学分:Alexis M. Carek

Clevelandhas more going for it than its Rust Belt reputation and a football team that can bring grown men to tears. It has a fantastic food culture that's growing faster than its residents can gobble up, thanks to star chefs like迈克尔·西蒙以及当地的Ingénues,包括12家餐厅的所有者,包括看似不可阻挡的Zach Bruell和2010年的Jonathan SawyerFood & Wine Magazine's Best New Chefwho's got four restaurants. With their help—and that of many other talented chefs and restaurateurs—Cleveland has become a veritable smorgasbord of food and beverage excellence. But with all that edible goodness to choose from, where is a person—especially an outsider in town for, say, one weekend—supposed to start?

Just come to the city hungry. With this 48-hour guide, we've got the rest covered.


You've landed at Cleveland Hopkins International Airport—and that puny bag of so-called pretzels the airline served you didn't exactly do it for you. Satiate your hunger at Ohio City'sMOMOCHO(1835 Fulton Rd。,216-694-2122),厨师埃里克·威廉姆斯(Eric Williams)的Mod Mexan餐厅,它将刺激您的感官以及您的味蕾。(这家餐厅装饰着五颜六色的luchardor口罩,并用蜡烛昏暗。)玛格丽塔: order from the menu, or ask the bartender to mix two flavors—we like the way hibiscus and pineapple blend together—for a very unique drink. Follow that up with the goat cheese, tomato, and poblano guacamole and the pepita and pecan-crusted trout served with pickled jalapeño-mustard crema and sofito green beans and fennel for your main meal.

If you're still hungry—which, if you are, you didn't do Momocho right—drive five minutes further west to the Gordon Square district and walk into快乐的狗(5801 Detroit Rd., 216-651-9474) . The bar, which often features live music, does one thing and they do it well: hot dogs. Here, you can top your dog with anything from bourbon pork and beans to chunky peanut butter, Brazilian chimichurri sauce, a sunny-side up fried egg, or everything bagel cream cheese. In all, there are 50 toppings to choose from, so the possibilities of a hot dog here are几乎endless.

Cap off the evening with a beer at the intimate纳米啤酒(1859 W 25th St.,216-862-6631), where you can choose from 24 craft beers—many of them brewed at Nano's sister bar down the street. The local draft list changes daily, so you may find that you want to come back a couple times over the course of the weekend.


您仍然有30小时的时间,今天,您要打包很多食物。亚搏电竞从Lucky's Café(777 Starkweather Ave., 216-622-7773)in Tremont, where the menu is built entirely from the crops and meats produced by Ohio farmers. Pass through its funky-and-eclectic dining room to the outdoor patio, take a seat at a wooden picnic table and order a housemade sweet lemonade or a Lucky's Fizzy—a blend of housemade coulis, soda water, and dollop of fresh whipped cream. Then dig into its cheddar scallion biscuits topped with sausage gravy and scrambled eggs, or a Shipwreck—a baked mix of hash browns, eggs, seasonal vegetables, bacon, and cheddar cheese.

For lunch, drive into The Flats, a once derelict part of downtown that in recent years has become a hub of waterfront entertainment and fine and casual dining. At胡同猫(1056 Old River Rd., 216-574-9999),这是扎克·布鲁尔(Zach Bruell)的最新企业之一,您可以坐在阁楼般的餐厅内,同时欣赏库亚霍加河(Cuyahoga River)的壮丽景色。订购用辣味蛋黄酱,Queso壁画和酱油订购虾馅的辣椒。然后从decade废的野生条纹鲈鱼中选择Orzo,Orzo,烤箱烤的西红柿,西兰花,草药和Beurre火锅,或Bruell的鱼三明治 - 搭配啤酒粉的鳕鱼,自制咸菜,Fontina,Fontina,House-Grain Mustard和Fries。

碰撞弯曲酿酒厂 - 克利夫兰-FT-SS0817.JPG
Inside Collision Bend
|信用:Pete Baka Apraim Communications

Inside Collision Bend

皮特·巴卡(Pete Baka)广告通信皮特·巴卡(Pete Baka)

Walk off all that food with a stroll toCollision Bend Brewery(1250 Old River Rd., 216-273-7879) located a stone's throw from Alley Cat along the water. The brewery recently took over the city's Hausheer Building, an 1863 spot that once served as a chandlery used by Civil-War era-merchant ships to stockpiled supplies before setting sail onto Lake Erie. With renovated building, the brewery makes more than a dozen beers, each named in some way for the city. Take Saison de Bruell, named for—you guessed it—Zach Bruell, or the Lake Eerie Sunset, which locals know is sight to behold.

