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注意:截至发稿时,此故事中的信息是准确的。但是,随着Covid-19围绕的情况的不断发展,自出版以来,一些数据可能发生了变化。虽然食品和葡亚搏电竞萄酒试亚搏电竞图使我们的故事尽可能最新,但我们还鼓励读者通过使用该故事来了解自己的社区的新闻和建议疾病预防控制中心,WHO, 和their local public health department as resources.

如果你近1400万res之一taurant workers around the country, many of whom areout of work due to the coronavirus pandemic, you’re not alone. We have resources to help you navigate this unprecedented time.

在过去的72小时一项公平的工资,Restaurant Workers’ Community Foundation,United States Bartenders Guild, 和餐厅员工的孩子。All of them are offering some sort of grants or emergency assistance—more on how to apply for those below. On top of that, there have been countless regional efforts like theSeattle Emergency Hospitality Fundand D.C.-based钩厅有帮助,创建的是为了支持当地社区。(对于全国各地的更多救济资金,在这里查看我们的综述。)

As the crisis has proven, these are all Band-Aids on a deeply structural problem. Governmental safety nets like unemployment, disability insurance, and paid family leave are skeletal at best. And employees are scrambling.

纽约一名裁员的酒店工作者在Twitter上写, “I have my last paycheck and...that's it. That's everything I have.” Another laid-off worker in Portland描述picking up her last check, along with food from the closing restaurant. “Today we picked up our final checks,” she wrote. “We are all laid off & are eligible for #Unemployment. Our GM & Chef/Owner set up the dining room like a grocery store so we could walk around & take food home.”

但是,对于许多人来说,失业甚至不是一种选择。它甚至不适用于洛杉矶和纽约等城市中的近一半,who are undocumented, according to Saru Jayaraman, director of employee advocacy group One Fair Wage.


补充营养Assistance Program (SNAP), formerly known as food stamps (U.S. Government)

Compared to unemployment claims, there’s less verification involved—meaning faster turnaround, hopefully. Find your state’s website and申请online

Paid Family Leave (U.S. Government)

If you’ve had to care for an infected family member, you may be eligible for Paid Family Leave (PFL). Several states offer some version of PFL, with varying qualifications. Legal advocacy group更好的平衡offersa good summary这些好处。

Unemployment (U.S. Government)

纽约的失业网站实际上是本周收到的申请量的;州长安德鲁·库莫(Andrew Cuomo)放弃了为期一周的等待期,让人们注册。在加利福尼亚州,州长加文·纽瑟姆(Gavin Newsom)也做了同样的事情。失业显然对主要依赖小费的劳动力有局限性;此外,几乎肯定会毫无疑问,薪水上限(加利福尼亚每周450美元,纽约每周504美元)几乎肯定会没有以前的收入。不过,申请并没有什么坏处。请注意,考虑到与Covid-19的申请急促,有些州已经制定了特殊指南,建议人们在某些时间范围内申请,以不超载网站。

Disability Insurance (U.S. Government)

即使您没有资格失业,您也可能有资格disability insurance。如果您的身心健康状况使您无法工作,这是您州政府提供的短期每月津贴。这无需与冠状病毒有关。您需要医疗专业人员(医生,精神科医生等)的签名。

Crowdsourced National Resources

Sign up for One Fair Wage’semergency fund, which plans to distribute $213 to every laid off service worker nationwide. They’ve gotten up to 50,000 applications so far, so know that this might take a while.

The Restaurant Workers’ Community Foundation is raising money to分配资金nationwide to service workers in need. Email covidhelp@restaurantworkerscf.org to express interest.

If you’re a bartender anywhere in the country, you can申请to the United States Bartenders Guild’s emergency grant. Children and spouses of bartenders are also eligible to apply. (Data analytics company SipSciencejust launched a GoFundMeto raise $100,000 for this cause.)

餐厅员工的孩子有资源to help, although it’s unclear the quantity and availability of these grants. Email Kristen@coregives.org for more information.

Regional Resources

如果您在纽约市,请重新考虑食物亚搏电竞is hiringlaid-off culinary workers.

TheSeattle Hospitality Emergency Fundis currently trying to raise $150,000 to distribute to the city’s workers. Unfortunately, as of this writing, it is no longer taking applications. However, organizer Jessica Tousignant has assured the public that this is only temporary.


In Los Angeles, restaurants currently partnering with mobile app Off the Menu will be receiving funds from他们的gofundme。单击合作伙伴餐厅的链接。

Also in L.A., Nancy Silverton’s Mozza will be functioning as a makeshift resource center for laid-off restaurant employees, nightly from 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.. Workers can grab to-go dinners as well as basic supplies like toilet paper, Tylenol, and diapers. Must show paperwork to prove that they were recently employed with a restaurant. More detailshere

In California, the California Restaurant Foundation正在提供帮助仅适用于被诊断出患有Covid-19的工人或那些被医生注释的工人。鉴于首先要进行测试的困难和费用,或者为大多数餐厅员工获得任何类型的医疗服务,这充其量是名义上的。

Note: The Limitations of Government Aid and Crowdsourcing

As director at UC Berkeley’s Food Labor Research Center, Saru Jayaraman has talked to service industry employees all over America. And she estimates that a full 40% of the restaurant workforce—especially in cities like Los Angeles, New York, Chicago, and San Francisco—are undocumented, rendering them ineligible for unemployment and other vital governmental benefits.

“When I say undocumented, an immediate image comes to peoples’ minds,” she says. “They’re thinking brown [people], dishwashers. And that’s so not true. They’re front-of-house and managers—I’ve met countless managers who are undocumented. And they’re from all over the world.” And all of them will receive zero government-related assistance. Even Trump’s proposed $1000 stimulus check—assuming it passes—is for citizens only.

更重要的是,对于另外30%的餐馆工人来说dohave legal status, seeking government assistance can be scary. “I talked just yesterday to a resident who said, ‘I’d never apply for unemployment benefits because it would jeopardize my application for permanent residency,’” she says.

That’s a full 70% of the restaurant workforce who cannot or will not apply for governmental aid. For those that do, the situation is still bleak. “We've got an even wider universe of people in our industry who won't be able to access unemployment insurance because they were part time or they didn't work long enough in the restaurant to access employment,” Jayaraman points out.

“We are literally the largest industry in America,” Jayaraman says. “The number two largest workforce in America and the lowest paid. People who are laid off on Saturday have no way to feed their kids on Monday. It is not sustainable.”

对于那些能够导航崩溃的州政府网站以要求其失业支票的人来说,许多人将比应有的低。在50个州中的43个州中,工人的薪水与非注重工人的最低工资没有。而且,由于政府仍然没有很好的计算技巧的方法(减少将其付给失业福利),因此企业支票可能会令人沮丧。Jayaraman说:“ 43个州的倾向工人的荒谬最低工资低至每小时2.13美元。”“基于该荒谬的少量工资,失业保险的好处是什么?”


贾亚拉曼(Jayaraman)和其他人正在游说系统上的变化,以超越众包。就像厨师和餐馆老板一样目前请愿for emergency employment benefits and rent abatement, One Fair Wage continues to fight for a basic minimum wage. Down the road, this higher wage will help restaurant workers be less dependent on tips, more immune to fluctuations in business, and better equipped to build personal savings. Signthe petition, 和fill outtheir form联系您的立法者。他们还在寻找1,000名志愿者,Jayaraman股票,并应对他们的网站进行有关如何参与的更新。