This versatile, all-butter pie dough has a delicate flake from higher-fat European-style butter. Developed by Sister Pie owner Lisa Ludwinski to pass directly to the hands of eager customers, these pies are intended to be baked in 9-inch disposable aluminum pie pans. If using slightly larger glass or ceramic pans, roll the pie dough a little wider, and increase the blind-baking time by a few minutes to ensure a crispy-bottom crust. Try the Cheddar Rye and Toasted Pecan variations for added depth of flavor (see Notes).

November 2021


Credit: Gerard + Belevender


20 mins
8 hrs
2(9-inch) pie crusts


Ingredient Checklist


  • 用冰块填充1杯液体测量杯。加入冷水以填充(至少1/2杯)。搅拌苹果醋。搁置。

  • 将面粉,糖和盐搅拌在一个大碗中。加入黄油,折腾到面粉混合物中。使用台式刮刀,将黄油切成大约1/2英寸的立方体。用你的手,快速分开黄油块,并扔在面粉混合物中。使用台式刮刀,将黄油片成两半形成1/4英寸。使用糕点搅拌器,切入黄油,旋转碗,直到混合物易碎,豌豆大小的豌豆大小碎片,停止根据需要清洁糕点搅拌机。

  • 加6汤匙醋混合物。使用台式刮刀,将面粉混合物从碗的一侧拉到另一侧,直到不再有可见的液体池。用你的手,舀出一把大量面团混合物,并将牢牢压入碗。如果面团未开始粘在一起,请在每次加入另外2汤匙醋混合物,1/2汤匙,每次加入后均匀混合。旋转碗四分之一转弯,重复挖出并压制直到面团形式粗糙。

  • 将面团分成两半。每隔一半拍入1英寸厚的圆盘。将每个面团盘紧紧地包裹在保鲜膜中。冷落面团块至少8小时。

To Roll Pie Dough:
  • 将1个面团盘放在轻微撒粉的表面上。磅面团盘约4次,擀面杖开始平坦化。旋转面团180度;重复一次。

  • Using tapered end of a wooden French rolling pin, press and roll along edge of dough to enlarge dough disk, flouring surface as needed to prevent sticking. Rotate dough disk, and repeat rolling until dough forms an 8-inch circle. (Dough will be thicker in center.)

  • Place rolling pin in center of dough circle, and press firmly as you roll away from yourself, stopping about 1 inch from edge to avoid over-rolling. Repeat rolling procedure, rotating dough 45 degrees after each pass, until dough forms a 13-inch circle (about 1/8-inch thick), flouring surface as needed to prevent dough from sticking. If top of dough starts to stick to the rolling pin, flip dough over and roll other side. Run rolling pin over dough circle once more to ensure even thickness.

  • 使用刀具,修剪任何锯齿状边缘以形成均匀的13英寸圆圈。用软化的黄油轻轻润滑9英寸一次性铝屑盘。将面团折叠成两半,然后转移到制备的馅饼盘。展开面团,轻轻按压到锅的底部和上侧。继续压接指令,或者如果制作格子顶部的馅饼,冷却饼壳在准备填充和滚动顶部馅饼面团时。

To Make a Lattice:
  • Roll both dough disks into 13-inch circles according to instructions above. Arrange one dough circle in prepared pie pan as instructed. Cut remaining dough circle into 6 (2-inch-wide) strips. Transfer to a baking sheet lined with parchment paper, and chill until ready to assemble pie.

  • 将一个面团条放在填充馅饼中心。将第二条带垂直于第一条,创建十字架。安排接下来的两个与第一条带平行的条带,在两侧放置。使用原始条带,折叠两端朝向中心。在第二(垂直)条的两侧放置最后两个晶格条。将原始条带折叠起来,使其在新放置的条带上和顶部。装饰伸出格子条与馅饼平底锅边缘冲洗。继续压接指令。

  • 用手指,紧紧地滚动面团朝向馅饼中心,创造一个面团环,潜水在馅饼盖上。使用拇指和食指,形成“C”,“和将手放在馅饼盘的中心的位置。将你的对面拇指定位在平底锅外面。使用“C”手指向上推动面团的边缘,远离平底锅,同时将拇指按压在“C”的开口中,以制作压接。继续,直到整个面团卷曲。冷冻地壳直到硬化,至少15分钟或长达8小时。继续烘烤,或紧紧包裹在保鲜膜上,并冻结长达1年。

  • Preheat oven to 450°F with rack in lowest position. Line frozen piecrust with a piece of aluminum foil that fully covers crust and edges. Fill crust to bottom of crimps with dried beans (about 1 1/2 pounds), and place pie pan on a baking sheet. Bake in preheated oven until edges are light golden brown, 25 to 27 minutes. Remove baking sheet from oven, and transfer to a cooling rack. Leaving beans in crust, let cool 6 minutes. Carefully remove foil and beans. Set pie shell aside on wire rack to cool completely, about 30 minutes.

Make Ahead



Substitute 1/2 cup of the all-purpose flour (2 1/8 ounces) with 1/2 cup rye flour (2 1/4 ounces). Stir in 1 ounces finely-shredded aged white cheddar cheese (about 1/3 cup) at the end of step 2, and quickly mix with a pastry blender to incorporate. Proceed as directed.


Substitute 1/4 cup of the all-purpose flour (about 1 1/8 ounces) with 1/4 cup ground toasted pecans (about 1 ounces).
