CARES Act Stimulus for Restaurants
学分:Jetta Productions / Walter Hodges / Getty Images

特朗普总统签署后2万亿美元的护理法into law on March 27, many small businesses scrambled to understand what the legislation meant for their bottom lines. The Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) promised low-interest and potentially forgivable loans to small businesses, while expanded Economic Injury Disaster Loans (EIDL) offered low-interest loans, emergency grants of up to $10,000, and better accessibility for any small business in the country to apply.



北卡罗来纳州阿什维尔,厨师和餐馆老板凯蒂·巴顿(Katie Button)发布了一个five-minute video on Instagramexplaining the issues. “As it is written, PPP不起作用独立餐厅。从表面上看,它看起来像是金蛋,使人们重新上班并保持企业漂浮。”她说。她称其为独立餐厅的“巨大煤炭”。

The video points to efforts supported by the newly formed Independent Restaurant Coalition (IRC), which sent anApril 6 letter to Congress概述Covid-19危机期间餐饮业的独特需求, and how the CARES Act has, so far, fallen short.


扎克·麦克(Zach Mack)是字母城市啤酒公司。, a small beer bar and store on the Lower East Side of Manhattan. He’s no stranger to disaster loans—the business opened just a few months before Hurricane Sandy hit New York City, wiping out his business: inventory, draft system, paperwork, dry goods, everything. “Because we’ve been through this once before, we knew it was important to get this thing started off the bat. But we were basically sitting on our hands from the get-go because there was no ability for us to apply for the assistance until very recently,” he said.


“It’s funny how if you were lucky enough to be with Bank of America or Chase, you got a head start by five days of getting your money—as opposed to us running through Capital One had a much shorter window until the funds ran out,” he said.

CARES Act Stimulus for Restaurants
信用:Maskot / Getty Images

不过,对于餐馆业务而言,开头不一定是个好消息。自从《关怀法》签署以来,美国财政部已定期发布了《 800页法案》的修订指南。4月8日发布的最新指南阐明了救济时间表。为了使企业有资格获得贷款宽恕,收到的资金中有75%必须用于工资支出。这必须在贷款之日后的八周内发生。这意味着,一旦企业获得批准并获得资金,时钟就会开始使用它来付款。但是,如果他们不知道何时可以重新开放,则餐馆经营者将长期重新租赁员工。


詹妮弗·谢尔(Jennifer Shorr)是Alphabet City Beer Co.的邻居之一。她拥有Joyface有五个,一个小酒吧employees and a max occupancy, pre-COVID-19, of 80 people. Shorr struggled to find a way to apply for the PPP quickly, though eventually did manage an application. She also applied to the EIDL program and just received a $4,000 advance grant, though she was expecting more. Guidance on the program tells businesses they’re eligible for取决于Shorr说,$ 10,000的赠款虽然不容易指定您将收到的标准。

Though government leaders are touting a重新开放经济的途径,酒吧和餐馆将在多年来受到巨大打击。即使该市允许Shorr以部分能力重新打开Joyface,也不会照常营业。她说:“氛围……跳舞……40人会感到空虚。”

小型企业的新闻在周四变得更糟,因为几家公开交易的餐厅公司在内露丝的克里斯牛排馆,Potbelly和Shake Shack Restaurants各自说他们在PPP下获得了数百万美元的原谅贷款。大型企业的最大救济是通过法案中的漏洞出现的:每个位置资格的员工500或更少的餐馆。

Dana Zukofsky is director of accounting firm BDO’s national restaurant practice. “The restaurant industry is getting the raw end of the deal in a lot of what’s going on, there's no question about it,” she said. Her firm works with over 350 restaurant clients, from large national franchise organizations to large restaurant groups and some independent operators.

她说,由于PPP中包含的条款,有些企业在获得援助的同时拿走了援助,因为他们知道如果他们无法按预期使用它,他们可能必须以1%的利率偿还。她说:“ ​​[操作员]希望他们的手指交叉,也许八周的时间变得有些放松。”

Zukofsky has also seen operators get creative, paying staff to stay home, but requiring them to contribute business ideas each week. “Maybe this week, everyone’s assignment for getting paid is, come up with five ideas that when we do reopen make the company better,” she said. “Whether you own one unit or 1,000, if you're a smart operator and your staff is giving you good ideas and you don’t come back better after this, that’s your fault.

Aside from federal aid, Zukofsky recommended businesses go through “every single line item” on their balance sheet to find money for the short term. Talk to landlords over the phone, she advised. “Sometimes different real estate companies, for different reasons, can’t officially give forgiveness or deferments so they don’t want it in writing," she said. "But if you have a conversation sometimes you can.”


Lisa Haffer, tax co-lead of BDO’s national restaurant practice, offered even more tax advice for operators. Defer the employer portion of social security tax, “that’s like a freebie,” she said. If a business doesn’t get a PPP loan and is still paying payroll, it’s eligible for the employee-retention credit. New guidance clarifies a business can utilize both the payroll tax deferral and the employee-retention credit, though if they receive a PPP loan, the employee retention credit is off the table. The CARES Act also introduced a change to the qualified improvement property rules. Restaurants that made interior improvements in 2018 or 2019 may be eligible for tax refunds that can provide a big cash injection.

New tax laws are nuanced, and both Zukofsky and Haffer recommended that business owners talk to their tax preparers immediately. If they don’t have one, they said to get one who understands the CARES Act and its implications for businesses.

While a new phase of relief is expected, it’s currently held up in Congress. There’s no guarantee of specific carve-outs for the hospitality industry, and it’s hard to be hopeful.


“There hasn't been any loan or grant specific just to hospitality, which we really do need,” said Shorr. “I shouldn’t be applying for the same loan as a company in an office with 50 employees but I am.”