Pheather Marold Thomason的费城的原始供应肉类不希望你浪费你的钱。
信用:Lisovskaya / Getty Images

由于希瑟马尔德汤斯蒙开始了她的职业生涯2012年,她以一种有意义的方式对她的社区产生了影响。原始供应肉类为令人印象深刻的餐厅名册提供牧场,可持续的肉类 - 包括vetri.核桃街咖啡馆- 以及通过其订阅计划在城市周围的家庭烹饪,同时支持小农并按照她称之为“系统的恢复部分”。但是费城基于屠夫和企业家也会影响更加个人层面的变化。

“We’ve definitely taught people to cook over the counter," she says, recalling one customer in particular. At Kensington Quarters, the Fishtown-based butcher shop (now a restaurant) she moved to Philadelphia to help open in 2014, Thomason sold the customer a whole chicken with foolproof instructions for how to roast it. “He comes back in the next week, and we were like, ‘How was the chicken?’ and he said, ‘It was really good, but next time I think I need to put it in a bowl or something, because it made a huge mess in my oven.’ He didn't put it on a pan.” But the nascent cook returned weekly, and with the help of Thomason and her co-workers, he bought a Crock-Pot, learned to braise and eventually mastered cooking meat. “It was amazing,” she says. “Starting out, he didn't even know to put the chicken on a pan.”






First, brown the meat to add a little more flavor (or skip that step if you’re feeling lazy, she says.) Thomason adds onions, garlic and a handful of herbs like rosemary to hers, splashes in a few inches of beer, wine or stock and puts it, covered, in the oven. “Those are all hard working, active muscles, so they have lots of collagen and connective tissue in them, which is tough until it breaks down,” she says. “With time and patience, it slowly gives up, melts, and becomes flavor.” You’ll know the meat is done when you stick a fork in, twist, and it gives.




为了更好的结果,托马森建议提前每天制造肉。“在冰箱里花在烹饪果汁中的所有味道都冷却的时间 - 所有的口味都融合并集中了。”换句话说,这很难搞砸这一点。只是不要忘记平底锅。