厨师珍妮·多尔西(Jenny Dorsey)使用一台柔软的视频机器轻轻烹饪章鱼,以确保嫩的结果。用芳香剂对章鱼进行真空密封,包括柠檬马蹄铁,洋葱,大蒜,姜和绿色胡椒粉 - 使其具有美味的味道。使用拉链袋来掩饰章鱼,或与真空密封机一起使用的特殊袋子。


Credit: Emmanuel Moran

Recipe Summary

14 hrs
20 mins


For the octopus
For the pickled mustard seeds


Make the octopus
  • 将一大锅水煮沸。加入章鱼,煮1分钟。将章鱼转移到切菜板上。移开头并将章鱼切成两半。在一个袋子里烹饪的袋子中,将章鱼,椰子油,柠檬马蹄油,洋葱,姜,大蒜,盐和绿色胡椒粉混合在一起。摇袋以分发食材。尽可能多的空气和密封袋。根据制造商的说明,在170°F下sous octopus持续5小时。

  • Line 2 mini loaf pans (about 5 1/2 x 3 x 2) with plastic wrap, leaving a 2- to 3-inch overhang. Cut each piece of octopus in half. Arrange the octopus tentacles lengthwise in pans. Strain liquid from sous vide bag through a fine-mesh sieve into a small bowl. Spoon a few tablespoons of the liquid into each pan. Fold the plastic overhang over the octopus in the pans. Place a second pan of same size on top of each first pan and top with a can or a very large book to press mixture down. Refrigerate until cold and set, 8 to 12 hours.

Make the garnish
  • In a pressure cooker, stir mustard seeds, vinegar, water, sugar, shallot, garlic, and salt. Cover and cook on high pressure for 20 minutes. Strain mustard seeds, discarding liquid and sliced shallot and garlic. Alternatively, add seeds to a small saucepan, cover with water, and bring to a boil; drain and repeat 3 times. Drain mustard seeds and return to pot. Add remaining ingredients to pot, cover, and simmer over low heat until mustard seeds are softened, about 20 minutes. Let cool.

  • Remove octopus from the loaf pan; peel off plastic wrap. Thinly slice octopus and arrange on plates (if pieces separate from each other, just reassemble on the plate). Spoon small dollops of pickled mustard seeds on top of octopus. Garnish with sliced blackberries.
