信用:威利·B·托马斯 /盖蒂图像

室内餐饮正在开放,疫苗接种变得更容易获得,并且在过去的一年中,我们已经看到了一些光在隧道的尽头。但是我们还不到那儿,American restaurantsare still facing enormous challenges.

“It's obviously confusing, because everything is changing so quickly," says Christina Shoults, general manager of梅丹in Washington, DC. Shoults notes that working at restaurants has actually gotten harder this past month, as more people are vaccinated. "I was reading some guest reservation notes the other day, and someone wrote that they were celebrating the end of COVID," she says. "Which is super not what's happening."

The team at Maydān is asking guests to keep their masks on when anyone approaches the table, which Shoults recognizes can be cumbersome. However, she says, "I have some people on staff that still haven't gotten their first vaccine. My staff health and our guests' health is my number one priority."

While restaurants are adapting to quickly-evolving realities and new local policies, servers, hosts, GMs, and other restaurant staff are the front line communicators of the rules. "We're just asking people to be flexible," says Shoults.


1. Arrive on time ...

“请尊重您的预订时间 - 准时显示,订购和及时吃饭。餐馆正在以封顶的能力工作,需要重新安置桌子。”- 安宁(Ann Hsing),Pasjoli在圣莫尼卡(Santa Monica),洛杉矶独立酒店联盟的总裁

2. ...并且不要在桌子上徘徊。

“请注意预订时间限制。大多数餐馆被迫每天/夜晚最大化客人的数量,而无视或错过预订时间会对其他客人的经历产生负面影响。”-Tim Wiggins, co-owner and beverage director of懒惰的老虎Yellowbelly在密苏里州圣路易斯

“Please don't overstay. With staffing issues and occupancy caps, each table is more important than ever, and timing is everything. Eat, enjoy, get out."- 华盛顿特区的杰西,华盛顿特区的服务器

3. Expect slower service.

“Please be patient if things take longer than expected. Most restaurants are understaffed and have to now take extra steps of service to follow new regulations as a result of the pandemic."- 安宁(Ann Hsing),Pasjoli在圣莫尼卡(Santa Monica),洛杉矶独立酒店联盟的总裁

“现在在全国各地的行业中,人员配备是一个挑战,因此也要了解您的主人,服务器,调酒师等正在 - 并且一直在冒着重新开放和服务社区的风险。此外,同时还面临着挑战和人员的挑战和舒适水平恢复正常,您最喜欢的餐厅或酒吧可能无法提供以前的体验,但是,在过去的一年中,他们不得不在许多方面进行旋转和适应。”- 雅各布·赖特(Jacob Wright),运营总监Wild Commonin Charleston

“请耐心等待。我们所有人都想回到摇滚,繁忙的餐馆像油腻的机器一样运行,但是我们仍在重建我们的团队和供应链,接种疫苗,并从去年坦率地康复。大多数餐馆工作人员我们没有花隔离的园艺或烤面包,而是花了它来旋转待办事项和喂养计划。当我们接种疫苗时,我们很多人都在呼吸第一次宽慰,并刚刚开始处理我们一直在处理的一切。去年。”- Amarys Koenig Herndon,厨师兼所有者棕榈和松在新奥尔良


“在过去的一年中,我们在餐饮业的朋友一直在经历地狱。当我们的客户返回室内用餐时,其中许多人正在购买一些瓶子来送去一个心爱的byo。如果您将自己的葡萄酒带到亚搏电竞一个机构,提示好像您在餐厅买了瓶子一样。归根结底,葡萄酒服务是葡萄酒服务。”亚搏电竞- Dave Govatos,所有者Swiggin Wilmington, Del.

