
You can't go wrong with香槟酒为了holidays,但是为什么不对您的客人进行本赛季更出乎意料的事情呢?带有一些关键成分(和正确的瓶子)酒吧推车将迅速类似于您最喜欢的鸡尾酒吧。从像蛋酒和热门的冬季经典作品到像Rooibos Rob Roy这样的传统上的曲折,这就是下一个假期聚会的方式以及什么。这是您的朋友将感谢您的一个假期传统。

glasses of homemade eggnog
学分:亚当·弗里德兰德(Adam Friedlander) /珍珠琼斯(亚搏电竞Pearl Jones)的食物风格


“在假期期间,没有什么比一个好的黄油朗姆酒可以温暖您的温暖。这里的关键是要确保真正搅打黄油,使其又柔软。-彼得·蒂奥罗(Peter Triolo), 导演food & beverage atArcher Hotel Napa

F&W食谱:Hot Buttered Rum

Spiked Hot Chocolate

"I love makingspiked hot chocolate在寒冷的月份,尤其是在晚上或晚餐后在假期里大火。虽然那里有许多可爱的热巧克力食谱,但我制作了一个名为rococo的版本Casa Dragonesañejo巧克力粉在更加decade废的时刻。” -Yana Volfson,Casamata Group的饮料总监(其中包括CosmeAtla在纽约)

Hot Chocolate with Rum
信用:©詹姆斯·梅雷尔(James Merrell)


"提着葡萄酒亚搏电竞是一种有趣而简单的节日饮料,可以作为集体活动加倍。买一瓶或两瓶红酒,用一堆烘焙香料,一些柑橘和蜂蜜击中它,然后给它一亚搏电竞点厨师。有很多食谱,这不会花很多钱来采购必要的成分。” -Jesse Vida,首席调酒师地图集在新加坡

F&W食谱:Nordic Mulled Wine

Rob Roy

“在假期期间,我喜欢分享large-batch cocktails和朋友。我对罗伯·罗伊(Rob Roy)的看法遵循其经典的DNA - scotch,苦艾,苦味,但介绍了Rooibos茶作为稀释元素。我喜欢这种茶的自然丰富性,巧克力和香草味,当与柔软的熏制混合威士忌配对时,它们非常有效。我使用威士忌,苦艾酒遵循2:1:1的比率(您也可以将其换成Oloroso Sherry), and cold-brewed rooibos tea. Batch everything together and keep it in the fridge. Pop the bottle and serve it up with a nice orange twist ormaraschino cherry。" —Lorenzo Antinori,饮料经理四季酒店香港

F&W食谱:Rob Roy


“从11月下旬到1月初的洛斯·特雷斯·雷耶斯(Los Tres Reyes)(三王日),在假期里,科奎特(Coquito浓缩牛奶。这通常是 - 而且错误地与蛋酒有关,但他们唯一的共同点是它们是基于朗姆酒的。”-奥兰多·富兰克林·麦克雷(Orlando Franklin McCray),威廉斯堡的噩梦级律师导演

“这是一款完美的假日鸡尾酒,但有时可能会在太甜的一边犯错。用不同的又互补的葡萄酒或精神代替一半的朗姆酒 -亚搏电竞sake喜欢HeavenSake'sJunmai Ginjo - 创建一个更轻的版本,并为鸡尾酒增添了复杂的矿物质,可以使其与更美味的Coquito保持平衡。” - - ” -Rammy Lavvi,调酒师


图片来源:jacobfox / lauren McAne亚搏电竞lly /杰西卡·托马斯(Jessica Thomas)摄影的摄影;苏珊·米切尔(Susan Mitchell)


"蛋酒很容易让你可以有创意吗it and make it super complex by using different creamers or infusing the spirit—which doesn't have to be bourbon." —Nico de Soto, owner and beverage director ofMace New YorkDANICO在巴黎

“蛋酒是我在假期期间的内gui愉快。我有两个秘密:将蛋清和蛋黄分开是必须的。将白人分开打成僵硬的峰,然后将它们折叠成其余部分还有蓬松的待遇。此外,在假期之前的一个月之前,将蛋酒放到冰箱中的瓶装有助于柔和的味道,并使香料有时间注入。只要您将其存放在容器中,干净,蛋酒应该保持不错。使用新鲜的磨碎肉豆蔻要在顶部进行除尘,这使得与地面肉豆蔻的所有不同。” -布莱恩·施耐德(Bryan Schneider),饮料主任Zou Zou's在纽约

