
Depending on how you prepare it, mousse can either be rich and thick, or superlight and airy. Besides the typical chocolate mousse, you can also try flavoring this creamy dessert with fruit, coffee, herbs or even more creative ingredients. The next time you want to serve something unexpected, make chefEnrique Olvera's sweet-corn mousse. He pairs it with cornhusk meringues to complete the summery corn theme. Whether you're looking for a classic or unusual mousse, turn to Food & Wine's guide for dozens of delicious, decadent ideas.

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Honey-Ricotta Mousse with Strawberries
This velvety-smooth, berry-topped mousse requires very little time to make – it comes together in just 15 minutes, and then needs just an hour in the refrigerator to firm up. Ricotta cheese, quickly whipped in a food processor with honey and vanilla, forms the base of the mousse. Folding whipped cream into the ricotta yields a luscious, velvety dessert. With a recipe like this one that calls for just a few ingredients, it's important to use the best you can find. Start with homemade ricotta, or the best, freshest ricotta you can find at the store or farmer's market. Then, to complement the subtly milky, pleasantly grassy flavor of that ricotta, use a mild clover honey. The honey-ricotta mousse is a beautiful canvas for all kinds of toppings. Here, it's garnished with crunchy sliced toasted almonds and juicy fresh strawberries and a final drizzle of honey, but it's adaptable to what's in season or what you like best: you can substitute sweet orange segments or jammy figs for the strawberries, change up the honey drizzle with maple syrup, or try another crunchy topping, like your favorite granola or crushed pistachios, in place of the sliced almonds.
Ricotta Mousse
Chef Joe Flamm used this three-ingredient ricotta mousse to help cinch his season 15Top Chefwin. Flamm used the rich, vanilla-scented mousse to dress up a simple brown sugar cake, but it’s also an easy and delicious way to elevate your favorite brownie recipe, or to serve with in-season berries or fresh fruit.
Ultimate Irish Cream Chocolate Mousse
这款通风,轻盈的沸腾的爱尔兰奶油奶油奶油甜甜圈非常适合派对:它是一款慷慨的12杯。如果你不想制作这么多,这个配方很容易减半。我们喜欢我们的慕斯饰有粗磨碎的苦味巧克力,但不加糖的可可粉的粉尘,奶油奶油或墨水巧克力的卷发也会很好。Slideshow: 更摩丝食谱
用少于五种成分,只需几分钟就可以制造,这是一个健康的慕斯是一款游戏更换者。当然,它是无乳制品,古友好的和素食主义者,但这个慕斯的最大资产是品味和质地。轻松适应使用您手头的任何成分 - 用相同数量的生蜂蜜替代枫糖浆,加一捏肉桂而不是豆蔻,或顶部有任何螺母,水果或巧克力 - 这是一个优秀的储藏室在你的背口袋里。Slideshow: 更摩丝食谱
Ludo Lefebvre's Chocolate Mousse
Ludo Lefebvre's light and airy chocolate mousse comes together with just six ingredients. Serve with strawberries for an extra sweet touch.有关如何制作此配方的一步一步演示,请参阅this video.
Our Best Mousse Recipes
From a chocolate coupe with cocoa nib mousse to creamy pumpkin pie with white chocolate mousse, these decadent recipes are perfect for any occasion.

More Mousse

Matcha White Chocolate Mousse
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Light, toasty Matcha powder balances out the sweetness of white chocolate in this luscious four-ingredient mousse by blogger Molly Yeh.Slideshow: More Easy Dessert Recipes
Harvest Mousse with Spiced Almond Tuiles
这种蓬松的慕斯可以尽可能轻松地用新鲜或罐装南瓜制造。为香草冰淇淋的顶部提供服务。Chef Holiday Recipes Made Easy 更多带壁球的食谱