Striped Bass

时尚成分来来去去,但条纹鲈鱼a longstanding hold on America's kitchens. The first recorded striped bass fishing in America is from colonial times, and since then it's become the official fish of three states. What's the appeal of this fish? Striped bass is a healthy, sustainable form of seafood that cooks up into flakey and tender fillets. Another thing we love? Its versatility. Our F&W guide to striped bass includes recipes that range from summery Striped Bass fish tacos with avocado to a comforting cold weather dish of sautéed Striped Bass with Sweet Carrots and Cider Glaze.

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Pan-Seared Bass with Garlic Scape Salmoriglio
Salmoriglio is a traditional Southern Italian sauce, and its pungent, acidic, herbal bite complements sweet summer tomatoes and lightstriped bass. Substitute the bass with another sweet, mildly fatty fish; too rich of a fish will overpower the sauce andpotatoes.
Grilled Striped Bass with Indian-Spiced Tomato Salad
Rating: Unrated 145
As chef and founder of Bombay Canteen and O Pedro in Mumbai and Tabla in New York, among other restaurants, Floyd Cardoz was considered one of the world's most influential chefs. He was an avid fisherman, and this summery grilled bass with ginger-spiced tomato salad was a favorite of his.
Striped Bass Crudo with Popcorn Crema and Shishito Vinaigrette
Waypoint chef Michael Scelfo’s zippy shishito pepper vinaigrette and luscious popcorn crema make a playful topper for pristine raw fish.Slideshow: More Striped Bass Recipes
Black Bass with Parsley Sauce, Eggplant, Freekeh and Chipotles
The Moroccan-Israeli chef Meir Adoni’s elegant, unconstrained, crisp-skinned fish mixes the locavore (charred eggplant, preserved lemon, parsley) with the far-flung (chipotle, soy sauce).Slideshow: More Striped Bass Recipes
Striped Bass
What’s the appeal of this fish? Striped bass is a healthy, sustainable form of seafood that cooks up into flakey and tender fillets. Another thing we love? Its versatility. These recipes inclide everything from summery fish tacos with avocado to a comforting cold weather dish of sautéed striped bass with cider glaze.
Striped Bass with Mango & Pickled Ginger Salad
Ripert is a master at combining French technique with Asian ingredients. Here, he creates a rich, red wine–ginger sauce and tangy, Thai-inspired mango salad to go with mild baked striped bass.Slideshow: More Fish RecipesRecipe from Food & WineBest New Chefs All-Star Cookbook

More Striped Bass

Striped Bass with Sweet Carrots and Cider Glaze
Rating: Unrated 3052
ChefBruce Shermanwill only cook with sustainable fish. (DownloadSeafood Solutions: A Chef's Guide to Sourcing Sustainable While in the Galápagos, he used wahoo in this recipe; inChicagohe opts for striped bass or halibut. To prepare the carrots, he cooks them without stirring until they blister, then glazes them in cider and cider vinegar.More Sustainable Seafood Recipes

Broiled Striped Bass with Ginger-Scallion Oil

Rating: 5 stars

A growing number of chefs are becoming eco-activists and buying only sustainable seafood. To do the same at home, check out Monterey Bay Aquarium's Seafood Watch ( and Environmental Defense's Oceans program ( for the most up-to-date information. You can also use farm-based striped bass (which are raised in ponds and tanks that limit pollution).More Amazing Seafood Recipes