信用:Victor Protasio

夏天没有任何信号像第一个barbecue本赛季,但您不必等待天气加热之前就加热grill。With these chef picks, you'll be onsummer一年四季的模式 - 并具有烧烤主技巧来证明这一点。从鸡肉串到凯撒沙拉,这里是添加到曲目中的最佳烤食谱。

图片来源:克里斯托弗·托斯塔尼(Christopher Testani)


“在附近长大Gulf,牡蛎在我的记忆中总是很普遍,而且海湾牡蛎的尺寸往往会有所不同。拿大较大的东西,将它们砍掉,然后将它们扔在热烤架上。在上面撒上大蒜黄油,上面涂有一点辣椒粉和伍斯特郡酱汁,并确保一对一方便用一对钳子来处理它们。结束烤面包屑,帕玛森奶酪和淡淡的辣酱,以便额外踢。” -卡兹·爱德华兹,概念厨师Uchi餐厅



"A meatball—whether it's chicken, veal, pork, lamb, or whatever you choose as a base ingredient—is an amazing way to convey the flavors of your liking. The grilling process creates a wonderful crust and a juicy interior. At Le Rigmarole, we make a chicken meatball that combines dark and light meat, cartilage, panko, lemon zest, anchovies, garlic, and leeks—but nothing is stopping us from adding saffron, squid, or kimchi." —罗伯特·坎普农杰西卡杨,米其林星级的厨师和共同所有人Le Rigmarole在巴黎

Bacon-Wrapped Dates

"These are always so fun and a definite crowd-pleaser. The grill gives the smoky bacon that charred, crispy touch you can't get in an oven. It also cooks them quickly from the outside, so they're cooked more evenly in the end. Stuff them with anything you can imagine; my go-tos are chèvre goat cheese, chorizo sausage, and ricotta. Since they are sweet and salty, add some acid or heat like vinegar reduction or harissa chili sauce."—Brad Kilgore,迈阿密的厨师和餐馆老板

F&W食谱:Bacon-Wrapped Dates

Rib Eye

"Cajun-marinated rib eye is one of our guest-favorite steaks served in the summer, and it's been a staple steak dish at Smith & Wollensky for several years. It's easy to make at home for a BBQ, since the only prep is marinating the steak with Cajun seasoning, onions, and a little bit of oil for a lengthy amount of time (48 hours in advance). It's great when charbroiled or grilled. The rub and marinade create a really nice char and crust, with just a little bit of heat."-马修·金,,,,national director of culinary development and corporate chef atSmith & Wollensky


"Most may think of a huge T-bone or thick rib eye when thinking of outdoor grilling. As much as I do love these cuts,galbi(韩国风格的短肋骨)是完美的户外烧烤牛排,也是韩国经典赛。这可能是烤牛肉最好的牛肉之一,其嘴里融化的甜和烧焦的尖端。它需要一些刀子的工作,还有一些时间来腌制,但是一旦您正确,您将成为聚会的明星。”-戴维·舍姆(David Shim),行政总厨科特韩国牛排馆in NYC & Miami

F&W食谱:Korean-Style Short Ribs

Korean-Style Short Ribs
Credit: Abby Hocking


“多年来,我惊叹于那些可以吃的x射线检验cchio in a salad and not cringe from the bitterness. I was embarrassed to tell anyone that this was my food weakness. Then, one day, I threw it on the grill, and that's when my world changed and I became a radicchio fanatic. Cut the head of radicchio into quarters or eighths, depending on the size, as you want wedges that are held intact by the stem. Drizzle with olive oil, season with salt, and then toss them on your grill. You want them to char well on all sides before removing. Finish with a splash of sherry vinegar and a drizzle of something slightly sweet, like a little bit of honey, or a thicker, sweeter balsamic vinegar." —凯蒂按钮,厨师的Cúrate,食谱作者和联合创始人凯蒂按钮Restaurants


“我最喜欢的关于夏天的部分是所有美味的农产品,特别是多汁的石果,如桃子。虽然它本身很棒,烤水果却造成了美味,简单和清爽的甜点,是任何夏季烧烤的完美结局。釉面水果使糖可以焦糖,从而形成脆脆的,味道饱满的地壳。再加上鲜奶油和甜味和盐的花生,以使其具有完美的质地对比。”-斯蒂芬妮·伊扎德(Stephanie Izard),,,,Iron Chef, author, and executive chef and owner of five Chicago restaurants, includingGirl & the Goat

