


安东尼·布尔登自杀了。I don't know why. Even if I did, it wouldn't matter, because it cannot be undone or make anyone feel any better. There was absolutely no one else in the world like him, and the constant refrain I heard from chefs, writers, and food lovers I met through my work as a journalist was, "I want to be Anthony Bourdain."


The world saw what he ate and how he traveled. Heard him opine often and loudly about things of which he did not approve, and maybe even louder about the things he did. He took great pains to champion the things and people he cared about deeply.

有一段时间,他关心海洛因和其他过剩,但是近年来他似乎不再了。尽管如此,这仍然使他陷入了许多人的脑海,尤其是那些被吸引厨房的人的头脑,这是一个虚无,摇滚明星,坏男孩,顽强的驾驶,海盗船长,他们将自虐待和工作假单胞主义视为荣誉的徽章,他们确实做到了他们该死的模仿他。但是,即使布尔登已经过去了,并表达了tremendous regret at the "meathead" culturethat had metastasized out of his chronicle of kitchen life,厨房机密。他精确而热情地谈论了该行业的失败(包括他自己的行业),并the culture at large。他命名了名字,他戳了蜂箱,在山上被指控。

The first time we ever met, it was because he wrote something I didn't like, then I wrote something he didn't like, and then he rained holy hellfire down on me on Twitter and I was terrified. But I didn't back down and he seemed to like that. Mutual friends told us both that we were on the same side, even if we didn't know it, and when I finally met him in person, he leaned down—God, he was a tall man—and said, "We're going to be friends." And then suddenly we really were on the same side.

His side was on that of people who work in restaurants. He loved dishwashers, porters, barbacks, bartenders, line cooks, prep cooks, sous chefs, and the fancy ones with their name over the door. And I stand there proudly with him.

我运行了一个名为的网站Chefs With Issues,这是一个谈论心理健康和餐饮业痛苦的禁忌话题的平台。这就是我知道厨师一直以突然的方式和长时间缓慢滑动而死亡的方式。有时这是一次意外,但经常是他们自己的手,我无法忍受一次发生的事情。我不在餐馆工作,但是我已经在那个悬崖上的边缘,我曾经承诺过的最可怕的自我保护行为就是公开这一事实。这真是令人恐惧,撕开胸部,向可能不了解的人展示自己最丑陋,最黑暗的部分。但这就是光线的方式。在有问题社区的厨师中,它是世界各地的餐厅工作人员,分享了数百射线,我只是在祈祷我们可以指导更多的人安全。我全心全意地希望托尼一直到我们身边。


If you need help,这是一个人和地方的清单that want to hear from you, culled from Chefs With Issues:



Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration: The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) is the agency within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services that leads public health efforts to advance the behavioral health of the nation. SAMHSA’s mission is to reduce the impact of substance abuse and mental illness on America’s communities.samhsa.gov