晚餐,在迈克尔·西蒙(Michael Symon)的Lola Bistro(2058 E 4th St.,216-621-5652)和乔纳森·索耶(Jonathan Sawyer)温室小酒馆(2038 E 4th St., 216-443-0511) - 因为坦率地说,我们不能。两家餐厅都是好的。Lola Bistro拥有优雅的氛围和令人惊讶的菜肴,使克利夫兰的历史致敬。它的牛仔脸颊皮耶罗吉(Pierogi)尊重克利夫兰的波兰根源。它的炖羊腿配以Tzatziki,烤Rapini和酥脆的葱属,可以使您流泪。但是,一扇门,温室小酒馆里装饰着木制装饰和铁细节,菜单可以匹配。菜单上有一个猪的头,我们的意思是literal猪的头。你为什么问?索耶(Sawyer)不相信浪费任何东西,包括他购买的猪头,以供更多传统的菜肴。因此,它的头与烧烤酱,生蔬菜沙拉,奶油蛋卷和生菜杯一起食用。但是,如果您不是您晚餐的想法,请尝试beef tartare,牛肉,体育场芥末,三分钟的蛋黄酱,蒜泥蛋黄酱和发酵泡菜的菜肴。

Society Lounge-Cleveland-ft-SS0817.jpg
|信用:弗朗西斯·安吉隆(Francis Angelone)



For an after-dinner cocktail, walk across the street to社会休息室(2063 E 4th St., 216-781-9050),这是一个旨在唤起1920年代最好的地下室酒吧,它带有迷人的装饰 - 思想:天鹅绒沙发和锦缎壁纸 - 和一种通过社交媒体进行社交的氛围阅读:将手机放在这里。你可以喝经典鸡尾酒或选择社会休息室的原创性,例如El Chapo,粉红色的辣椒伏特加酒,番石榴糖浆,姜和柠檬汁,或夏尔加里塔(Chargarita),或者是Blanco Tequila的烟熏鸡尾酒,家居吸烟的Curacao,curacao,lime juice,lime juice,chili juice,chilii juice,chilii juice,chili juice,chilii果汁石灰灌木和篝火熏制的海盐。


You've got maybe 10 hours until you have to leave town, or at least leave this little dining adventure. Make it count with a stop toCorbo的面包店(12210 Mayfield Rd。,216-421-8181)在克利夫兰的小意大利,您可以在那里订购一系列糕点,以便在旅途中散步,穿过这个迷人的小镇。它的七叶树 - 丁香果丁香是俄亥俄州的主食,而蛋糕球则是红色天鹅绒,ho-ho,布朗尼和花生的口味,更好地错过了。(奖金:他们很容易在散步上吃饭。)

午餐前往西区市场(1979 W 25th St., 216-664-3387)—a beautifully restored brick building complete with a 44-foot high Guastavino tile vaulted ceiling and a 137-foot-tall clock tower—and walk through stalls of fresh pasta from俄亥俄州城意大利面,本地种植的哺乳猪Sebastian's Meats和在石头炉子上烤的面包Mediterra Bakehouse, before coming toSteve's Gyros. You'll know you've reached this stall, at the back of the 241-foot-by-124-foot market because of the line. Thelong线。(摊位说的平均等待时间是一小时。)但是我们保证这是值得的。


今天是法国食物。亚搏电竞你会去EDWINS(13101 Shaker Square, 216-921-3333), where ex-cons run the kitchen and the dining room, working as head chefs, servers, and bus boys. EDWINS is part of a statewide program to help rehabilitate felons—and lower recidivism rates—by giving them skills they can use in restaurants and especially at EDWINS. (You can read more about the programhere.) You'll be impressed with more than just the staff here: the menu features many French favorites such as salad nicoise and foie gras poêlé, with peach compote and black raspberry coulis. But the desserts here really shine: try the citron soufflé, which takes 25 minutes to prepare fresh from the kitchen, or the pyramide du chocolate, made with Grand Marnier macerated strawberries. The cherries jubilee is also worth an order—it's prepared tableside.