Samira兄弟Banu的厨师兼所有者Amir Salar Mohyeddin;Banu的厨师和所有者Samira Mohyeddin;萨米拉(Samira)的姐姐Banu的经理兼所有者Salome Mohyeddin
Samira兄弟Banu的厨师兼所有者Amir Salar Mohyeddin;Banu的厨师和所有者Samira Mohyeddin;萨米拉(Samira)的姐姐Banu的经理兼所有者Salome Mohyeddin。
| Credit: Courtesy of Samira Mohyeddin

如果Samira Mohyeddin在伊朗长大,她将是另一个人。她将无法在公共场合唱歌或跳舞,也不会揭开头发。当然,她必须掩盖自己是同性恋的事实。“如果我被另一名妇女抓住,根据伊斯兰教法,我将被杀。”

事实上,Mohyeddin是一名记者,radio and TV personality, instantly recognizable on the streets of Toronto with her shock of unruly silver hair and bright red lipstick. She is an affable guest on morning show cooking segments, where she can be seen encouraging the buttoned-up hosts to eat her mutton stew. On her popular CBC radio show,Unforked, she "picks apart the food we eat to reveal the culture and politics baked into it." You can tune in to hear her interviewing food historian and author迈克尔·特威蒂(Michael Twitty)有一天,或调查味精的侮辱下一个。

Mohyeddin is also a restaurateur who uses her restaurant,Banu, as a tool for her activism — helping refugees from Iran's oppressive regime and educating her local community about Iranian food, history, and culture.

"We're not standing outside with placards," she explains. "It's not that type of activism. It's more of a one-on-one discussion with each customer. When people think of Iran they think of terrorists and ayatollahs. At Banu, we show them what things used to be like."

Farewell to Tehran

In 1977, when Mohyeddin was two years old, her mother, Zarrin, and father, Faraj, visited her aunt, Parvin Mohyeddin, on her farm in Canada. Parvin had suggested the family apply to immigrate from their native Iran to Canada, as the political situation in Iran was becoming concerning. Zarrin pooh-poohed this. It was nothing, she said. It would blow over. Aunt Parvin wasn't convinced.

两年后,伊朗革命爆发,朝代,亲西方政府被推翻,由阿亚图拉·鲁霍拉·霍梅尼(Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini)领导的伊斯兰共和国取代,这严厉地惩罚了那些同情以前政权的人。莫希丁说:“我的父母接到了加拿大驻德黑兰大使馆的电话。他们感到非常惊讶。”帕尔文姨妈不为人知,帕尔文姨妈利用了加拿大的计划,该计划使农场主能够将外国工人当作农民。在1979年1月16日堕落的那天,莫里德大学获得了陆路移民身份的批准,该计划通过该计划授予了非加拿大人的永久居留权(现在刚刚称为永久居民)。他们收拾行装,飞往魁北克一个小型农业小镇威克汉姆(Wickham),计划等待革命,也许一两年,然后返回他们所爱的城市德黑兰。从未发生过。



Banu Is Born

2005年,Mohyeddins的餐厅Banuwas born, an anomaly for Queen Street on the immediate west side of the city. At that time most of the Middle Eastern restaurants in Toronto were located north of the downtown core. "Most of them were in the Iranian part of the city and all the food and decor was the same; rugs hanging on the wall and it's 600 A.D. again." By contrast, Banu was surrounded by strip joints and karaoke bars, with only one other restaurant in sight. But Mohyeddin loved the neighborhood, which she'd lived in since the late 90's. They made it work.





“前两天(最后一个国际妇女Day) Khomeini said women will have to cover themselves, and he disbanded the Family Law Act which allowed women to get divorced and to have custody of their children. All of that was taken away. All the female judges, including Shirin Ebadi who (later) won the Nobel Peace Prize, were fired and told to get secretarial jobs," explains Mohyeddin.

Credit: Courtesy of Samira Mohyeddin

"A lot of people think Iran was always like this, but no. This was done under coercion, done forcefully. They did not go gentle into that night."

该餐厅毫不犹豫地就伊朗问题立场。在门口的外面,一个手绘的主题标签上写着“ #freenasrin”,以表明对伊朗人权律师的支持Nasrin Sotoudehwho was detained and arrested in 2018 and sentenced in 2019 to 38 years and 148 lashes for defending the right of women to choose whether or not to wear the hijab.





