
When it comes down to weeknight cooking, let’s be real: Most of the time it’s not the act of cooking that’s the real hassle, it’s the cleanup. These dinners all come together in one sheet pan—and maybe a bowl or two for mixing—but we’re keeping the dishes to a minimum. They’re flexible enough for a big family meal on a busy Tuesday night, to the weekend warrior cook who’s batch-prepping their meals for the week.

Spring Onion and Salami Sheet Pan Pizza
Credit: Greg DuPree

And keeping convenience in mind, many of the proteins, vegetables, and herbs are easily swappable in these recipes for what you prefer and already have stocked in your kitchen. From reworking Sunday-night favorites like classic eggplant parmesan to be more school-night friendly, to a complex and elevated steak dinner that can do the job on both hectic evenings或者这六个食谱与公司一起悠闲晚餐,简单,快速,可以尽可能无忧。

The Family Favorite That’s Weeknight Friendly

This classic family-favorite dinner comes together mess-free, with minimal dishes left in the sink in its aftermath. With no deep frying involved, and just one skillet and sheet pan, it’s the ideal crowd-pleasing weeknight meal for hectic evenings—but impressive enough to earn a spot on the table at a weekend dinner party. Once you pick up your produce, you’re likely to have the majority of these ingredients on-hand in your pantry; your favorite store-bought marinara sauce is the easy shortcut to make this Tuesday-night friendly. Make sure to let your eggplant drain thoroughly for the perfect charred texture.

Herbes de Provence Crusted Branzino和Fingerlings
Credit: Greg Dupree

The Speedy Dinner You’ve Probably Got Most of the Ingredients For

假设您有一些订书钉,例如盐,胡椒粉和油,那么您需要购物的只是您选择的片状白色鱼(我们喜欢布兰奇诺或鳟鱼),芥末酱,香草和土豆。Herbes de Provence融合了包括薰衣草,百里香和茴香在内的香料混合物,为这份万无一失的锅锅晚餐提供了大部分繁重的升降味。简单,快速且非令人愉悦的锅锅晚餐将在接下来的工作日中重复。

An Impressive Steak Dinner That Feels Like Eating Out


Credit: © John Kernick

The Speedy Chicken Dinner That’s Ready in Under an Hour

只需几分钟即可组装,没有挑剔的食材购物,对家庭友好和最少的清理工作 - 这款简单的鸡肉晚餐是赢家,您的工作日繁忙。烤柠檬增加了焦糖深度,从而带来了肉类蘑菇中最好的。冰箱里没有鸡大腿吗?欧芹酱很浓郁,herby,garlicky且用途广泛,可以在您选择的任何蛋白质或蔬菜上使用。最好的部分:整个晚餐可以在45分钟内放在您的桌子上。

Roasted Salmon Recipe | FWCooks
学分:Rishon Hanners的Jennifer Causey /亚搏电竞 Food Styleling图片 / Audrey Davis的道具样式

A Fresh, Spring-Inspired Dinner

最好的春季 - 苏格尔的豌豆,芦笋,萝卜和大量的草药 - 在这份五颜六色,简单的锅晚餐中闪耀。辛辣甜味的芥末釉在不到一分钟的时间内融合在一起,由厨房的主食组成,使这道菜足以适应您在家中的任何新鲜农产品,草药或蛋白质的即兴演奏。这一切都融合在一起,一张薄片,我们已经完美地定时了每种烤肉,以便您需要准备每种成分所需的时间。

The Dinner You Can Toss in One Pan and Forget About

It doesn’t get more hands-off than this. Coil the sausage, toss in the apple mixture, and stick it in the oven. Sweet, roasted apples balance the spicy sausage, and a little bit of lemon zest brightens up the whole meal.This cozy, simple dinner is great for fall, but if you’ve got apples and you’ve got sausage, it’s delicious any day of the year. Stick to Honeycrisp or Pink Lady apples for this dish—they hold their shape better and won’t get mushy in the oven.

A No-Fuss Pizza You'll Make Again and Again

为商店购买的披萨面团打出两个球,您距自制披萨几分钟路程 - 不需要披萨皮。该食谱涉及一种巧妙的技术,即从锅锅的相对侧面拉伸两个室温面团,在中间见面,形成了一个巨大的奶奶式的披萨壳,您将在切片的扇贝,salami,salami(或您最喜欢的)上面上面无肉的替代品),刺耳的优质披萨酱或番茄酱,以及大量的马苏里拉奶酪和帕尔姆。最终的新鲜蔬菜或香草等草药和罗勒(Basil)和罗勒(Basil)的馅料为工作日的披萨晚餐增添了适量的新鲜感。