Restaurant lawyer Jasmine Moy on the pivots, pitfalls, and possibilities of reopening restaurants in the wake of COVID-10.
Jasmine Moy | Read This Before Reopening Your Restaurant
Credit: Win Nondakowit / Adobe Stock

The restaurant business has never been more challenging. For ourF&W Pro指南重新开放餐厅, we've been collecting wisdom and best practices from leaders in the hospitality industry to help you navigate this unprecedented time

It feels like a lifetime ago that restaurant lawyer Jasmine Moy and I sat down together—in person—for a conversation aboutwhat people need to know before they open a restaurant。Public life has changed in almost unfathomable ways sincethat podcastin May, 2019, with the spread of COVID-19 and the overdue national reckoning on police brutality and systemic racism that was sparked by the murder of George Floyd. Restaurants owners and their employees have weathered a catastrophic loss of income, convoluted governmental support systems, a broad spectrum of behavior from diners when it comes to wearing masks, ever-changing guidance from state and federal officials, increased hygiene protocols for the protection of both staff and customers, and a host of other complications.

As restaurants around the country began to reopen in fits and starts, I called on Moy once again to share insights from what her clients are facing, and where she sees opportunities for a better future.



I have several dozen clients for whom I'm trying to renegotiate leases or alternative rent deals for the next 12 to 24 months. I was, at the beginning, very hopeful that we would all be able to work something reasonable, that landlords would want to keep a tenant inside the space. It has been an uphill battle for a good 80% of my clients. I have a few clients who are with very large institutional landlords who see the writing on the wall and are offering quite good deals on rent. These are major property developers with many billions of dollars worth of assets across the United States. Because they are so well-positioned, flush with cash or have so much sway with their banks, they are able to offer things like full rent abatements through the end of the year with severe rent discounts through 2021. That is wonderful.


I don't want to give landlords too much credit, though, because I have several clients in small family-owned buildings, whose landlords do not have mortgages on the property. Everything they're making is pure profit beyond what they're spending on real estate taxes. The line that I'm hearing is, "You should have gotten all of thisloan moneyso you should be paying the full rent with the loan."



Carry out, carry on

I certainly have a number of clients who are desperately trying to see if they can make a carry-out or catering model or a large format family meal to take home—frozen, bottled cocktails and things like that. They're trying to see what kind of revenues they can have and maximize that so that they can offer their landlord as much as possible. But there are some folks who had places that fundamentally do not adapt to takeout. Front of house service was a very important part of their concept and that's a really hard thing to translate to carry-out. They're looking at this and saying, "This is not what I set out to build. This is not the dream that I had."


有些人获得贷款资金,有版本y specific ways that you are supposed to be spending that money. So they're all sitting down with their bookkeepers and accountants, trying to figure out if they can make it work, how much of the loan they can maybe keep and how much loan they can get forgiven.

It's a lot of dominoes falling. If they can get the loan to work in a certain way, maybe they can incentivize the landlord to make a deal with them because they're able to give the landlord a lump sum of money, and then they can reopen. It's hard because everything is so tightly connected that it's very hard to make one decision without at the very least an agreement with your landlord. Things are in a bit of a standstill while they try to figure out again how to use loan money, what kind of money they think they'll be able to earn.


Folks in New York are trying to get outdoor dining dialed in. We don't know which streets are going to be open, which streets are going to be closed. Every little thing changes every day. I'm getting 40 email blasts every day from the Hospitality Alliance and Independent Restaurant Coalition, from city council members, from law firms. Hopefully over the next month or two enough pieces will fall into place where people will be able to decide one way or the other.

但是,您看着波特兰,像安迪·里克(Andy Ricker)这样的人,那里有什么,七个餐厅或其他东西,并决定只开放其中一家。我发现令人震惊,但也许我不应该。我认为这可能是这里的煤矿中的金丝雀。


重新开放将花费金钱。安装塑料分隔线要花钱。订购足够的PPE,花费金钱,花费钱来订购运输集装箱,重置您的餐厅。购买可以放在人行道上的桌子和椅子要花钱。因此,即使是那些可能认为他们可以重新开放的人,也许无法获得30、40,40,000美元的$ 50,000,他们准备重新打开,重新货架上的货架可能需要花费50,000美元。我认为结束时关闭的数量将很大。




所有的话,这些东西都不是便宜的。我非常荣幸能够花费您需要花在这些盒子上的那种盒子来获得美丽的生菜。这不是没有成本。我们需要学习在鸡尾酒,汉堡和鸡尾酒上花更多的钱。如果我们从其他地方获得它,我们需要学会为此付出更多或更大格式的餐点。我们已经交付了几个。在过去的几个月中,Fany Gerson一直在这样做 - Poozoles和炖肉,一堆玉米饼被掉下来,然后您得到了这些华丽的玉米饼,华丽的汤,玉米饼,玉米饼汤。这真的很美味,但是只有在您找到一种出售人们会付出的价格的方法时才有效努力创建它。


You base your rent upon what you think you're going to be making. For folks who are going to be at 50% capacity or 50% of revenues for the next year and a half, it makes the window rent untenable. I think if there's a silver lining here, it's that anybody who was thinking about opening a business can now retool their plan. They can add these other revenue streams or the diversification of income via various avenues.

If there's one thing we can all agree on, it's that无缝和grubhub确实是掠夺性的。Those 30% fees, 40% fees were disgusting and so counterproductive. So I think we're maybe a little more enlightened. There are other delivery options now. I think Tock charges like a half or a third of what Grubhub and Seamless were charging. Folks who are thinking about starting a business in the future can account for the fact that maybe their rent needs to be a lot lower than what people might have signed on for. They're taking into account these other revenues, doing things like being able to have access to a delivery provider that is not trying to bleed them dry.

I think the market rate on rents is going to drop, so somebody coming into the business after this will have different and better opportunities. It's just very difficult for the folks who have already locked themselves into things. I bow down to all of the people who've found ways to make this work in a way that makes sense. But it's a hustle. I even think that the clients I have who are trying to do this are probably still only breaking even. I don't know that they're making a ton of money selling boxes. They're getting by, but that's not enough.


Khushbu Shah's list of最好的新餐厅上面有食亚搏电竞物摊。实际上,这就是很多人开始的地方,因为进入的障碍要低得多。许多食品厅亚搏电竞都在我们所谓的租金上工作,这是根据您出售的销售量支付租金的,这使得食品大厅和供应商合作伙伴从某种意义上都是。而在传统的砖和砂浆中,您的房东不在乎您的表现如何。他们所关心的是,他们从您那里获得了这个固定的租金号码。



如果每个人都被迫这样做会更有帮助。当丹尼·迈耶(Danny Meyer)的联合广场酒店集团(Union Square Hospitality Group)试图转移到一个模型上,因为餐厅中的每个人都在同一竞争环境中,有些人对此感到生气。现在,由于许多原因,必须提高价格。也许租金是您的销售中的一部分,就像您的意思一样。您正在做不同级别的服务,例如执行和较大的格式,或出售冷冻饺子或您正在旋转的任何东西。

这是一个伟大的时间,看看我们可以做模型work again. People are going to have to pay more for this and they should have been paying more all along. Maybe this is a good thing, a good opportunity to reset. But it's hard to stand firm on some of these issues when they cost more, when your livelihood is at stake, if you've put some of your life savings into building a restaurant. It's not an easy thing to do, but I do think it's the right thing to do. If you can't make the model work, maybe that says something about your concept and your model not being the right one for this time. People are having to answer really tough questions.

I'm originally from a suburb of Chicago where most of the folks who were back at the house in all the restaurants I worked at were from Mexico. They had these tight knit communities where they were living with 10 people in an apartment. They couldn't open bank accounts because they didn't have social security numbers. They would have what they call a tanda, which was all of them voluntarily contributing funds to a pool. Each like a month a different person would receive those funds. So they basically had to create their own internal banking systems because they were under-banked, they were outside the system.

They would work a full shift at a restaurant and then they would work through the middle of the night, acting as couriers or delivering flowers and getting three hours of sleep, and then coming back to work at the restaurant. The fact that working full time at a restaurant still forces you to have to take these other jobs, essentially other full-time jobs at the same time—maybe it shouldn't be shocking, but in many ways it is. There's never been a better time to reset and re-envision what restaurants are.

在纽约和许多其他州,还有整个小费信用 - 雇主可以向员工支付每小时2至3美元的想法,而提示则旨在弥补工人的最低小时工资的其余部分。这是淫秽的。






3 things to take away