To understand what she means when she says "oppressive society" according toHuman Dignity Trust, a U.K.-based watchdog organization that uses legal resources to defend the rights of LGBTQ people around the world, Iran criminalizes same-gender sexual activity, to the point of imposing the death penalty, which isoccasionally administered by stoning

"Women's groups in Iran have tried to ban stoning but it never gets passed," explains Mohyeddin. The government-sanctioned method involves different physical tactics between the genders, and both are, per anAmnesty International report,旨在在造成死亡之前延长痛苦。“议会将通过它,但伊朗议会无能为力。监护委员会控制法律。我们有一个最高领导人和一个监护人理事会。这一切都是吉利德,”The Handmaid's Tale, which Atwood based in part on the rise of evangelicals in America under Reagan, and the Ayatollahs in Iran.


Not long after Banu opened, a man came in to eat. Mohyeddin was serving a table and her customer pointed him out. Did she know who he was? Mohyeddin shook her head.

客户说:“那是弗朗兹·费迪南德(Franz Ferdinand)。”



这就是Mohyeddin与首席歌手兼餐厅作家Alex Kapranos遇见Alex Kapranos的方式。他正在参加世界巡回演出,并写了一篇专栏,涵盖了他的烹饪冒险监护人。在他写了关于Banu的文章后,当地的食品媒体开始出现。亚搏电竞“这是那个典型的故事,”莫里丁笑着说。“直到您从其他地方引起人们的关注之前,没有人认识您。”

2014年时尚published the Global Street Style Report, a list of 15 of the coolest neighborhoods in the world. These included Silver Lake in Los Angeles, Bushwick in Brooklyn, Miami's Wynwood, Kreuzberg in Berlin, and Shimokitazawa in Tokyo. In the number two spot was Queen West in Toronto.

"The landlords jumped on that and jacked the rent," recalls Mohyeddin. "It was instant, everything doubled. And the people who had made the community what it was were pushed out."

A Teachable Moment

But, Banu stayed and the Iranian owners suddenly had a packed dining room. That's when their ad hoc in-house customer education program began in earnest. In Iran, a number of the words for food items are the same as in India. North American customers, more used to seeing these words on Indian menus, were confused.

“芝士只是奶酪 - 任何种类的奶酪。茶。”Mohyeddins在菜单上放了一个常见问题解答,它立即起作用。

Credit: Courtesy of Samira Mohyeddin

"People did connect Iranian with Indian in the beginning," says Salome. "But our customers don't do that now. The FAQ isn't needed anymore."

教育计划还意味着脱离伊朗常规菜单项的斜睾丸和脑三明治。Mohyeddin说:“我们提供通常在其他伊朗餐馆提供的东西,而是在伊朗食用的东西。心脏,睾丸,大脑。伊朗的脑三明治很大。”卡车停靠站总是提供风琴肉 - 烤并配备伏特加酒。“这不是敲击的诱饵,也不是鼻子到尾巴的趋势。这就是我们的饮食方式。”

And by getting customers to treat it that way, not as a novelty, but as a delicious dish in its own right – then Iran doesn't seem so foreign. Immigrants have long used food to fight inherent bias, Banu is not unusual in that regard. They are exceptional because they do it with such intention and determination.

"We want to teach people about Iran before the revolution," says Amir. "We wouldn't have opened this place to just be a restaurant."

Salome adds, "We have been activists since we were children. We came to Canada because of the revolution in Iran. That shaped us into the adults we are today."

Rooted in Place

2020年,巴努(Banu)因限制而将其餐厅变成了一个市场,多伦多对波斯美食的需求日益增长。来自城市各地的中东移民来供应绿色葡萄干的清单,barbari bread, salted cherries, rose petals, and dried limes. The business changed but its menu items remained the same; saffron chicken and凉亭rice, green herb stew, and sumac-spiced koobideh.

Credit: Courtesy of Samira Mohyeddin


The Mohyeddins did not want to come to Canada, they came because they had to. And they can never go back.

"We weren't in search of a winter wonderland," says Samira. "We came here to take part in those fundamental freedoms Canadians have. Things we were robbed of in our own home."

这个家庭创造了Banu作为他们国家过去的生活例子,而餐厅的无数方式不仅仅是一个可以吃饭的地方。“菜单是我们的小特洛伊木马,” Mohyeddin说。“人们总是惊讶,他们为我们喝酒,我们唱歌和跳舞而感到惊讶。我并不是说我们正在推动议程……但是我们正在推动议程。”