Smoked Fish

许多人熟悉最着名的熏制鱼类:Nova Lox。Nova Lox不要与Lox混淆,是第一个烧烤然后冷熏(洛杉矶只是烧了)。虽然似乎三文鱼在烟熏食品世界中,总是有很多关注,其他烟熏也很受欢迎。亚搏电竞熏鲭鱼,白鲑,鳟鱼和鲱鱼是世界各国的热门成分,如斯堪的纳维亚,俄罗斯或冰岛。如果您渴望熏制鱼类,F&W的指南将为您提供充足的方法来将其纳入您的下一餐。

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Each summer, we escape the Texas heat to visit my parents in Minnesota. Most of that time is spent at their place “up north” on the shores of Leech Lake. The massive body of cold water is a mecca for walleye fisherman, but for me, it’s all about the cool nights and loon watching. In the evenings, we set out in my dad’s boat across the smooth, dark water in search of a quiet bay and, if we’re lucky, Minnesota’s state bird. The black-and-white-speckled birds descend from the sky, cast a wary red eye as they drift past, and—quicker than a sneeze—slip under water in search of prey. Loons have various calls, including an alarming tremolo that sounds like maniacal laughter, short hoots, and a wild yodel meant to guard their territory. The Holy Grail, however, is a long, hauntingly beautiful wail that drifts across the evening like a prayer.In addition to hoodie weather, rousing cornhole tournaments, and time with my family, my other favorite lake tradition is lazy, smoked-fish brunches. In addition to Bloody Marys (lavishly garnished with pickled vegetables and a beef stick) and craft beers from Duluth, the star of the spread is smoked fish. Because I’m fussy about ingredients and the cooking process (fresh fish and a light hand with the smoke) I much prefer to smoke it at home. The fish couldn’t be easier to prepare: It’s brushed with olive oil and lightly seasoned with salt, pepper, and a pinch of heat. You don’t want to mask the fish’s delicate flavor with a carpet of spice rub here. I top the fish with sprigs of fresh dill or thyme and then smoke it over indirect heat for about 20 minutes. The ambient heat of the covered grill causes the herb sprigs to meld to the fish and perfume it with a lovely flavor.When it comes to rounding out the board, you can be as simple or lavish as you wish. Lemon wedges, caperberries, cornichons, chopped red onion, sturdy seeded crackers, and sour cream flavored with a spoonful or two of prepared horseradish are essential in my book. Chopped hard-cooked eggs, radishes, cheeses (creamy and aged), and a crunchy cucumber salad (splashed with cider vinegar and olive oil) are other welcome additions. Ideally, the meal will stretch well into the afternoon, until the light begins to fade and the time is right for more loon song.
From open-face smoked-mackerel sandwiches to a smoked salmon and celery root bisque, here are some exciting smoked fish recipes.
In his riff on blini and caviar, chef Jonathan Waxman of NYC’s Jams serves tender red pepper pancakes with a sweet corn sauce, decadent smoked salmon and caviar.Slideshow: 更多鲑鱼食谱
Trout Skin Crisps
These smoky crisps are an ideal happy hour snack.Slideshow: 更多酒吧小吃食谱
没有否认烤百吉饼的经典配对和奶油白鱼的施舍。但是时候了,它会给烟熏鱼带来它的烟熏,并将其识别为比百吉饼顶部的东西。现在是时候为Au Naturel提供服务,或者在新鲜,嘎吱嘎吱的沙拉,富裕的卷发或酥脆馅饼中。以下是烟熏鱼的12个惊人的食谱,不允许百吉饼:


评分:未定宗 5449.
Chef Matthew Dillon loves this Nordic method of wet-brining fish (known aslen-rimmad lax). He serves it with an herb sauce made from blanched nettles; parsley andmint更容易找到替代品。更多鲑鱼食谱
评分:未定宗 2880.
While training at the Los Angeles Culinary Institute, Anna Zepaltas learned that French cooking doesn’t have to be intimidating or fussy. “Making rillettes is a way of showing my girlfriends that it’s really not hard,” she says. For her rillettes, inspired by a similar dish at Thomas Keller’s Bouchon bistro in the Napa town of Yountville, Zepaltas blends fresh salmon and butter with hot-smoked salmon to give the rich spread extra-rich flavor. You can pour melted butter over the top—as Keller does—to seal in freshness.Slideshow: 托马斯凯勒的食谱