Practical ways to keep your staff and customers safe during the COVID-19 outbreak.


作为冠状病毒爆发蔓延,,,,restaurants across the country are无限期关闭,无论是由政府授权还是主动关闭以遏制病毒。((Here's a list of the all the states that have closed bars and restaurants,,,,while allowing for takeout and delivery operations.)

FW Pro |餐馆如何为冠状病毒做准备
学分:雅各布·隆德 /盖蒂图像

The closures affect millions of American workers,谁现在退出工作并导航失业。This article is intended to help restaurant and hospitality industry workers navigate the impact of COVID-19. This post will be updated regularly.


当企业无限期地关闭企业时,数以百万计的餐馆工作人员被解雇了。从基层努力到政府救济的各种计划,赠款和资源已经开始成形。Here is a roundup of many of them。许多餐馆也创建了救济资金为了他们的裁员,并在Instagram上推广了他们。


如果您或您认识的任何人在此期间正在为精神疾病或成瘾而苦苦挣扎,您可以查看我们的F&W Pro心理健康和清醒指南并分享范围广泛。

“很难看到未来,甚至只有片刻的理解会没事的,但是一次只要一天就可以,让情绪过去,照顾好自己,” Onwuachi厨师说。在我们的公共表播客的最近一集中。"You don't have to come out of this with a new skill or newfound purpose—don't have that kind of pressure on yourself."

He continued, "Be OK with not knowing what you're going to do next because it doesn't happen that often. In the restaurant industry we are very task-oriented and we know exactly what's happening next. When we quit a job, we already have started at another place."


3月28日,特朗普总统签署了2万亿美元的冠状病毒援助,救济和经济安全法(Cares)法律。该法案包含餐厅业务的规定,并扩大了小型企业主的贷款选择(尽管并非所有计划都可以使用)。这对您的企业和员工意味着什么?从薪水保护计划的详细信息到经济伤害灾难贷款的可用性,我们现在就打破了有关该法案的所有信息。Read our guide here

4月16日,薪水保护计划无需资金;现在正在补充。我们打破了第二轮Cares Act的资金对您的餐厅意味着什么

许多厨师和餐馆老板have insisted that current measures are not nearly enough to save restaurants。汤姆有限公司licchio, Kwame Onwuachi, Naomi Pomeroy, and thousands more chefs and restaurant industry leaders have banded together to form the Independent Restaurant Coalition and advocate for more aggressive legislation. The new group has sent a letter to Congress demanding more assistance for independently run restaurants, which are uniquely disadvantaged in this current crisis.

"The plan so far is really insufficient to restaurants needs," said Tom Colicchio in a press conference. "We need additional funding. We’re not looking for a bailout—we’re looking to get back to work when we can get back to work. We were forced to shut down."

何塞·安德烈斯(JoseAndrés)和妮娜·康普顿(Nina Compton)等厨师现在呼吁建立一个耗资1200亿美元的餐厅稳定基金。安德烈斯说:“我们是战士。

In an new essay,,,,restaurateur Bobby Stuckey warns that the closure of restaurants will deal a blow to the American economy that we haven’t seen in ages.


随着越来越多的餐馆和酒吧被要求关闭,企业正在扩大他们的外卖和交付选择,或者甚至第一次推出它们。但是,许多餐馆已决定暂时关闭直到限制,出于对员工安全的关注。无论哪种方式,餐馆老板are making painful choices当他们适应新模型并尝试由员工做正确的过程中。

阅读我们的故事如何为您的餐厅准备外卖,交货,which includes tips from chefs around the country who are brainstorming new revenue streams.

“目前,我正在考虑以下相交:易于生产的食物,人们想要的菜肴以及适合时代的价格。”亚搏电竞Centrolinaand Piccolino in Washington, DC. “If you want to work with a delivery service, reach out right now. They’re being bombarded.”

在不到24小时的时间内,波士顿厨师Karen Akunowicz将她屡获殊荣的Fox&The Knife变成了一个全新的概念:takeway新鲜的意大利面和特色商品操作,称为Fox Knife。您可以阅读有关她如何做到的here

Chef Ed Lee has launched a robust to-go menu for610年木兰在路易斯维尔。“重点是价值和可以长期保持的菜肴,”李说。“我们正在考虑,可能需要重新加热甚至保存菜肴,直到第二天。”

西雅图精美的美食机构Canlis是最早宣布他们将关闭餐厅业务的人之一,至少暂时将启动接送概念。“我们正在关闭饭厅,将食物带给您,”餐厅亚搏电竞宣布,,,,long before state mandates began being announced. "Fine dining is not what Seattle needs right now. Instead, this is one idea for safely creating jobs for our employees while serving as much of our city as we can."

