

On any given Tuesday before the冠状病毒大流行,餐饮业处于心理健康危机。原因有很多:处理精神健康和成瘾问题的人被吸引到这项工作,因为它一直是存在于边缘的人们的天堂;餐厅工作有残酷的时间,通常很少付钱,也不提供医疗保健;有轻松获得酒精和非法物质; and workers have traditionally been因受虐狂而获得奖励- 起来做饭。精神健康问题长期以来一直是餐厅文化的一部分,但是直到近年来,该行业才开始公开质疑为什么这么容易被接受并讨论通过将其扫到地毯下而造成的损害。


Anthony Bourdain's death by suicide2018年6月,人们打电话给酒店业。这种难以想象的损失使个人和社区组成支持团体,并与同事和朋友和完美的陌生人进行不舒服但必要的对话,并消除了围绕心理健康和成瘾的一些污名,使脆弱性等同于弱点。仍然有一个巨大的路要走,但是社区至少在正确的方向上绊倒了道路。

And then, in the course of a few days, everything changed. Governmental measures that have been enacted to stop the spread of COVID-19 have forced restaurants to adapt quickly. Depending on the state and region, bars that don't serve food have been ordered to close, and countless restaurants have quickly pivoted to offering delivery and curbside pickup only to avoid further transmission of the virus. Hundreds of thousands of restaurant and bar employees havelost their jobseither temporarily or permanently, many of whom don't qualify forunemployment benefits(如果他们甚至可以通过电话通过)。没有任何终点,餐饮业的未来是一个广阔的未知数。

There is no one who is not hurting and scared right now, and this collective emotional crisis may fall especially hard on hospitality workers, who are used to being on the front lines of any emergency. When a natural or man-made disaster strikes, restaurant people are some of the first to step up. They figure out a way to feed people and offer sustenance and solace because it is what they do and who they are. Absent the ability to do that, and in a position of need themselves, cooks, bartenders, servers, and other restaurant workers are in crisis right now. Even if they're not a person who has been prone to mental health or substance abuse issues, it doesn't mean that depression, anxiety, obsession, thoughts of self-harm, and the urge to self-medicate or break sobriety can't creep in. As restaurateur and Ben's Friends founder Steve Palmer mentioned ona recent Communal Table podcast, isolation is the enemy of sobriety and mental health—but just because people can't physically be together doesn't mean that they can't have community.

作为一个有多年清醒的人,他面临着其他行业面临的压力和不确定性,他敦促人们与他们建立联系 - 介绍,电话,电话,视频聊天,DMS,电子邮件,电子邮件和亚搏刀塔2Ben的朋友通过Zoom进行的各种恢复会议。无论您是因为您认为他们需要它而签到某人,还是为了您自己的健康,这些联系对我们的存在至关重要,并提醒我们我们很重要,即使目前似乎是徒劳的。



I've spoken with countless restaurant workers over the past few weeks as the reality of this has set in, and the frustration and fear is palpable. There are no answers about how this will all unfold, and while we can all advocate and fight for community and federal relief, we're removed from our regular lives. For restaurant workers who have structured their entire lives around their career—often to the exclusion of a social life, family, romantic relationships, and their own health and wellbeing—suddenly the unfilled hours are stretching out ahead and causing them to question who they are outside of this daily structure.

Here's what I have said to them: You are still a chef, a bartender, a line cook, a server. Even if your restaurant or bar has shut down, you are still that person with those skills and that experience. When the restaurant industry rebuilds—and I have to believe it will—you will still be that person, with that value, with that heart and those hands that you possess. For now, pull on those kitchen pants or that apron, fire up the sound of a printer, mise out your lunch, say "Hot behind!" to your cat, and remember who you are. Then reach out to a friend and serve them, too.



