
Sometimes there's nothing better than a freshlobster roll或者在海滩夏季的夏日拍摄的牡蛎。当然,世界对贝类的痴迷与味道有很大关系,但它也与健康相关联。贝类瘦,富含铁,锌和维生素B12。加上他们迅速煮熟,通常在纪录的时间内从海洋到餐桌。F&W的贝类指南包括伟大的葡萄酒配对想法,美味的全球食谱和新的烹饪技巧。亚搏电竞

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Inspired by a dish from 2018 F&W Best New Chef Kevin Tien, cookbook author Andrea Nguyen's sensational grilled shrimp are brushed with a garlicky, basil-infused butter during grilling. The shrimp get an extra punch of flavor from the dipping sauce, which is spiked with Thai green chiles and tempered with sweetened condensed milk, which lends a beguiling, creamy roundness that tames the feisty, fiery condiment.
Calamari Toast与Hawthorn Sweet-and-酸酱
这款嘎吱嘎吱的派对开胃菜从2021年F&W Best New Chef Lucas Sin,纽约市君子厨房和美好的一天都受到了Classic Chinese Shrimp Toast的启发。在这里,罪将Calamari和虾结合在敬酒圆顶上;食品加工机中的快速闪电声会产生一个美味的混亚搏电竞合物,炸薯条完美脆。Haw剥落,中国山楂的果实制成的中国甜点,均为甜美而浓郁的小吃,通常为客人提供茶或作为儿童的款待;在这里,罪用它们来味道蘸吐司。酱汁可以立即使用,但卢卡斯建议将它制作过夜,以获得最佳味道。对于商店买的替代方案,罪建议Mae Ploy Sweet Chili酱。
在这个快速,简单的食谱中Fannie Farmer Cookbook由Marion Cunningham,嫩和多汁的牡蛎淋上有点奶油和辣酱酱,然后在一点点嘎吱嘎吱的鸡巴混合物中烤。作为晚宴的开胃菜,或用火腿或土耳其作为配菜。对于单独的服务,混合物可以在4个堆积金中除以一个烤盘。阅读更多信息how this casserole starsone亚搏电竞食品和葡萄酒亚搏电竞编辑的感恩节。
虾with Cheddar-Parmesan Grits
Chef Michael Reed gives us a lesson on why it's worth it to take the time to peel and devein your own shrimp: He cooks the shrimp shells along with vegetables and herbs to create a deeply-flavorful stock, which he then uses as a sauce for these shrimp and grits. Pan-fried shrimp are spooned on top of a mound of cheesy grits, and topped with the rich shellfish stock as the finishing touch. Store extra stock in your freezer for your next batch of shrimp and grits, or add it to seafood soups, stews, and sauces for a boost of flavor.
“”龙虾炖是缅因州的掌上柱子之一,“凯特·莫斯特和安德鲁·泰勒(Andrew Taylor)在波特兰的Extand Oyster Co.的说法。对于这个绿色的咖喱系列版,他们从汤姆克哈,椰子牛奶的泰国汤,并用梅米重金山酱和鸡林蘑菇浓缩,蘑菇炖,以创造一个丰富芳香的龙虾炖。甘薯,咖喱酱,沉重的奶油和椰奶在一个平衡的肉汤中举起,突出龙虾的甜味。厨师泰勒和威利使用甘薯剥离加厚肉汤;他们享用奶油,厚厚的身体到炖菜。虽然厨师总是使用新鲜的龙虾,寻找预先煮熟的龙虾和商店买的龙虾库存(如比肉桂龙虾基地更好),使这盘友好友好。“
Derrick Westbrook turns the classic moules frites into one show-stopping meal by replacing the mussels with garlic-butter drenched lobster. The double-fry method for cooking the fries ensures that they will be perfectly cooked — creamy on the inside and crispy on the outside. The first fry will cook them through, and the second will turn the outside brown and crisp. Adding Old Bay to the aioli is a genius move. Serve the meal with a bright, crisp, minerally Chablis.


Clams in Garlic Sorrel Cream
Chef Eric Adjepong's steamed clams get a burst of bright flavor from green, tangy sorrel. If you can't find sorrel, or it's out of season, Adjepong recommends using fresh basil and adding a little extra lemon juice to mimic its tart, lemony flavor. Don't skip the warm crusty bread to soak up the delicious sauce.
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一小卷藏红花在赋予这种乳脂状的令人置在的龙虾烩饭赋予充满活力的金色色调和花香。预煮的龙虾和瓶装蛤蜊汁以最小的努力提供强大的味道,使这是一个完美的周末晚餐。将其与一瓶白色波尔多,推荐索姆梅尔·托尼亚·皮特(Sommelier Tonya Pitts),Les Dames d'Escoffier International,旧金山。“我喜欢这个简单的菜肴的白色波尔多。它突出了烩饭的龙虾和奶油,最终变得与风味和纹理交织在一起。”亚搏电竞
Pickled Shrimp-and-Field Pea Lettuce Wraps