“作为一个服务器,我希望人们呆在家里wait until we are actually out of this because we're both close and so very far away. However, I'm aware that's a lot to ask of our populous after so many dissenting views. So, to those that choose to head out into the world, please tip your server well and actually do us the favor of opening the menu before yelling about four options we have never carried."- 兰德尔,洛杉矶的服务器

“We're making less money, either getting lower tips or no tips. Honestly, if you can't afford to tip someone who's risking his or her life for you to have your enjoyment, don't bother, stay home."-Gabriella Mlynarcyzk, bartender/general manager/beverage director in Los Angeles

5. Keep your mask on unless you're eating or the restaurant says otherwise.

“我们在一年多以上的4月1日开设了Leonelli Restaurant&Bar。这既是我们餐厅中的明确和隐性规则,客人可以在坐下时自由摘下口罩,但如果他们离开他们的餐厅,则必须戴上口罩桌子。- 利兹·本诺(Liz Benno),运营经理Leonelli Restaurant & Bar在纽约市

“请记住,庆祝疫苗是很棒的;但是,餐馆工作人员尚未优先考虑,也可能没有接种疫苗,所以请戴上口罩并保持友善。”-Tim Wiggins, co-owner and beverage director of懒惰的老虎Yellowbelly在密苏里州圣路易斯

“I think it's the same rules we've seen for months now—masks on when standing and, preferably, while not actively eating or drinking."- Sother Teague,主要调酒师和饮料总监储备由Amor Y Amargo在纽约市


“你已经完全接种疫苗了吗?这太好了,但是不要将其用作违反规则的理由。绝对不要让餐馆工人很难就规则或解释为什么您不应该受到与未接种的客人相同的规则。请让您的服务器知道您愿意的话,您已经完全接种了……很高兴听到,但不会使您免于规则。”- Amarys Koenig Herndon,厨师兼所有者棕榈和松在新奥尔良

“在Covid-19期间的这个时候,我们并没有让我们在餐馆和酒吧放下警惕,而是为客人保持安全感和舒适感。……基本上,我们在安全和行为上的误解无论是客人还是员工,都没有人接种疫苗,即使我们的员工正处于完全接种疫苗的方式上。此时,没有办法过度疫苗。现在改变行为将是先发制人的。我们希望每个人都离开这尽可能毫发无损。”-Ravi DeRossi, founder and Proprietor of推翻款待在纽约市

7. Don't get too close to the staff (and, for the love of god, don't touch anyone).

“我的首要任务是我的员工的安全,对我来说就像家人一样。蒙面,戴着手套并彻底洗手,并确保客人保持与我们的寿司厨师的距离,这意味着每个人都保持安全,客人可以继续享用美味的饭菜。”- 艾亚·马基诺(Aaya Makino),总经理Sushi Note在洛杉矶


“避免参加大型聚会。不要通过通过电子邮件为您的12台诉讼辩护您的案件,因为您都接受了疫苗接种。“-Tim Wiggins, co-owner and beverage director of懒惰的老虎Yellowbelly在密苏里州圣路易斯

9. When possible, make your reservations for off-peak days or hours. And show up.

“Make your reservation for off-peak days or hours and order take-out. Everyone wants to get back out there and dine out now that cases are down and vaccines are up, but many restaurants are still operating at limited capacity for a variety of reasons and everyone can't eat at 7 p.m. Don't cancel last minute or no-show for your reservation. First of all that's just rude! secondly, we're turning away walk-ins to save you that table for the coveted 7pm slot that you may or may not show up for. Many restaurants are having almost the same number of cancellations on weekend/peak times as the actual number of guests served."- Amarys Koenig Herndon,厨师兼所有者棕榈和松在新奥尔良

“因为数字系统给人们一种匿名的感觉,所以有些人(可以肯定的是,一小部分)更倾向于尝试通过双重预订或重复演出,因为他们认为没有人注意到。“-Mark Strausman, Chef of Mark's Off Madison in New York, NY

“With reduced capacities in many cities and states, restaurants desperately need two seatings. Insisting on a 7 p.m. booking doesn't help restaurants achieve that goal."-John Winterman, co-owner Francie in Brooklyn, NY

10. Keep complaints to a minimum.

“在假设最坏并抱怨'不友好'或'遥远'的服务之前,请再思考一下。是的,我们不像健谈的桌子。是的,当您订购时,我们确实与桌子保持了更多的距离。我们正在尽力而为在社会疏远时热情好客。”-Tim Wiggins, co-owner and beverage director of懒惰的老虎Yellowbelly在密苏里州圣路易斯