文本“家”这个词来# 741741在任何时候,天啊r night, and you'll be connected to a trained counselor who will help guide you to a calmer state of mind, or help you find the resources you need. The service is free and is also available via Facebook Messenger.crisistextline.org


Call 1-800-273-8255 if you or someone you love is in danger. Free and confidential support is available for people in distress, as well as prevention and crisis resources for you or your loved ones, and best practices for professionals.suicidepreventionlifeline.com


本的朋友is a food and beverage industry support group offering hope, fellowship, and a path forward to professionals who struggle with substance abuse and addiction. Founded in honor of Ben Murray, a lifelong chef who took his own life after struggling with alcoholism for years, Ben's Friends exists to provide a safe haven and an anonymous, judgment-free forum for workers in an industry that has one of the highest rates of substance abuse in the country. They are currently offering free Zoom meetings both nationally and locally.bensfriendshope.com


萨克拉曼多厨师帕特里克·穆尔瓦尼(Patrick Mulvaney)称伊吉布(Igyb)“有望共同支持我们的同龄人并减少围绕心理健康和相关问题的污名。”餐饮业突然出现了自杀和过量服用,并在2018年底和2019年初袭击了萨克拉曼多,他促使他开始了一个节目“将悲伤和悲伤转变为勇气和乐观,我们希望看到它从餐厅到餐厅到城市,到城市,城市和工业到工业。”igotyourback.info

Southern Smoke




下班后的餐厅被构想开始修复餐厅商业模式外的Tangibles酒店工作者面临的餐厅。纽约市的中位薪水仅为29,000美元,大多数招待员工都无法承受保险,更不用说自己咨询了。该小组向需要它的员工提供有价值的信息,包括可下载的图形,指向求助热线和服务的链接以及从一月份开始, the group will launch an online therapy program.restaurantafterhours.org

The Giving Kitchen


Chefs With Issues

Full disclosure: I started this resource in 2016 in response to the lack of mental health resources and community for hospitality workers. The Facebook group of nearly 4000 members is a safe and nonjudgmental community space to talk through the issues the industry faces and find common ground.facebook.com/groups/chefswithissues

个人Mise En Place

酒店老兵保罗·芬恩开发了这种个人Mise En方法作为跟踪自己的行为和例行程序的日常系统。受经典厨房系统的启发,它采用了“一切位置”的概念,并将其应用于情感和心理健康。他说:“通过诚实地看一下自己的日常仪式,您可以学会识别模式,使您可以清除米斯中的非生产性物品,并用更有效和富有生产力的例程代替它们。”personalmise.com

A Balanced Glass

从事葡萄酒贸易的丽贝卡·霍普金斯(Rebecca Hopkins)开亚搏电竞始注意到,她和记者和瑜伽教练凯西·惠吉(Cathy Huyghe)持续不断的旅行,消费,狂欢yabo电竞投注和过度对她的同事的福祉造成了不言而喻的损失。平衡的玻璃 - 一个全球社区,可帮助葡萄酒业务中的人们共同寻求更健康的方向。亚搏电竞abalancedglass.com


由劳拉·路易斯·格林(Laura Louise Green)创立的Healthy Pour是一个组织,可为酒吧,餐馆,酒店,品牌,非营利组织以及心理健康治疗师提供有关在酒店业及其周围工作的个人的支持和支持的咨询和教育。他们编制了一系列免费的在线资源列表,以供酒店工作者适应这一前所未有的挑战。healthypour.org


Healthy Hospo是一家非营利性社区利益公司,梦想建立更健康,更快乐,更可持续的酒店业。他们提供有关心理和身体健康的信息,建议,支持和培训,以及如何从健康和健康专家以及那些致力于热情款待的酒店业的所有人蓬勃发展。HealthyHospo.com


Open Path is a non-profit nationwide network of mental health professionals dedicated to providing in-office mental health care—at a steeply reduced rate—to individuals, couples, children, and families in need.openpathcollat​​ive.org

Needy Meds

The clinics in non-profit Needy Meds' database offer medical services (some may also offer dental, mental health, or substance addiction services) and are free, low-cost, low-cost with a sliding scale based on income, or offer some type of financial assistance.needymeds.org


NAMI has developed these guidelines for dealing with COVID-19 specific stress and challenges.nami.org


Mental health app Shine in partnership with Mental Health America has compiled resources for coping with anxiety and your mental health in a global climate of uncertainty.virusanxiety.com

- 包含免费内容的应用




Insight Timer是烹饪行业中许多人的最爱,并提供了数千种引导和非引导冥想。insighttimer.com