对于史蒂夫·帕尔默(Steve Palmer)的餐馆来说,交货和外卖只是没有削减。他是Indigo Road Hospitality Group的执行合伙人,该集团在东南和中大西洋经营16家餐厅。他告诉他说:“对我们来说,从商业角度来看,收入是如此之低。”亚搏电竞食物和酒。亚搏电竞It's an important stream of income for the employees, however; and the tips have been generous.


“I've spoken with operators that think that from a public safety point of view, take out is irresponsible, that we just need to shut everything down,” Palmer says. “Listen, everybody gets to have their own opinion. And there's no guidebook for pandemics. So we're all just doing the best we can.”

作为F&W餐厅编辑Khushbu Shah在她最近的文章中写道"It's Time to Delete Your Delivery Apps," make sure to call restaurants directly when ordering delivery or takeout, so they can avoid the predatory commission fees of delivery platforms like Grubhub.

Supporting healthcare workers

有效地转向汤厨房的11个麦迪逊公园(Madison Park)是全国各地的众多餐馆之一,为Covid-19危机前线的人们烹饪餐点:医生,护士和看护人。丹尼尔·汉姆(Daniel Humm)一支前员工的团队正在工作15小时的时间,为纽约市的医院工作人员和看护人提供诸如博洛尼斯和炖牛肉之类的菜肴。

何塞·安德烈斯(JoséAndrésdoctors and nurses will eat for free

Small American coffee shops and roasters are also stepping up to support healthcare workers and raise funds for coronavirus relief. Here's how they're giving back同时仍设法保持照明


As strange as things feel now, they're likely to get stranger. Hospitality industry workers are leaning on each other for support, encouragement, and advice as the crisis drags on.Industry United是一个专门为支持餐厅提供的新的Facebook集团在Covid-19爆发期间的支持:“这个群体存在于行业中的我们所有人,可以聚在一起谈论由于COVID-19的疫情而导致的问题。我们在这里我们在这里可以提出问题,掌握信息并在这个艰难的时间内互相支持。”


目前有a petition,signed by Nancy Silverton, Alice Waters, Will Guidara, and thousands of others in the restaurant industry, urging the government to help save restaurants and bars.

“Just as many individuals live from paycheck to paycheck, so too do restaurants and bars. There’s no nest egg. No reserve fund. No glass to break in case of emergency,” petition says。“我们不能在家工作,即使我们暂时转化为交货和携带,我们也会失去大部分收入,而我们的员工依靠的提示可以生存。没有重大帮助,许多人(如果不是我们大多数人)将消失,我们的社区将被剥夺他们的聚会场所,慷慨和记忆,又尚未到来。”

Communicating PTO policies for sick employees

除了预防self-quarantine, sick employees remove themselves from the work environment—even if they’re not sure they’re sick, or they don’t think it’s coronavirus—is by far the most effective single action. According to the L.A. Department of Public Health, this is the number one step staff should take, outweighing even washing hands and sanitizing surfaces. Its importance cannot be overstated.

“The early stages of COVID-19 infection are really indistinguishable from things like flu,” Dr. Roger Detels, M.D, tells us. He’s the Dean Emeritus at UCLA School of Public Health. “So anybody that has any sort of respiratory symptoms, fever, or doesn't feel well really should stay at home and not come to work until they’re over the episode.”

wearing masks


This might be operationally challenging for a variety of reasons: the discomfort of wearing a stuffy mask in an already-hot kitchen, ensuring masks are regularly stocked, and enforcing the rule.


Increasing the frequency of this basic sanitary procedure is a powerful step. Perthis coronavirus restaurant guidefrom the L.A. Department of Public Health, high-touch surfaces deserving special attention include: counters, tabletops, refrigeration doors, cash register counters, bathroom fixtures, toilets, trash cans, and phones. They advise using an Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)-registered product that cleans (removes germs) and disinfects (kills germs).


Cash, as we’ve all heard at this point, is a细菌载体。鼓励客人对自己和员工都使用其信用卡限制问题。更好的是,像Square这样的iPad平台使顾客可以不将其信用卡移交给员工。