F&W食谱:家made Eggnog

Hot Toddy

“在寒冷的天气中谁不想喝酒?这是一种非常受欢迎的鸡尾酒,但同时,如果不正确完成,很容易弄乱。这种鸡尾酒的关键实际上是加热过程。请确保在160-170°F加热它,以免酒精蒸发。”-Bobby Leonardo, head bartender atWayla在纽约

"This simple cocktail can be easily created at home with bourbon, lemon, honey, and water, but a quick pro tip to improve the cocktail is to use chamomile tea instead of hot water. Also, homemade honey syrup infused with ginger adds a nice touch!" —马特说唱,食品和饮料主任亚搏电竞相思之家at阿里拉·纳帕山谷(Alila Napa Valley)

爱尔兰咖啡& Seasonal Irish Cream

“在Doyle,我们首先要用热水预热杯子,在制作饮料时我们会丢弃。始终使用新鲜酿造的咖啡和红糖来甜​​味。当然,它不是爱尔兰咖啡without爱尔兰威士忌!” -Julian Enright, bar manager of多伊尔at The Dupont Circle in Washington, DC

"I love to make a seasonal Irish Cream cocktail during the holidays. We're serving a version at Le Bernardin at the moment made with Maker's Mark Bourbon, Baileys Irish Cream, St. Elizabeth Allspice Dram, Nux Alpina Walnut Liqueur, Giffard Menthe-Pastille, and a drop ofFernet Branca。我发现这些是人们希望在一年中的这个时候享受的口味。”Cary Goldberg, head bartender at three Michelin-starredLe Bernardin在纽约


Ponche Navideño

"It's a warm and comforting fruit punch made with apples, pears, oranges, and guavas, and spiced with cinnamon, cloves, tamarind, and hibiscus. You can make a large pot of it for a party and make it non-alcoholic by keeping your alcohol of choice on the side. For me, it's mezcal! Make sure when you serve the punch that you get all of the pieces of fruit in it for a full-flavored experience." —Christine Wiseman,酒吧实验室的饮料总监Hoja Taqueriaat Generator Miami

Guava Ponche with Sweet Vermouth
Credit: DYLAN + JENI


“加香料苹果酒在波士顿开设一家餐厅时,我是我第一次遇到的饮料。在我居住的迈阿密,这不是一种非常普遍的饮料,因此,新鲜品尝的苹果汁和烘焙香料的简单组合使我的想法充满了灵感。我发现,添加一些陈旧的朗姆酒,较轻的Amaro和少许柠檬以使整个过程都亮起。它会让您温暖并要求更多!” -Juan Carlos Santana, operations beverage director at堡垒集(其中包括L'Atelier DeJoëlRobuchon,Le Jardinier和Benno)

“这很简单,它是一个令人愉悦的人,可以在不喝酒的情况下供整个家庭享用。它也可以大量用于度假派对。从未经过滤的苹果汁开始;商业苹果苹果公司拥有更多糖,并将从假日香料的丰富度中脱颖而出。将肉桂棒,星茴香和豆蔻混合在一起,煮沸。让它至少陡峭一个小时,以真正让香料注入。”-凯利·麦考利夫(Kelly McAuliffe),饮料主任Salazarin Los Angeles

F&W食谱:Hot Mulled Cider


“威士忌酸味的打孔是最喜欢的节日鸡尾酒。我选择了高质量的黑麦波旁威士忌(我更喜欢Michter's),然后选择新鲜的挤压柠檬和橙汁,加入Angostura苦味,蛋清和高质量的樱桃(Luxardo),最好是)和橙皮。”-约翰·埃尔德里奇,饮料主任Oasis Wynwoodin Miami


