Craft breweries are taking on big beer with great-tasting, less-caloric beers.
Credit: From left to right: Harpoon Brewery, Dogfish Head Brewing, Southern Tier Brewing

在由十年的精酿啤酒厂爆炸所定义的现代啤酒界中,很容易指向开拓性的产品,例如内华达州内华达山脉淡啤酒,塞缪尔·亚当斯·波士顿·拉格(Samuel Adams Boston Lager),甚至是当代经典,例如炼金术士的Heady Topper作为The Heady Topper有史以来大多数改变游戏规则的啤酒。But as far as the beer industry as a whole is concerned — especially financially-speaking — the most important development happened back before craft beer was even a glimmer in homebrewers’ eyes. In 1975, Miller Lite made its national debut, introducing“轻啤酒”的想法to the masses. Today, nearly half (around 45 percent) of all beer consumed in the U.S. is of the light variety: a pretty impressive swing from the zero percent of 44 years ago.

然而,这种重大的海洋变化似乎不太可能发生,但是,啤酒行业再次发展的一个领域是 - 惊喜,惊喜 - 更加意识到健康的啤酒。然而,这次的一个主要区别是,精酿啤酒厂能够跳入乐趣。不管您是否相信,如果您正在寻找低热量的割草机或海滩啤酒,该啤酒提供了很多风味(甚至复杂性),一些最近的手工艺品版本正在使2019年夏季看起来特别令人兴奋。

去年年底,特拉华州的狗鱼头酿造引入略有强大- 带有自己的统计数据线到达的“ Lo-Cal IPA”:“每12盎司每12盎司只有95卡路里,3.6克碳水化合物,1G蛋白和0g脂肪。”如果这种营销看起来很熟悉,那就不是巧合:几乎所有这些新的Lo-cal啤酒(无论是否工艺)都在追逐Michelob Ultra(统计:95卡路里,2.6碳水化合物)。2002年推出的Anheuser-Busch产品是为数不多的美国啤酒之一实际上看到主要的销售增长at a time when beer consumption overall is slipping. Though the thought of craft breweries chasing a Michelob product might sound absurd, Dogfish Head founder Sam Calagione laid out the logic. “Anheuser-Busch came onto our territory by buying out craft breweries,” he told me. “I think it’s fair we go after them.”

Meanwhile, just like in sports, the stats don’t tell the whole story. Whereas Michelob Ultra is simply a standard light lager, Slightly Mightyworks overtime to deliver on taste。Granted, this lo-cal IPA doesn’t come close to the aforementioned Heady Topper, but the addition of monk fruit buoys the beer’s mild tropical notes to make this an enjoyable warm weather sipper.

Even more impressive is the unfortunately-namedSwipe Light来自纽约的南部酿造。这种啤酒于3月在Michelob Ultra Like Slim罐头上发射,可能是其Tinder引用的绰号,但所谓的“清新啤酒”具有长期的所有味道。卡路里和碳水化合物较高(分别为110克和6.5克),但它们转化为更大的味道。滑动淡淡的饮料,带有果味流行和坚固的口感,不会过于泡沫。而且,这种据称柔和的啤酒的啤酒花复杂性确实显得闪耀:我肯定会从马赛克啤酒花中看到您希望的前卫。

Even more on-trend, and equally enjoyable, isRec. League来自马萨诸塞州的鱼叉啤酒厂这需要一个功能创新的厨房水槽,并将其扔进啤酒中,您实际上不需要缠绕着头。基于流行hazy IPA style,鱼叉解释说,这部新的2019年发行“酿造了荞麦喀沙等独特成分,它提供了重要的矿物质和B族维生素;含纤维,omega-3脂肪酸和抗氧化剂的Chia种子;和地中海海盐,可提供强大的电解质来源。”但是我的看法要简单得多:根据自己的优点进行评判,rec。联盟非常愉快 - 一种相对浓郁的新英格兰风格的淡啤酒,只有120卡路里和超级效率3.8%的ABV。

同时,另一种低热量的工艺趋势继续出现,并不完全在米歇尔·Ultra Mold中,而是试图跨越更多的健康饮酒者,并进一步吸引了“渴望渴望”的人群:手工艺硬质Seltzer。一个特别的品牌真的让我感到惊讶 - 部分是因为它来自我与令人敬畏的啤酒相关的啤酒厂:科罗拉多州的啤酒Oskar Blues。他们的100卡路里5%的ABVWild Basin Boozy Sparkling Water让我感觉我在“灵魂出窍”的experience. I’ve spent decades searching for the world’s best beers, ciders, and wines, and here I was grabbing for another can of Wild Basin because it just tasted really nice on a long walk. The flavors were crisp, the finish was clean, and the alcohol was dangerously undetectable. The refreshing Cucumber Peach variety was the star of the show while the strange Lemon Agave Hibiscus grew on me with every scrutinizing sip.

Overall, competing on big beer’s turf is a mostly new phenomenon for craft beer producers. The craft market was forged from exploiting styles and techniques that big brewers had abandoned, leaving the big guys to play catchup by acquiring IPA makers. Though the recent movement the other way may seem counterintuitive, larger craft brewers’ ability to bring their dedication to innovation back to the mainstream is actually proving fruitful for beer lovers. Don’t get me wrong: Lo-cal IPAs are no summer substitute for enjoying the sunshine outdoors at your favorite local brewery taproom. But if you’re looking for lighter options for a day at the beach or after a long cornhole session, the options this year are more flavorful than ever before.