·玛丽·克罗宁(Ellen Mary Cronin亚搏电竞






Instructions Checklist
  • Season zucchini slices with remaining 1 tablespoon salt and arrange in a single layer on a sheet pan lined with paper towels. Allow zucchini slices to drain for 30 minutes; remove excess salt and moisture with paper towels and pat dry.

  • 与此同时,使酱汁:他at oil in a large pot over medium-high heat. Add onion and garlic; cook, stirring frequently, until onion is tender and translucent, about 3 minutes. Add 1 package plant-based ground meat, and cook, stirring frequently and breaking apart larger pieces into smaller pieces, until browned, about 5 minutes. Transfer browned “meat” to a medium bowl with a slotted spoon and, continue browning the remaining plant-based ground meat in two more batches until all has been browned. Return all browned “meat to the pot and season with 1 teaspoon salt and 1/2 teaspoon pepper; set aside.

  • Combine crushed tomatoes, 3/4 cup fire-roasted diced tomatoes, and 1/3 cup chopped bell pepper in a food processor and process until completely smooth, about 1 minute. Add tomato mixture, remaining 3/4 cup fire-roasted diced tomatoes, and remaining 1/3 cup chopped bell pepper to pot with meat and stir until well combined. Stir in 1 1/2 teaspoons Italian seasoning, 1 teaspoon salt, 1/2 teaspoon black pepper, and crushed red pepper to taste (if using). Bring sauce mixture to a boil over medium-high; reduce heat to medium-low, and simmer, stirring occasionally, until sauce is fragrant and slightly reduced, about 10 minutes. Remove pot from heat. Stir in chopped basil and set aside.

  • 排在过滤器中排干菠菜,然后用纸巾紧紧包裹;从菠菜中挤出多余的水分,直到干燥。将意大利乳清干酪,鸡蛋,菠菜,1/4杯马苏里拉奶酪,磨碎的帕尔玛干酪和剩余的1 1/2茶匙意大利调味料一起搅拌在一起搅拌。搁置。

  • 预热烤箱至375°F。用烹饪喷雾剂轻轻润滑13- x 9英寸的烤盘。将大约1 1/2杯肉酱撒在烤盘底部的均匀层中。用2个宽面条面条盖住,并将1杯菠菜和奶酪混合物涂在面条上;均匀地搭配1 1/2杯肉酱,并撒上2杯切碎的马苏里拉奶酪。将西葫芦切成薄片的冰淇淋片上的芝士奶酪。将1杯菠菜和奶酪混合物撒在西葫芦片上;搭配1 1/2杯肉酱顶部。撒上2杯切碎的马苏里拉奶酪;顶部剩余的2个宽面条面。 Spread remaining 1 cup spinach and cheese mixture over noodles, and top evenly with remaining 1 1/2 cups “meat” sauce; sprinkle with remaining 1 3/4 cups shredded mozzarella cheese and shredded parmesan cheese.

  • 用箔和烘烤将锅盖住,盖上盖,直到边缘起泡,奶酪馅料融化,约1 1/2小时。从锅中取出箔纸,继续烘烤,直到烤宽面条的顶部为10至15分钟。如果需要,让宽面条冷却5分钟,然后切割并食用,用切碎的罗勒饰有切碎的罗勒。


Lasagna can be made up to a day in advance and stored, covered, in the refrigerator.
