A cash tip left on a plate on a restaurant table
信用:Oleg Chumakov / Getty Images

It's happened to all of us. We're out to dinner with someone who insists on taking care of the check and when you sneak a peek atthe tip they leave for the server,您对它的不适当感到震惊。或者,也许您有单独的支票,而您将习惯15-20%留下,但其他人只剩下5%。将下巴从地板上拿起并将舌头插入嘴里后,您该怎么办?不同的情况需要不同的反应。唯一的确定性是必须做些事情。

The Discreet Correction

This is probably the most common fix for a lousy tip and it's best used when the bad tipper is a family member whose feelings you don't want to hurt. As you're leaving the restaurant, you announce you "left something at the table" or you "need to go to the restroom." Once you are certain the offending tipper is no longer within eyesight, you hunt down your server to make amends. Do whatever it takes to find them and when you do, you hand that server more money. If you don't have cash, you get the server's Venmo or CashApp handle and send that money digitally. Get their address and mail them a check if you have to. Do whatever is necessary to rectify the situation. Sure, you could leave the extra money on the table, but don't you want the server to know it wasn't you who left the bad tip and that you're the one making up for it?

Heading It Off at the Pass

This is the method you use when it's not your first time at the rodeo with a known bad tipper. Maybe the last time you went out to dinner with them, you had to perform the Discreet Correction method, but now you know better. This is your opportunity to say, "You are always so generous, why don't I take care of the tip this time?" Or, if they insist on leaving the tip, you will have to meet up with your server and apologize in advance for the certain disappointment to come. Slip the server a few extra bills along with an explanation that your Great Aunt Sally still tips like she did in the 1970s.


This is for those times you are out with someone who you think can handle some tough love. When the bill is $49.65 and they add $5 for the tip, you look them firmly in the eye. Place your right hand on top of their hand. Now put your left hand on top of your right hand. Tilt your head slightly to the left and then say the following: "Servers depend on tips to make their living and I want to make sure you fully understand that. For good service you should be leaving 20%. I could have left some extra money to make up for it, but I know you would want to know how to be a better customer and a better person all around." Hopefully, this direct plea for extra cents and sensibility will be heard and understood. If not, you have no other option at hand.

Full Scorched Earth


当他们带着非常短的手臂伸到非常深的口袋里时,请深吸一口气,因为您要去核核,而且没有回头。“不!”你喊。“这不好。唐娜·夏天(Donna Summer)为她的钱努力工作,我们的服务器也是如此。我可以更长的宽容您的行为,我将不再启用您!”

At this point, pick up the check and raise it high over your head. "Tipping your server is part of our social contract. It's as American as baseball, hot dogs, and apple pie." This is when you cue the fans and smoke machines that will help emphasize your point and you climb on top of the table. "I will be leaving a tip for our server and I will be leaving you, (insert bad tipper's name) to face the wrath of being a bad tipper. You will no longer be considered my (insert relationship) until your wrongs have been righted."


In breathtaking form, point at the accused and then quickly hop off the table, say thank you to your server, and skedaddle your way out of there. You now know you will no longer have to deal with that friend or family member who is a bad tipper. They will wallow in their shame.

Clearly, some methods are not for all people. Use at your own discretion.