从Tostitos Multigrain Scoop到无咖啡因的可乐背后的12个似乎随机短缺的故事。

As COVID-19 spread and communities began enacting stay-at-home orders last spring, many of us went straight to the grocery store and filled our carts with toilet paper, hand sanitizer, disinfectant spray, eggs, bread, milk, canned goods, and just about any other household staples we could get our hands on.


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Up and down the supply chain, suppliers were caught off-guard by our unprecedented hunger for certain foods. They quickly shifted to making only their most popular, core products and put their less-popular, niche variations on the backburner, which made them difficult or impossible to find.

"Whenever demand is volatile and difficult to predict, and you're short of capacity, then you want to minimize the time your equipment is going through changeovers and switching from making one product to another," saysAnanth Iyer普渡大学供应链和运营管理教授以及该大学全球供应链管理计划主任。“公司基本上恢复了根源,有效地利用了能力,并减少了品种,以使货架上充满产品。”

Meanwhile, producers had to quickly pivot from supplying bulk ingredients to now-shuttered restaurants and schools to shipping household-sized items to grocery stores. Manufacturers couldn't make enough glass jars andaluminum cans,这使我们能够购买腌菜,苏打和啤酒的能力。Covid-19在工厂和加工工人之间传播,这导致关闭并减少了生产。在整个供应链中,缺乏运输容器和卡车司机造成了后勤噩梦。

For a trip down memory lane, we rounded up some of the foods that were in short supply throughout the pandemic and explained what happened.

Yeast and Flour

Yeast and flour were some of the first clues that our cooking habits had changed. At the start of the pandemic, many people took up baking with gusto, leading to a shortage offlourandyeast。Even though a lot of people were makingInstagram准备的酸面团,这不需要任何酵母,许多家庭面包师正在尝试披萨面团和其他酵母bread recipes这确实需要干酵母和面粉。

"Anything associated with baking or making pizzas was in short supply—there was actually a black market for yeast because people couldn't find yeast," says琼·德里格斯(Joan Driggs),市场研究公司IRI的副总裁。“这表明人们是如何开始花时间的。他们不再出去了,每个人都在家里做饭。我们有一个新一代的厨师,这将坚持我们。”


2020年5月,温迪在全国各地的地点采用了一些牛肉物品off the menuas meat factories shut down or slowed production because their workers fell ill with COVID-19. Meanwhile, as demand for meat to cook at home increased and suppliersgrappled with the effects of the pandemic,杂货店限制了客户可以购买的新鲜肉类物品的数量。

“人们实际上开始签约Covid-19,尤其是在肉类部门,您看到了这些大规模关闭肉的供应链,”Trey Malone, an assistant professor of agricultural, food, and resource economics at Michigan State University. "The processing facilities couldn't process the product and in these systems that have just-in-time delivery where you plan things out for months and months in advance, you had a backup."

Canned Corn

Canned corn很难找一大堆理由。不太和谐le hoarded shelf-stable vegetables like corn at the beginning of the pandemic and, because corn is only harvested once a year (and there's just not that much being canned to begin with), that meant it was simply out of stock at many retailers until the next harvest. The pandemic also caught farmers by surprise, and it was too late for them to change their 2020 plans and plant more sweet corn than usual.

Tostitos Multigrain Scoops

Tostitos Multigrain Scoops的粉丝took to Twitterto complain about the lack of their favorite chips on store shelves. Frito-Lay, which makes Tostitos,, explained that it streamlined its portfolio to keep other, more popular chips in stock during the pandemic. Other chips, like Lay's Lightly Salted potato chips, Cheetos Crunchy Xxtra Flamin' Hot chips, andDoritos Salsa Verde, were also in short supply.

Non-Traditional Oreo Flavors

为了满足对普通奥利奥的巨大需求,这家标志性饼干的母公司Mondelez选择放慢或停止生产其他产品,more niche Oreo varieties。And there's a possibility that, broadly speaking, some of these other flavors that disappeared during the pandemic may actually never come back.

"If you were really tied to a particular variety of snack chip or drink or breakfast cereal, you likely couldn't find it because manufacturers were just focusing on their highest performers," says Driggs. "That also gave them an opportunity to review their own portfolios and decide which are the products they want to stick with, which are the highest-margin products, which sell the best. As things loosen up, they may choose not to bring back some of those varieties."

Canned Soup

当我们开始几乎完全在家烹饪时,我们转向易于预订的饭菜like canned soup,意大利面和大米 - 供应商很难跟上这种突然的需求。


An aluminum can shortage led Coca-Cola Company to be more selective with the drinks it packaged and sent to retail locations, which caused无咖啡因可乐andother niche sodas供不应求。可口可乐的中国人造甜味剂的供应链也被破坏了,但公司官员表示,他们能够离开任何potential diet or zero-sugar soda shortagesby initiating backup supply chains.




This sturdy, dependable breakfast staple was in such high demand and such short supply that some customers forked over as much as $110 for a box. Because of theproprietary waythat Grape-Nuts is made, it's not totally clear what caused the shortage, but it was something on the supply side. Post Consumer Brands, which makes Grape-Nuts, says the shortage is now over, and the company isevenoffering to reimbursesome of its loyal fans who paid an arm and a leg for the cereal.

Ketchup Packets

当我们开始订购外卖和交付instead of eating out, restaurants had to transition from bottled ketchup to ketchup packets. This huge shift in the delivery mechanism for this tangy red condiment led to afull-blown shortage。亨氏(Heinz)是该国最受欢迎的番茄酱品牌,他承诺今年将增长25%的生产,以满足前所未有的需求。


Like other food manufacturers, McCormick & Company struggled to keep up with the intensedemand for Old Bayseasoning as more people cooked at home. The company hired 1,400 extra employees and paused production on some of its less-popular items to help keep pace with our voracious at-home appetite for Old Bay.

Bonus: Cookware

Sales for cookware and food prep tools skyrocketed during the pandemic, which led to shipping delays and shortages.Lodge Cast Iron, for instance, said we nearly cleaned out its warehouse and we also bought a lot ofsmall applianceslike bread makers and electric skillets.

Other foods we bought a lot of during the pandemic: