A funny thing happens when you marry a帕塔·萨拉达(Pata Salada)(西班牙人咸脚 - 在哈利斯科州波多黎各沃拉尔塔海滩上长大的人的可爱昵称):您变成了玛丽斯科斯势利小人。因为与我的妻子保罗见面,我的海鲜消费量已经飙升至近乎rid的水平。亚搏电竞幸运的是,我能够跟上她对海洋中的任何东西的胃口。结果,我可以告诉您是否正确制作了虾鸡尾酒。意思是,如果将肉汤从头开始用虾贝壳和芳香剂制成,而只是将一堆番茄鸡尾酒混合物,番茄酱和辣酱放在碗中。鸡尾虾) has a special place in our life. It has become our welcome meal as soon as we land in Puerto Vallarta, usually famished. We arrive at Paola’s family’s home where a bowl of her mother’s replenishing coctél awaits. It always starts off our trip to paradise on the right foot.One day back home in Los Angeles, I called my mother-in-law and asked her to coach me through her coctél process to surprise Paola. (She was mad at me that day, and I needed all the help I could get to get out of the doghouse!) The idea was to surprise her with one of our favorite dishes that we associate with so many great memories. While the shrimp shells were simmering away to make the broth, I spotted our Spanish saffron container out of the corner of my eye and figured, what the hell? I grabbed a fat pinch of the stuff and added it to the broth.As the broth chilled to room temperature—the way to properly eat a Mexican coctél de camarón, so you can taste all of the delicate flavors and fresh shrimp—I took a sip, and my eyes grew big. It wassogood. Her mother’s coctél is perfect as-is, but with a pinch of Spanish saffron, it became a revelatory experience. It did the trick and we forgot what we argued about after a couple of big spoonfuls.In this recipe, Paola amplifies the flavor even more by charring the vegetables a bit before using them to build an umami-filled stock. Combined with the saucy shrimp and all the cucumber, tomato, onion, cilantro, and avocado, this dish is suitable for a complete lunch. Eat it with some good tostadas or saltine crackers to complete the Puerto Vallarta experience.


学分:Jen Causey

Recipe Summary test

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Instructions Checklist
  • 制作虾和虾汤:将大型的铸铁煎锅加热到高处。加入胡椒粉,番茄,洋葱和大蒜;煮,偶尔转动,直到蔬菜被烧成斑点并略微变软,约15分钟。

  • 同时,果皮和Devein Shrimp,留下尾巴;储备壳。在一个大碗中,将剥皮的虾和1茶匙盐扔在一起。盖上并放松直至准备使用。

  • In a large saucepan, bring 2 quarts water, charred vegetable mixture, celery, and bay leaves to a boil over medium-high. Reduce heat to medium-low, and simmer, lightly mashing stock with a slotted spoon, until stock is light red, about 30 minutes. Pour through a fine wire-mesh strainer into a bowl; discard solids. Wipe saucepan clean, and return strained shrimp stock to saucepan. Add saffron, black pepper, and remaining 1 tablespoon salt. Bring to a simmer over medium-high. Reduce heat to medium, and gently simmer until saffron has bloomed and the stock is rich red, about 10 minutes. Add shrimp; cook, stirring occasionally, until just cooked through, 2 to 3 minutes.

  • 用开槽的勺子将虾转移到漏勺上;在冷水下冲洗以停止烹饪过程。排干好。将汤料从细线滤网中倒入大型量杯中;丢弃固体。将虾放在一边。

  • 制作鸡尾酒酱:在一个中等大小的碗中,一起搅拌番茄酱,酸橙汁,伍斯特郡,辣酱和Adobo酱,直到光滑。加入洋葱,番茄,黄瓜,塞拉诺和虾;搅拌涂层。(酱汁应该是酸,辣和果断的;一旦您将其添加到库存中,味道就会柔和。)

  • 钢包3/4杯虾汤汤匙4至6个大型双门轿跑车或虾鸡尾酒眼镜;保留剩余的库存供其他用途。在每个鸡尾酒玻璃杯中加入约1杯虾混合物;顶上鳄梨和香菜。与盐酸一起食用。
