Laura Lazzaroni's recipe for piadina, a traditional Italian flatbread usually made with lard, is the one she has come to rely on at home. It's made with extra-virgin olive oil (instead of lard) and sourdough starter discard. Lazzaroni lets the dough ferment in the fridge for 2 days: This adds creaminess and a delicious hint of acidity. She also seeks out flavor-packed specialty flours to make her flatbread special. Nutty whole-wheat flour and semola rimacinata, a finely ground, twice-milled flour, contribute to the flatbread's soft, fluffy texture. You can find it at specialty grocery stores or online



Credit: Photo by Victor Protasio / Food Styling by Torie Cox / Prop Styling by Lydia Pursell


1hr 30 mins
1day 4 hrs 30 mins




  • 在一个大碗里搅拌白色全小麦粉和鼻粉。淋上油;使用手指将油状物摩擦到面粉混合物中,直至均匀合并,并分散任何油珠,3至5分钟。添加酸棒起动器和盐。将1 1/2杯温水倒入混合物中。将手成钩子的形状,并混合面团直至面团光滑,所有干成分都掺入,约2分钟。用干净的毛巾盖上碗,让面团休息20分钟。

  • 露出碗。使用湿手来防止面团粘在碗中伸出,伸展和折叠面团,直到它感觉紧绷和弹性(麸质发育良好的标志),4至6分钟。如果面团开始撕裂,停止伸展,并在恢复前休息2分钟。用干净的毛巾盖上碗,让面团休息直到放松,略微上升,2到3个小时。

  • Turn dough out onto a clean work surface. Divide evenly into 12 pieces (about 2 7/8 ounces each). To shape each dough piece, form a claw with your hand, and rotate it in a circle, gently pressing down on top of the dough piece. The dough will pull across the unfloured surface and form a tight ball. Arrange dough balls, evenly spaced, in a lightly greased (with oil) 13- x 9-inch baking pan. Cover pan tightly with plastic wrap. Chill at least 24 hours or up to 48 hours. (Chilling for an extra day gives the flatbread a more complex flavor.)

  • 从冰箱中取出面团。让在室温下烤箱烤盘,直到面团放松,不再冷却到触感,1到2小时。(如果在温暖的环境中工作[大约85°F],让面团只能只需1小时。)

  • 处理1面团球和保持maining dough balls covered in pan, transfer dough ball to a lightly floured (with semola flour) surface. Dust top of ball with semola flour. Using the palm of your hand, flatten ball slightly; using your fingertips, stretch it into a 5-inch disk. Using a rolling pin, start from center of disk and roll outward, rotating disk often, to form a 7 1/2-inch round, dusting with flour as needed to prevent sticking. Heat a large cast-iron skillet over medium. Lightly brush with oil. (If using a terra-cotta flatbread baking dish or a comal, heat over medium-high or high, and do not grease.) Toss dough round gently between your hands to stretch it into an 8-inch round, and carefully place dough round in preheated skillet. Cook until dough puffs up (in 1 large bubble or several small bubbles) and bottom is covered in a leopard pattern of golden spots, 2 to 3 minutes. Flip and cook until dough is cooked through and speckled on both sides, about 2 minutes. Remove from skillet, and brush both sides lightly with oil. Keep warm in a folded towel or a tortillero with lid. Repeat process with remaining dough balls, wiping skillet clean and brushing with oil between flatbreads. Serve warm.


Find semola rimacinata flour at specialty grocery stores or online
