
Cookies may be fun to make but they're even better to eat. And with thousands of variations spanning so many flavors and shapes, there's a cookie out there for every taste. Creative bakers have made them into sandwiches andbars涂用巧克力酱,里面装上果酱nd even stuffed them with candy. There's really no end to the possibilities. F&W's guide to these tiny desserts offers tons of holiday ideas, healthy recipes (yes, really) and lessons from the experts for perfecting your techniques.


Rating: Unrated 1
These richly spiced, chewy sourdough cookies are an excellent way to use excess sourdough starter or discard, which is never in short supply for habitual sourdough bakers. The trick to the cookie's bold character is using as many freshly ground spices as possible—their strong punchiness is pleasantly balanced by the rich flavor of the flours and unrefined sweeteners. A spice grinder is best for preparing whole spices into a fine powder for measuring, but a clean coffee mill works just as well. Using this combination of stone-ground spelt, rye, and buckwheat flours leads to a robust grain flavor, thick cookie, and slight chew. This is a thick, hefty dough; Sarah Owens sources heavy-duty vintage ice cream scoops to make portioning easier. For a stronger flavor and more tender crumb, ferment the dough in the refrigerator for up to 5 days before scooping and baking.
Rating: Unrated 1
“我们不经常找到不喜欢伟大,柔软,易碎的巧克力饼干的人,所以这些是我们的对待许多目的,”Todd Porter和Diane Cu说。“当有新的邻居时,我们欢迎他们与拼盘的邻居。如果我们的邮件运营商或UPS司机正在努力工作并向我们提供沉重的包装,我们将在一袋这些饼干中发出谢谢。需要向某人道歉?这些是再次启动谈话的完美催化剂,并承认你搞砸了。黑暗巧克力香草饼干加倍,因为完美的假期烘焙了良好,因为粉末糖的浅尘增添了完美的类比柔软,漂流的雪。更好的是,用一些蛋白酒或热苹果夹配对这些是一个很好的盛宴。这些巧克力饼干最好吃(不是大多数饼干?)或至少在同一天。“
This Holiday Season, Join the League of Cookies
When it comes to holiday cookies, think globally and you'll eat so very merrily.
Matcha粉末为来自Aiko Cascio的这些酥脆黄油饼干增加了节日颜色,这是纽约市的厨房联盟的日本烹饪教练。Cascio学会了如何从在东京拥有面包店的朋友那里制作这些不太甜蜜的斗牛茶味饼干,在那里他们在冬季假日季节很受欢迎。Matcha粉末由精细研磨的绿茶叶制成,并为这些饼干施加稍微苦,朴实的味道,融化的白色巧克力促进了甜味,给他们节日。由于面团中黄油的高比例,它在室温下快速软化;冷却它在轧制和切割之间进行干净的切割。
Kourampiedes (Greek Christmas Cookies)
漂白和烤的杏仁片带来了一个可爱的危机,让这些易碎,黄油,融入你口中的希腊圣诞饼干。一些版本的Kourampiedes添加橙色热情,但厨房联盟希腊烹饪教练Despina Memeculou,他分享了这一食谱,更喜欢黄油,糖,杏仁和香草的简单味道。这个配方很容易加倍。
Alfajores de Maizena(三明治饼干装满了Dulce de Leche)
Rating: Unrated 2
Extra-thick dulce de leche between two buttery cookies rolled in shredded coconut all add up to the perfect bite in these alfajores de maizena. Argentinian League of Kitchens instructor Mirta Rinaldi learned how to make these melt-in-your-mouth sandwich cookies from her mom. One of the most popular cookies in Argentina, they're found in all sizes at bakeries there and are picked up by the dozens for special occasions and celebrations year-round. Because of the generous amount of cornstarch in the dough, the cookies remain tender and soft after baking. Seek out dulce de leche repostero, which is made for pastry and baking, for this recipe; it's extra thick, with a firm body that won't squeeze out past the edges of the cookies in between bites.

More Cookies

Ka'ak Bi Tamer (Cinnamon-Date Paste–Filled Cookies)
Jeanette Chawki, a Lebanese cooking instructor with the League of Kitchens, over the years has developed several of her own original recipes. Her Ka'ak Bi Tamer (Cinnamon-Date Paste–Filled Cookies), flaky sweets filled with rich, nutmeg- and cinnamon-spiced date paste and topped with nigella seeds (normally found in savory goods), were inspired by a trip to her local Middle Eastern market. Be sure to let the dough rest to give the flour a chance to hydrate to prevent it from crumbling when rolling it out. These are best on the day they're made, and they're the perfect treat to have with a strong cup of Lebanese coffee.
Putri Salju Pandan (Pandan-Flavored Indonesian "Snow White" Cookies)
Rating: Unrated 1
向厨房联盟烹饪讲师Shandra Woworuntu,烘焙自然。她的祖母在10世纪80年代后期拥有东爪哇省,印度尼西亚,印度尼西亚,母亲和她的母亲在雅加达举行自制饼干业务。传统上,在印度尼西亚,Putri Salju(“白雪公主”或“雪公主”)饼干是用杏仁,花生或腰果制成的,在假期,包括圣诞节,斋月和中国新年。她的母亲的版本,现在食谱Woworuntu制造,增加了Pandan调味,省略了坚果,使它们比酥脆更饼。Pandan是一种热带植物,具有芳香的叶子,这是印度尼西亚和东南亚其他地区的流行调味,赋予了香草 - 柑橘的味道和对这些饼干的自然生动的绿色。
