2018年3月,美国队正在参加世界第一年的屠夫挑战。屠夫丹尼·约翰逊(Butcher Danny Johnson)说:“如果没有别的,我们正在开创性。”

世界屠夫的挑战is an intensely anticipated annual event that can be best described as the butcher industry’s Summer Olympic Games. The challenge started in 2011 as a rivalry between New Zealand and Australia and has since morphed into an ultra-competitive worldwide competition. In March 2018, and for the first time ever, the U.S. will compete against some of the most notable butchers from around the world in Belfast, Ireland. With twelve teams participating, the lineup is the biggest to-date.

Team USA, or美国的屠夫,由丹尼·约翰逊(Danny Johnson)和保罗·卡拉斯(Paul Carras)组成Taylor’s Market在萨克拉曼多,布莱恩·巴特勒Salt & Time在奥斯丁,洛萨·埃比(Lothar Erbe)洛萨的美食香肠in Virginia, John Fink of整个野兽在旧金山和克雷格·德伊尔(Craig Deihl), a chef and award-wining charcuterie maker in Charleston. “The reason this is the first year the U.S. is competing is because we are the first organization from the U.S. that got it together to compete,” says Tia Harrison Holmes, co-founder of屠夫公会, who handpicked the players of Team USA.


Practice makes perfect

找到完美的队友并不是一个简单的任务,但这并没有结束。就像奥运会的运动员火车一样,精英肉类处理人员每月在萨克拉曼多的泰勒市场上一次聚在一起,为活动训练。在世界屠夫的比赛中,每个团队将有三个小时15分钟的时间,屠夫半牛,半猪,一只羊肉和五只鸡,仅按时,工艺和创造力。这是一个千载难逢的机会,”德补充道ihl, as he takes it all in.


“我们立即建立了联系,”约翰逊在八月份的第一个“肉类”中说。“每个人都就像,‘嘿,我们想赢。’”前五个小时花了物流和规则并创建主粘合剂。他补充说:“在那个星期天,我们切断了牛肉 - 在周围发出想法并将其分解 - 不必担心速度。”第二天,团队摔倒了羊肉和猪。“我们玩很多肉,” Deihl说。“我们将首先讨论它,并弄清楚我们要如何攻击它。我们还注意到我们可以在下一个练习中可以专注于的不同产品可以做的事情。”


Getting to Ireland

训练和飞行一支由六个屠夫到爱尔兰的团队的成本并不是一件小事。团队严重依靠筹款活动从A点到B点。他们建立了筹款页面to help offset travel expenses. “People love it,” says Johnson. “Our customers are completely over the moon about it and ask us daily about fundraising and what they can do.”


Deihl, Erbe and Fink will be cooking atMeat on Goatin South Carolina on October 14 to raise money for their travels. The evening, put on by山羊岛聚会,承诺以肉类为中心的叮咬,音乐和鸡尾酒。团队还将联合起来美国屠夫演示与鸡尾酒会,由泰勒市场(Taylor's Market)于11月6日举办,享受小叮咬,葡萄酒和啤酒的亲密之夜。亚搏电竞将进行屠夫演示和现场拍卖,所有收益将直接用于支持团队的旅程。

从每种实践中产生的屠宰肉在筹款中起着巨大的作用。在泰勒市场,当地人与WBC(世界屠夫挑战)排队香肠and quality cuts of meat that comes out of their training sessions. “Everything gets used,” says Johnson. It’s a time to show Sacramento locals what the team is most excited about: the art of butchering and the team’s craft.

Winning the meat medal

“只是骄傲,”约翰逊在谈论获胜的目标时说道。“获胜将是该行业的对话开始。我们只有六个人代表美国。如果没有别的,我们是开创性的。”在约翰逊(Johnson)经营的35年中,他最高兴看到当地社区的热情。“成为一个butcherwent away,” he says. “But it’s alive and thriving again.”