Elena Rosemond-Hoerr of Biscuits and Such is so obsessed with North Carolina that she’s creating recipes inspired by its 100 counties.

在这里,现在的博客,你应该读with recipes and tips from their creators.

The blog:Elena Rosemon-Hoerr探索她对博客的南方食物的热爱,亚搏电竞饼干等等

You’re working on a series, Tasting North Carolina, featuring recipes inspired by the 100 different counties. How are you settling on the recipes?

When I’m choosing the recipes for each county I do a lot of research on the history of that county, the population and how it has evolved, agricultural trends and ingredients that the county is known for, cultural influences: I try to get a feel for the food culture of the area. I talk to people in the county, I reach out to cornerstone restaurants, if possible I visit and eat with people. The recipe that comes from that process depends on the experience, the region, the people I talk to. Sometimes I’ll write a recipe based on an ingredient that is signature to the county—such as theNash County Sweet Potato Chess Pie。北卡罗来纳州是该国的1号甘薯生产州,纳什是北卡罗来纳州生产最甜土豆的县。因此,我选择了一个具有这种最受欢迎​​和关键成分的食谱。

其他县已证明不仅仅是一个具有挑战性的。例如,我的家人在More Weash城市拥有一所房子,位于Carteret County,我在那里在那里度过了尽可能多的时间。我的父母现在住在那里,选择一个代表这个城镇的食谱这样的an important part of my life was incredibly difficult. I noodled on it for more than a year, and only this past weekend did we decide what to make. We were up in Morehead City for theBig Rock Tournamentand did some sport fishing of our own during the visit. During our day offshore we caught 10 dolphin fish (mahimahi) from the boat and a half dozen crabs off the pier. So, when we were home and showered and the fish were cleaned, we stuffed the dolphin with crab meat and ate like kings. That will be the recipe for Carteret County—a fish dish featuring very fresh and hyperlocal seafood paired with a personal story, which sums up what I’m trying to do with the series pretty nicely.

First of all, Justin looks eerily like my grandfather circa 1954. Are you sure he’s not a Rosemond? As for the biscuits, I love that idea! I personally find great satisfaction in cutting the butter in by hand. There’s something about using your fingers to spread the butter to paper-thin layers that is meditative, and it makes for impressively flaky biscuits. But I’m not Luddite so I’ll be busting out my box grater the next time I’m baking up biscuits.

谢谢!你知道,我非常非常幸运美国食谱just sort of fell into my lap. DK contacted me after my coauthor, Caroline Bretherton, pitched the idea. They loved the concept but wanted an American author to add American-ness to the project (Caroline is English, but lives in North Carolina), so they reached out to me with the idea. It was the ideal circumstance for a first-time cookbook writer, because I was working within the seasoned DK network with a coauthor who has written many cookbooks helping me navigate each step of the process. It was a lot of work but I can’t think of a better way to learn the ropes. I’m actually working on a cookbook proposal now for a book that would have a much more Southern lilt, which I’m really excited about. It’s been fun and interesting and terrifying to start from the very beginning, to work with an agent on a proposal that will be pitched to publishers. Every moment is a learning experience.

Your book focuses on updated American classics. What are some from your blog that didn’t make it into the book?
实际上没有那么多的交叉食谱美国食谱and Biscuits and Such, oddly enough. With the exception of one or two classics (烤的番茄虾和灰色,对于一个),博客的读者将在本书中找到丰富的新食谱和内容,我之前没有出现在那里,这很酷。这本书的写作绝对把我推到了新的领土,让我的自由和动力试图尝试我可能永远不会煮熟的食物。亚搏电竞这对我来说真的很棒,特别是作为一个厨师的厨师烹饪,有机会写出来自该国其他地区的烹饪款式和成分的食谱。亚搏电竞它还让我有机会编写和发布我最喜欢的一些食谱,这些食谱不适合南方食品的类别,例如Huevos Rancheros。亚搏电竞丹(我的丈夫)和我花了完善我们的Huevos rancheros技术,它感到很棒,最终找到了分享的正确媒体。

这对我来说,这对我来说,这是一个巨大的巧妙制作和精美的食物博客这些日子。亚搏电竞有什么灵感!我现在和永远的一些最喜欢的是没有盐蜂蜜和果酱ShutterbeanNothing in the Houseand快乐的蛋黄。我也当然吞噬了一切亚搏电竞Food52.必须提供,但我们都不提供?

Kristin Donnelly is a former亚搏电竞食品和葡萄酒亚搏电竞即将到来的编辑和作者现代的Potluck.(Clarkson Potter, 2016). She is also the cofounder ofStewart & Claire,在布鲁克林制造的全自然系列。