Bon Réveillon

"Inspired by cocktail appetizers and nightcaps traditionally served during festive evenings, the Bon Réveillonis a rich libation that tastes just like the holidays. Subtly sweet brandy paired with tart blackcurrant, herbal Benedictine, and orange bitters creates a cozy accompaniment to a winter's night in."-Yann Daniel, 导演酒吧莱斯大使在巴黎的玫瑰木酒店HôtelDeCrillon


"My favorite holiday cocktail is classicred wine sangria。It's one of the easiest and most delicious big-batch pitcher cocktails and looks amazing on the festive table. The best thing is that you can use leftover red wine from last night's dinner! Apart from the wine and fruit, you'll need spices like cinnamon sticks, star anise, black peppercorn, and a can of fresh ginger beer or soda. You'll also needginger syrup, which you can easily create at home. About 3/4 of a wine bottle would make about 10-15 portions. Make it extra boozy for the party by adding a good dose ofcognacto the mix." —Edu Zamora,酒吧主管Smoke & Mirrors在新加坡

Sangria Flora
信用:©Wendell Webber


“将杜松子酒,柠檬,奶油奶油和新鲜的黑莓结合在一起,是对任何假日聚会或聚会的令人耳目一新的补充。在冬季,尝试将新鲜的蔓越莓和蔓越莓亲切代替度假派对。”-塞尔吉奥·巴雷托, bar manager of草莓月亮在因着Hotel in Miami

F&W食谱:Suze Bramble


"This super versatile cocktail is classic but can always be festive or seasonal. Something as simple as swapping out the sugar for brown sugar, demerara sugar, or even maple syrup can make it more rich and complex. You can also make an easy syrup to replace the sugar with, cloves, vanilla, or allspice, or even combine all those baking spices with sugar and water making it winter in a glass. " —Mike Herchuck, 导演operations at美国社会in Miami

"我一直觉得老式是经典的节日鸡尾酒。温暖,五香的香气和丰富而简单的味道给我带来了节日的假期。它也非常简单,只需要几种成分。它可以用波旁威士忌或黑麦制成,可以批处理,以便易于使用。您可以通过添加一些您喜欢的调味苦味来增加老式的天赋。在Great Jones,我们同时使用橙色和Angostura的苦味,为了增加复杂性,我们还用Applewood抽烟。”Esteban Ordonez, brand ambassador and mixologist of大琼斯蒸馏公司在纽约


French 75

“假期期间我最喜欢的鸡尾酒之一是法国75。虽然它可能不像本季节那样的代名词Tom & Jerry或蛋酒,这是您在调酒曲目中享用的宝贵鸡尾酒。这非常适合小组,易于准备,具有平易近人的风味,并且是节日的。这种经典的鸡尾酒是独一无二的,因为您有两种基础精神的选择 - 吉纳克或干预。随着温度的下降,我的个人选择从杜松子酒转变为明确的温暖指出,老年干邑将带来桌子。如果您是杜松子酒爱好者,请坚持下去,并为您的装饰尝试迷迭香。这也是一个很好的理由,也可以保留手头上的起泡酒!” -亚搏电竞查尔斯·乔利,詹姆斯·比尔德获奖调酒师和联合创始人Crafthouse鸡尾酒

“假期是一个decade废的时候,所以香槟鸡尾酒很难出错。有很多很棒的鸡尾酒,您在厌倦了混合饮料后总是可以喝露天的酒。家庭活动。家庭活动亚搏电竞节日聚会通常是一个相当混杂的人群,因此制作适合各种口味的东西是一个好主意。我建议像法国75一样,用杜松子酒(或干邑白兰地,如果您觉得很花哨),柠檬,有点简单的糖浆和起泡酒。节日柠檬旋转的奖励点。”亚搏电竞-威尔·汤普森, co-owner of捷豹太阳in Miami

F&W食谱:French 75

Credit: © Lucas Allen


"The spiced Cuba Libre is a great cocktail to enjoy during the holidays because it is easy to prepare and you can have fun with the spices and different flavors of maple syrup. This cocktail works great with a vanilla maple or my preferred cardamom apple maple, but original, good-quality maple syrup also works.This cocktail also really works best with aged spirits, since they amplify the baking spice notes."-Lynnette Marrero, bar director ofLlama San NYC&美洲驼旅馆in Williamsburg, and co-founder of速度架

F&W食谱:Cuba Libre