Whole Chicken

“这是一个完美的夏季菜,可以为小聚会提供喂食,并与任何一面搭配得很好。grilled chicken,,,,first brine the bird and then give it a good herb and spice rub. Grilling over indirect heat will result in a juicy, evenly-cooked chicken." —Michael Beltran,厨师的Ariete,,,,Navé,,,,和Chug's Diner在迈阿密

Caesar Salad

“我最喜欢烤的东西之一是罗马毛,并将其用作凯撒沙拉基地。它通过给它烟熏,几乎放纵的风味曲线来提高菜肴,这使它感觉令人难以置信的令人满意。轻轻地将romaine心脏切成一半,将其切成一半。并烤面侧向下烤1到3分钟,直到叶子略微烧焦。顶上所有您喜欢的凯撒沙拉装饰,橄榄油,柠檬和许多黑胡椒。”-丹尼·格兰特(Danny Grant),厨师和合伙人What If Syndicate


Credit: Photo by Greg DuPree / Food Styling by Torie Cox / Prop Styling by Claire Spollen


“每个人都应该知道如何烹饪烤肉串,但是串在一起的技术同样重要。我们最喜欢的是黎巴嫩经典的shish taouk,腌制的鸡肉。发现将肉切成薄片并在串上来回穿线是必经之路的。将肉切成薄片,然后将肉切成薄片,然后再将鸡肉切成薄片,使鸡肉更嫩,并导致更多的表面积暴露于腌料中,因此,它渗透到更深的范围内,并具有更多的风味。”-迈克尔·科斯塔(Michael Costa),概念厨师在José Andrés'sZaytinya华盛顿特区


“剑鱼可以通过多种方式制备,但我认为,以前用葡萄叶腌制并包裹着烤叶子,并在燃烧的煤炭上烤仍然是最具魅力和诱人的。这道菜中的葡萄叶是一个理想的口袋美味的箭鱼在烤架上完美,而不会过多干燥。”-Nino La Spina,,,,chef de cuisine at弗洛里的在Four Seasons Resort Palm Beach


"One of the classic ways you'll find章鱼在墨西哥,是章鱼Al Ajillo(大蒜炒章鱼),但我喜欢烤而不是在烤肉中制作,因为它丰富了味道。我喜欢它作为串口开胃菜,而且搭配Mezcal鸡尾酒非常好,因为烟熏味的配对真的很好。”迭戈痣,厨师de Cuisine atAcre Bajain Mexico

Pulpo a la Gallega (Grilled Octopus with Potatoes)
图片来源:克里斯托弗·托斯塔尼(Christopher Testani)


“每次我邀请朋友吃烧烤时,我们都会有肉或鱼,但是在食物准备就绪之前,我们最喜欢的菜是烤羊奶酪。取一些不粘烘焙纸,将其放入铝箔中以创建双信封。放置。亚搏电竞里面有一块厚厚的羊乳酪,以及樱桃番茄的一半切成薄片,两片稀薄的洋葱,甜红辣椒,橄榄油,新鲜百里香和一片罗勒叶。将其紧紧地从烤架的蔬菜侧烤,以便于10分钟。不要忘记烤面包。”-Marios Salmatanis,,,,owner and chef ofThalassamou在希腊的帕罗斯


“烤洋葱是炸玉米饼文化中的主食,无论馅料如何,都会为任何炸玉米饼增添深度的风味和质地。这可以转化为许多应用,就像伴随烤蛋白质或更具创造性的基础一样去沙拉调味料。”-耶稣“ chuy”塞万提斯,厨师de Cuisine atDamian在洛杉矶


"Fourth of July might be the Super Bowl for those who love to grill—andburgersare synonymous with that day. You can never go wrong with burgers as a dish to throw on the grill, but they can easily be messed up and become overcooked and dry. You can go with a classic patty and bun, or add on some more items like bacon, American cheese (melt on top of the patty at the end), and onions or peppers—if you are feeling frisky—which can be charred on the grill as well."—Akshay Bhardwaj,行政总厨Junoonin NYC