就像任何喜欢为他人做饭的人一样,我总是希望我的桌子感到包容性 - 每个人都快乐,安全的地方。这意味着不仅会让人们感到受欢迎,而且要尊重,从不抱怨,任何饮食问题或问题。这可能意味着要搅拌免费的酒精饮料或制作菜单上的菜肴的素食版本。不过,我经常发现自己在玩无麸质菜肴。那是因为几年前,我父亲(阿拉巴马州伯明翰)住在同一个城镇(阿拉巴马州伯明翰)。我很幸运,我们最终进入同一城市,我喜欢我的孩子可以与祖父母建立亲密关系。我经常会做自然无麸质的餐(烤鱼或肉,蔬菜),但是我绝对会从寻找一种典型的基于小麦的菜肴的方法来兴奋不已,这会给我的父亲一个taste of something he thought he’d never enjoy again. I don’t mean a sad substitute for the classic (sorry, cauliflower-crust pizza!) but something that truly scratches the itch.That’s where Gluten-Free Spaghetti and Meatballs comes into play. I’ve known that the gluten-free pasta options have gotten much better in the last few years, and that Dad’s favorite is the kind made from corn and rice. I swear, most people can’t tell the difference between it and traditional pasta. So I’ve had Mom and Dad over for pasta with classic ragù or Bolognese. But I wanted to play around with meatballs, and I remembered a secret ingredient that I thought might work well: instant potato flakes.That’s right—dehydrated flaked potatoes. For me, they’re a far more versatile pantry item than any packaged gluten-free breadcrumbs. I try to keep them on hand not for making instant mashed potatoes—I just don’t like them—but instead for thickening soups, breading fish or chicken (foodandwine.com注意到这一点years ago), or making my deviled egg filling a little heftier. I figured they might work well in meatballs, and I was right. They bind ground meat particularly well and add a savory richness unlike typical breadcrumbs. In fact, these have now become my “house” meatballs; I like to make a double batch and freeze some for use later on pizza (my favorite), in grain bowls, or in soups. It’s a win-win: Everyone in my family can enjoy a comforting, family-friendly classic.


Read the full recipe after the video.

Recipe Summary

25 mins


Ingredient Checklist


Instructions Checklist
  • 预热烤箱至425°F。用羊皮纸对烤盘排成一张。使用大箱毛孔的大孔将洋葱磨碎到双层纸巾上(要吸收一些液体,而无需挤压干燥)。将磨碎的洋葱,土豆片,奶酪,奶油,鸡蛋,切碎的牛至,磨碎的大蒜,2茶匙盐和黑胡椒粉放在一个大碗中,搅拌均匀,以搅拌以分解所有团块。将猪肉和牛肉加入马铃薯混合物中。用双手混合直至充分混合。将混合物组成32个肉丸(每个大约2汤匙),并放在准备好的烤盘上。在预热的烤箱中烘烤,直到变成褐色并煮熟,大约15分钟。

  • Meanwhile, heat oil in a Dutch oven over medium-low. Add sliced garlic and red pepper; cook, stirring occasionally, until garlic is lightly browned, about 2 minutes. Stir in tomato paste; cook, stirring constantly, 1 minute. Add tomatoes and their juices, and stir, breaking up tomatoes with a wooden spoon (or pull from the can and squish each one through your fingers as I do). Stir in remaining 1 tablespoon salt, oregano sprigs, basil sprigs, and bay leaf. Bring to a boil over medium; reduce heat to medium-low, and simmer until slightly thickened, stirring occasionally, about 10 minutes. Gently stir in meatballs.

  • Cook pasta according to package directions. Reserve 1/2 cup pasta water, and drain pasta. Add pasta to sauce; toss gently to coat, adding reserved pasta water as needed to reach desired consistency. (Or serve pasta and sauce separately, if that’s the way your family likes it.) Top servings with additional cheese and, if desired, torn basil.
