
如果你已经在美国钓鱼,那么你有一个很好的机会,你抓住了一个鳟鱼。鳟鱼是一种油性鱼,这对厨师来说可能很好:它们不会像烤架上那样容易地干燥,你可以像鲑鱼一样冷烟雾。F&W Trout指南有所了解如何准备鳟鱼,无论您是在露营之旅和需求super-fast grill recipes或者你在家,想要为晚宴提升这条鱼。


Herb-Roasted Trout with Buttery Almonds
Rating: Unrated 1
在纽约市的Racine,迭戈Moya用杏仁油,杏仁醋和蜂蜜香醋,酸碎片鳟鱼送达了鳟鱼。这种致敬倾向于商店购买的熏制的鳟鱼和老年雪利酒醋,适用于周末友好的菜肴。Pascaline Lepeltier对干燥,强大,但神经白色:jurançon秒。“香气是独一无二的,混合精致的激情水果,小苍兰,柠檬马鞭草,鼠尾草,干蜂蜜,如此熏盐。”
当你在靠近水中长大时,通过海洋,湖泊或河流,您对此产生自然亲和力。You start to appreciate the subtle differences in flavor and texture between various types of fish and learn to cook and eat them in a thousand different ways.In India, where I grew up, fish was steamed, fried, or cooked in福利和在床上温暖的香米饭或面包—and it was always on the menu for weekends. These days, although I live on the other side of the world, seafood is still a mainstay in my Bay Area kitchen, and pan-seared and fried fish are popular options at my home when guests visit. What I like about serving dishes like this Rechad with Trout is the convenience it offers; the spice blend can be made ahead of time, and fish cooks rather quickly, so I’m not trapped at the stove when I want to be spending time with my guests.I lean on rechad masala quite often; it’s a bright red paste that’s prepared by grinding down Kashmiri chiles with vinegar and a few spices. It’s a staple in many kitchens in Goa, a region located on the west coast of India. Goan cuisine is renowned for its use of chiles, but that wasn’t always the case. When the Portuguese arrived in the 16th century, they introduced chiles from South America, which quickly became an integral part of the local cuisine. In Portuguese the word “recheado” means stuffed and in Goa, you’ll see it spelled as either “recheado” or “rechad” on restaurant menus.In this recipe, I lean on Kashmiri chiles for their bright red lycopenic color. These chiles are mild in their heat level and are only sold dry. They’re readily available at Indian grocery stores and spice markets; if you can’t find them, use any dried red chile that you like.The classic choices of fish for this recipe are usually pomfret or mackerel, but I’ve found trout to work exceptionally well. Once it’s fried, serve this fish with warm rice and a light salad and a few wedges of fresh lime or lemon to squeeze over the top.
Pan-Seared Trout with Green Garlic and Crunchy Chanterelles
Pancetta-Wrapped Trout with Sage and Lemon
全球跑步电视厨师安德鲁·齐默有时会在明尼苏达州的家乡的食物上训练他的粗暴眼睛。亚搏电竞在这里,他给中西部的当地捕获了萨尔莫姆科治疗,用罗马的明亮和美味的风味三重奏配对烤的整个鳟鱼:Pancetta,Sage和柠檬。幻灯片: 更多鳟鱼食谱
Smoked-Trout Crackers with Broken Tapenade
厨师Eli Dahlin of Dame在波特兰,俄勒冈州波特兰,加热这两种成分的橄榄色滴点来抽出橄榄油。结果是一个快速的,白酱是烟熏鱼,烤的蔬菜或三明治与辣腌制的肉类的芝麻。幻灯片: 更多鳟鱼食谱

More Trout

This simple, pan-fried Russian-style trout from Sadelle's in Manhattan is topped with nutty brown butter, capers and piquant, vibrant fuchsia beet horseradish.幻灯片: 更快的鱼食谱
熏制,烤或炒,鳟鱼是一种健康和美味的鱼,值得增加您的晚餐旋转。这些食谱中的每一份食谱鳟鱼含有奶油菠菜,烟熏 - 鳟鱼和奶油奶油奶酪奶油奶油馅饼,Matzo膳食结痂鳟鱼,其中包括鱼类的健康福利及其独一无二的品尝味道,可以创造独特的菜肴。