Michael Voltaggio


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教育:The Greenbrier Culinary Apprenticeship Program, White Sulphur Springs, WV

What is the recipe you are most famous for?
Our egg yolk gnocchi. In this age of modernist cuisine, it’s got no additives, just three ingredients: egg yolks, salt and olive oil. We discovered it by accident, when we were washing a sauce of egg yolk puree off a spatula and it came off in chunks, “cooked” by the hot water. We pushed the puree through a pastry bag into hot water to made gnocchi. We overcook them slightly on the outside, undercooking them on the inside, leaving a gooey center.

What is your favorite cookbook of all time?
The French Laundry Cookbook改变了美国的一切。当我在Greenbrier Hotel(我的第一个重要工作)的学徒时,我妈妈为我买了它。这与美国厨师的其他书不同。您打开了它,这使您立即开始梦想自己可以做什么。这不仅是一本书,而且是新标准,也是其他所有人都可以追求的新目标线。令人恐惧的部分是,现在人们会定期在家中烹饪。前几天,我给普通的顾客一个真空密封的短肋骨袋,上面写着如何在他的炉子上煮一锅热水。他回答说:“我不能把它放在沉浸式循环器中吗?”

What is one technique everyone should know?

What is your one secret-weapon ingredient?
Black rice vinegar. We put a bunch of different kinds of vinegars in spray bottles and spritz a few dishes right before they go out; the vinegar adds that one more layer of craveable, taste bud-waking flavor. Roast chicken is a good one to spritz with cider or sherry vinegar. But Chinese black rice vinegar, the kind they use for dim sum, we’ve been using that a lot lately, it’s got some interesting qualities—chocolatey, sour, earthy.

现在,我想说的是墨西哥。当然,墨西哥城也是蒂华纳以南的瓜达卢佩(Valle de Guadalupe)。这是墨西哥的葡萄酒之乡,有史亚搏电竞以来最好的食物,几乎一无所有。亚搏电竞就在罗萨里托海滩(Rosarito Beach)的南部,您会发现一堆渔民从水中带出海鲜。亚搏电竞您可以坐在那里,花20到30美元在海胆,巨型蜘蛛蟹上,这太疯狂了。他们在那里煮。您必须处理一个随机狗的事实,但这是我有史以来最好的海鲜。亚搏电竞

If you were going to take Thomas Keller, Tony Bourdain and Mario Batali out to eat, where would it be?
Totoraku, here in Los Angeles. First and foremost because it’s a meat-centric guy’s hangout, but less refined than a steak house. But also because the Japanese chef, Kaz Oyama, cooks every cut of meat like sushi, with extreme care. You bring your own wine, sit around for hours, get drunk and eat amazing food, it’s inevitable that you’re going to get some of the best stories.

What’s your favorite food letter of the alphabet?
我的冰淇淋。这是我的罪恶的快感,我忙ite thing in the world to eat. I think it’s because I cook so much savory food all day long, I crave sweet. I love ice cream that has contrasting textures to it, too, like Heath Bar crunch. Now that our dessert culture is evolving, too, some of the grocery brands have chocolate-covered pretzels or chocolate-covered potato chips swirled in, like in the Jimmy Fallon’s Ben & Jerry’s flavor, Late Night Snack. It’s an adventure in a pint.

What ingredient will people be talking about in five years?
Fish—not to celebrate it, to figure out a way to protect it.

What is your current food obsession?
Charcoal—cooking with smoke and wood. We recently took one of our stoves out of service, a $5,000 range that we turn off during service, to set down a pair of $100 cast-iron charcoal grills on top of it. Because we cook all of our meat under vacuum, or sous vide, I started to miss that smoky, charred flavor.


  1. 老实说,让我做饭的菜是即时的拉面。当我大约12岁或13岁时,我刚开始玩耍,看看我可以用一包干拉面面条做什么:让我们加一个鸡蛋。让我们加一些辣酱。让我们撒干海藻,看看会发生什么。所有这些东西让我四处乱逛。
  2. 至于目前,我认为我的牛肉art是一个很好的例子。我们使用衣架牛排,使其有更多的咀嚼,并用Seabeans制成辣椒,以使其更自然的盐分。然后,我们将薄薄的黑麦面包烤面包烤在上面,然后给它撒上辣根雪。所有的口味都是熟悉的,只是没有通常的形式。没有什么是重新发明的,它只是以一种新的方式组合在一起。

What do you eat straight out of the fridge, standing up?
I shouldn’t admit this, but I’m still a lunch meat and cheese addict, and I’m always eating on the run. I’ll get this cheese sampler platter at the supermarket with a jalepeño-laced cheese, a cheddar and something else that looks marbled. I’ll also pick up some good lunch meats like turkey, salami and pepperoni. Then I keep a box of Triscuits on top of the fridge. I’ll grab the Triscuits, stand there and snack on the cheeses and lunch meats like it’s a buffet.

2013 Best New Chef Bio


Why He’s AmazingBecause his modernist cuisine pushes boundaries—he’ll serve octopus over buttered-popcorn puree—but it is still delicious.


Culinary SchoolThe Greenbrier Culinary Apprenticeship Program, White Sulphur Springs, WV

背景Dry Creek Kitchen (Healdsburg, CA); The Bazaar by José Andrés (Los Angeles); The Dining Room at the Langham Huntington (Pasadena, CA)


How He Got Into The Food Business“My first job was bussing tables at the local Holiday Inn where my brother (chef Bryan Voltaggio) was a sous-chef. I spent some time chopping vegetables, and one day my brother told me to come in the next day in a chef uniform. When I came in the executive chef started yelling at me, ‘What is this, Halloween?’ But in the end I got to cook.”

On The Aftermath Of Winning顶级厨师在2009年“我想回到集市上工作,但我会在开放式厨房里分心,人们为我拍照。我想对客人说:‘你想什么,和我一起闲逛或让我做饭?亚搏电竞你不能两者都有。’”

内幕提示如果你不能进入墨水。在街上,former churro bakery is Voltaggio’s ink.sack, serving playful sandwiches like a corned beef tongue Reuben and a CLT: chicken liver mousse, curried chicken skin, lettuce and tomato.


“The night I ate at Ink, the dining room was packed with fans of顶级厨师第6季冠军迈克尔·沃尔塔吉奥(Michael Voltaggio)。我想知道所有顾客指向他的摄像机是否会分散伏塔吉奥的注意力。实际上,我喜欢超级创意菜单上的所有内容。我特别痴迷的菜是木炭土豆 - 用鱿鱼墨水和黑色醋炒咸水,看起来像木炭块,皮肤上有结晶的盐和浓郁的蓬松的内饰。在他为它们提供服务之前,Voltaggio将黑土豆迅速用真正的木炭烤,然后用葱和自制的酸奶油装饰它们。他说:“我们没有发明新的味道,它的土豆,酸奶油和细香葱。”也许是这样,但是就像他的许多菜肴一样,例如用味o煮熟的玉米,上面放着自制的doritos,这是一种很棒的组合。”- 凯特·克拉德(Kate Krader)