

学分:Christopher testani的照片 / torie cox /亚搏电竞 prop Styleling的食物风格

Recipe Summary

1 hr 40 mins


Ingredient Checklist


Instructions Checklist
  • Let chilled covered dough stand at room temperature until dough is cool (not cold) and a fingerprint remains when dough is pressed, 1 to 2 hours. Transfer 1 dough ball to a heavily floured surface. Using floured fingertips, firmly press all over dough, leaving a 1/2-inch border.

  • If cooking in your home oven, preheat to 500°F with a baking steel or large round cast-iron pizza pan (such as Lodge 15-inch) on middle rack. Let pan preheat in oven for about 30 minutes. If using an outdoor pizza oven, preheat pizza oven and pizza stone according to manufacturer's instructions on high 20 minutes. (Note: Cooking with wood takes more experience to control the heat, so we've only included instructions for gas oven cooking here.)

  • 与手的外边缘形成一个C形,然后牢固地在面团边框内部按下面团边缘周围的1/2英寸宽环。将面团抬到双手的指关节上,并轻轻伸展,每次拉伸后旋转面团以保持其圆形。继续轻轻拉伸面团,使重力有助于其扩展,直到形成10英寸的圆圈,外环稍厚。将面团绕在半碎的披萨比萨饼上,根据需要重塑以形成一个圆圈。用基本的披萨酱散布面团。上面搭配新鲜的马苏里拉奶酪。将蘑菇放在一个小碗中,淋上橄榄油,然后加盐调味。散布在披萨上。

  • Gently shake pizza peel with prepared pie to loosen. If pizza feels stuck in any areas, carefully lift pizza edge with a bench scraper, and dust peel with a 1:1 mixture of semolina and bread flour. Unload pizza onto preheated pan in home oven, or into stone in outdoor pizza oven using quick, decisive movements: Set the peel edge on the pan at about a 20-degree angle, and quickly pull back peel to slide half of the pizza onto the pan. Gently shake the peel side to side while pulling it back to slide the rest of the pizza onto the pan, allowing it to stretch slightly.

  • 如果在家庭烤箱中烘烤,请在500°F烘烤,直到地壳边缘略微膨化,约3分钟。旋转锅90度,并将烤箱温度提高到烤面包。烤直到披萨煮熟,面包皮将其褐色为3至6分钟。如果在室外披萨烤箱中烘烤,请煮比萨饼,用果皮每20至30秒旋转90度的比萨饼,直到煮熟并在2至4分钟的斑点上煮熟并烧焦。

  • Using peel, transfer pizza to a cutting board. Drizzle with Fancy Ranch, and cut into wedges.



Basic Pizza Sauce

Simple is best when it comes to tomato sauce. In our many rounds of testing, we tried cooked, raw, canned, and jarred tomato sauces and found the best flavor came from a raw sauce based onMuir Glen Organic Tomato Sauce.Open the can, grate in a little garlic, add a glug of olive oil, and stir in some fresh oregano, salt, and pepper. Spooned onto dough, it has bright acid and sweet-savory flavor that's the star of a cheese pizza and lets other toppings shine.

1(15盎司)可以muir glen;有机番茄酱


2 medium garlic cloves, grated on a Microplane

1 1/2 tsp. chopped fresh oregano

3/4 tsp. fine sea salt

1/4 tsp. black pepper

Stir together all ingredients in a bowl. Use immediately, or cover and refrigerate up to 2 days.—Hunter Lewis

artisan pizza dough,all-purpose flour, for dusting,semolina flour, for dusting,basic pizza sauce (recipe follows),torn fresh mozzarella,sliced or torn wild mushrooms,olive oil,salt,fancy ranch, for drizzling (see note)" data-content_ad_keys="" data-content_published_date_formatted="20220218" data-content_modified_date_formatted="20220313" data-content_source="0" data-submission_type="editorial" data-content_syndicated="all" data-content_syndicated_brand="" data-content_syndicated_url="" data-content_nlp_sentiment_label="neutral" data-content_nlp_sentiment_score="0" data-content_nlp_sentiment_magnitude="13.4" data-content_nlp_entities="pizza" data-content_nlp_categories="/food & drink/cooking & recipes|/food & drink/food/baked goods" data-adtaxonomy="11693,12606,10444,11374,11053,12503,12213,12550,25281,12019,12384,12801,18098,11184,11109,16752,16751,11252">