洛杉矶有您喜欢的每一种披萨风格-and many you never even knew existed.
Credit: Photo by Melissa Saka / Photo Treatment by Meredith Digital Design


So maybe you should start your quest for excellent L.A. pizza by heading to one of the city's more touristy blocks. Seriously, go to the famous Venice sign at Pacific Avenue and Windward Avenue. You might not believe what you find.

Great White是一家咖啡馆,喜欢海滩的企业家和goop- 贾斯塔(Adjacect)的人群在威尼斯标志(The Wenice Sign)旁边吃鳄梨吐司和金枪鱼节沙拉。在这里,才华横溢的智利厨师胡安·何塞·费雷罗(JuanJoséFerreiro)将木制的披萨菜单放在一起,上面放着完美耐嚼的薄皮馅饼,当您咬进去时反击,但不是太多。

OSPI,从威尼斯的标志漫步,是面食大师的地方杰克逊·卡尔布(Jackson Kalb)与著名的面团医生诺埃尔·布罗纳(Noel Brohner)合作,开发了受罗马启发的饼干 - 薄披萨,但为洛杉矶的自由精神进行了校准。(将Ospi的披萨与地面意大利辣香肠,菠萝和Raw和腌制的墨西哥胡椒作为展品A。)与此同时。Venice Way Pizza, with square slices and pies a few steps from the Venice sign.

但是,也许一个更不可能找到绝妙披萨的地方是您自己的车道。见面Speak Cheezy, a new L.A. pizza van from Jason Winters of城市派。For a $250 minimum, Winters and his crew will show up at your home for a private party and make fantastic sourdough pizzas like the anchovy-forward Bon Chovie, which has the pleasantly intense flavors of puttanesca.

Credit: Nicole Franzen


您可以前往圣费尔南多谷(San Fernando Valley),在合法的纽约风格的切片布鲁克林的披萨货车, which has brought the flavors of Bay Ridge to Sherman Oaks. Studio City'sLBK是另一个布鲁克林到洛。在山谷中脱颖而出。同时,洛杉矶市中心超级精灵是受人尊敬的地方Rossoblu厨师史蒂夫·萨姆森(Steve Samson)deftly weaves together New York and Neapolitan pizza influences to create his own style. (Hot tip: During the pandemic, Samson started serving Superfine pizzas at Rossoblu, and he plans to continue this.) For Detroit-style pizza, there's on-the-riseDTown Pizzeria在西好莱坞和长滩。那不到那不勒斯的中流tay不足为奇L'Antica Pizzeria Da Michele(yes, the pizza place in美食,祈祷和恋爱)在好莱坞开设了第一个美国前哨基地?

在兰乔·帕洛斯·弗莱德(Rancho Palos Verdes)中,你有Burattino, where Korean-Angeleno proprietor Lee Kim has ultra-crunchy crusts and vibrant toppings that include both green and red chorizo from local sausage legendChori-Man。在博伊尔高地,厨师马里奥·克里斯特纳(Mario Christerna)Brooklyn Ave. Pizza Co。受到他的芝士根源的启发,所以他有一个痣派。Christerna还为他的肉爱好者的披萨制作了Discada,这是墨西哥猪肉和牛肉的准备。

OSPI Pizza
信用:Wonho Frank Lee

Is L.A. the best pizza city in America? That's not even the right question. In L.A., pizza is about celebrating different styles and different flavors. Is L.A. the most uninhibited pizza city in America? Of course it is. From the yolk-porn duck-egg pie at爱与盐在曼哈顿海滩(Manhattan BeachFelixand Ori Menashe and Genevieve Gergis's multi-regional Italian marvel贝斯蒂亚),洛杉矶正在扩大其伸展面团时的想象力。这是从哪里开始:

Speak Cheezy

你看过披萨面包车吗?如果您关注社交媒体上的洛杉矶食品,那么您可能会看到披萨货车亚搏电竞。厨师杰森·温特斯(Jason Winters)长期以来以需要120小时发酵的酸面团而闻名。但是直到最近,他才把烤箱放在面包车上,并开始在城市周围开车烤面包。这辆被称为Speaky Cheezy的货车是一个突破性的热门歌曲,现在定期访问好莱坞名人,职业运动员,成人娱乐企业家和食品行业内部人士的家。亚搏电竞

A few hundred dollars gets you a "micro party" for about a dozen people, who can try pizzas topped with Bloomsdale spinach or AmaRosa potatoes or, best of all, clams and 'nduja. Winters also makes carbonara pies and a black garlic pizza inspired by a bowl of ramen. If you don't want to book a party, or if you're visiting from out of town, Winters also posts up around the city to sell individual pizzas (check Speak Cheezy'sInstagram accountfor details).instagram.com/speak_cheezy



Daniele Uditi'sneo-Neapolitan pizzerias在布伦特伍德(Brentwood)和西好莱坞(West Hollywood),从炖的短肋骨披萨到卡西奥·佩佩·比萨饼到黑松露比萨饼的一切都表现出色。这也是您可以找到完美的玛格丽塔的地方。pizzana.com


The drenched marinara pizza at Caitlin and Daniel Cutler's现代妈妈餐厅在梅尔罗斯大道(Melrose Avenue)上,大蒜,凤尾鱼和“太多的酱汁”凶猛而时髦。您绝对应该在这个豹斑的披萨中添加一些'nduja,以使更多的震动更加美好。ronanla.com

Great White

Both the margherita and the spicy Niman Ranch sausage pizza at this Venice café are exemplary, with shockingly good chewy dough and the ideal balance of cheese and sauce. The textures and flavors here rival high-profile pizza places all over the city. Great White is working to open new locations in both Larchmont and West Hollywood later this year. This feels like the beginning of an L.A. pizza empire.greatwhitevenice.com

Credit: Nicole Franzen


有很多理由来访问这个艺术分配ict powerhouse. But along with the beloved bone marrow and pastas, we recommend that every meal here includes a pizza or two. The sourdough crusts are beautifully charred, and standout topping combinations include prosciutto with fermented serrano chiles and fennel pollen.bestiala.com


Marie Petulla and Christopher Keyser's new Pasadena pizza place masterfully blends East Coast and West Coast influences in specialties like a clam pie that's inspired by Connecticut but finished with Fiscalini cheddar from California.ustreetpizza.com