杰克·诺维克·菲德of Gristmill restaurant in Brooklyn prefers a combination of all-purpose and spelt flours for these crusty garlic knots. “The high-protein content of spelt flour gives this dough extra energy,” he says. “That energy is what gives this dough structure and its perfect chew and poofy interior after it’s baked.” Inspired by the classic Roman pasta, Novick-Finder gives these garlic knots a shower of Parmesan and cracked black pepper before and after baking.幻灯片:更多大蒜面包食谱


信用:©Con Poulos






  • 在装有面团钩的立式搅拌机的碗中,将1/4杯橄榄油和酵母与1 1/4杯水混合。让站立直到泡沫,大约5分钟。加入面粉并以低速混合,直到面团聚在一起,大约5分钟。面团应该光滑,但不要粘。如果太干,加1汤匙水。让休息15分钟。

  • 加入盐并以中低速混合,直到面团变硬,触摸10至15分钟时弹回。塑造成球并转移到一个大碗中。用潮湿的厨房毛巾盖住碗,放在温暖的地方,直到面团散装加倍,约1小时。

  • Turn the dough out onto a very lightly floured work surface. Gently stretch it into a square and fold each of the 4 sides into the center. Flip the dough seam side down and return to the bowl. Cover with the damp towel and let rise in a warm place until it is doubled in bulk and springs back slowly after you touch it, about 1 hour.

  • 第2行带有羊皮纸的大型带烤盘。将面团从面粉浅面粉的工作表面上,然后使用大刀或长凳刮刀将其切成16个相等的部分。将每块面团轻轻滚到球中,然后小心地转移到准备好的烤盘上。松散地用湿厨房毛巾盖住,放在温暖的地方30分钟。

  • 反1球的面团在unfloured冲浪ace so it is sticky side up. Using your pointer fingers, press the outside edges of the dough together to seal the sticky side. Using your palm, flatten the dough, then turn it so the longer side is facing you. Working from the opposite side, fold the dough over itself 3 or 4 times to form a tight log. Roll the log into a 12-inch rope, then tie into a loose knot with 2 long tails. Transfer the knot to the baking sheet and repeat with the remaining balls of dough.

  • Carefully slide each baking sheet into a clean, unscented 13-gallon plastic kitchen bag and tie closed; leave air in the bags to prevent the plastic from touching the dough. Let the knots rise in a warm place until the dough is puffed and springs back slowly after you touch it, about 1 hour.

  • 同时,将烤箱预热至425°。在中等锅中,将黄油融化在其余1杯橄榄油中。加入大蒜,用低火煮,偶尔搅拌,直到非常柔软而金色,大约45分钟。在非常低温下保持温暖。

  • 用一些大蒜黄油刷结,将大蒜碎片留在后面,然后再用新鲜磨碎的帕米亚诺 - 雷吉亚诺,片状海盐和新鲜的黑胡椒粉。烘烤打结约20分钟,直到膨化并变成褐色。淋上更多的大蒜黄油,并用更多的奶酪和胡椒粉装饰。温暖。


Farmer Ground spelt flour can be found at Whole Foods, but any local, finely ground spelt flour will work here.
