
信用:大卫·洛夫图斯(David Loftus)


Four 10-inch pizzas


Ingredient Checklist


  • 将酵母和温水混合在一个大碗中。让酵母搅拌以帮助溶解它,并让它做5分钟。您正在给它一些启动,给它一些激活的空间,以呼吸。

  • 酵母溶解后,搅拌3杯面粉,轻轻混合直至光滑。您正在让面粉结婚。慢慢加入2杯面粉,轻轻地工作。您应该能够闻到酵母的起作用 - 快乐的酵母菌气味。加盐。(如果您较早加入盐,它可能会抑制酵母的生长。)如有必要,每次加起来1/2杯更多面粉1汤匙,然后搅拌直至面团从碗中掉下来,但仍然很粘。

  • Turn the dough out onto a floured work surface and get to work. Slap the dough onto the counter, pulling it toward you with one hand while pushing it away with the other, stretching it and folding it back on itself. Repeat the process until the dough is noticeably easier to handle, 10 to 15 times, then knead until it’s smooth and stretchy, soft, and still a little tacky. This should take about 10 minutes, but here, feel is everything. (One of the most invaluable tools I have in my kitchen is a plastic dough scraper. It costs next to nothing, and it allows me to make sure that no piece of dough is left behind.)

  • 将面团塑造成球,然后将其放入一个浅油脂的大碗中。将面团滚动到油上涂上油,然后用保鲜膜覆盖碗,让面团放在温暖的地方,直到尺寸加倍,2至2 1/2小时。当您用手指按完全证明的面团时,应保持凹痕。

  • 将证明的面团转到面粉的工作表面上,并将其切成4块。将碎片卷成球,然后用面粉将它们除尘。用保鲜膜覆盖,让它们再休息一个小时,或者直到它们的尺寸增加一倍。

  • 面团准备成形,上面和烘烤。如果您不想一次制作4个比萨饼,则可以很好地包装面团,并冷藏8个小时或冷冻长达3周;在冰箱中解冻,然后在进行室温之前进入室温。




I usually just cup my hand into a C shape, turn my hand knuckle side up, and drape the dough off it, allowing gravity to do its work, so it gently falls onto the floured table. Imagine you’re turning a wheel. Hold that dough aloft, allowing its weight to stretch it into a rough 10-inch round. Don’t put any pressure on it by pulling or stretching it, just let gravity do the job— you want that aeration and cragginess. Keep it moving, and it will start to relax— like we relax when we are on a sofa.

At this point, you’re ready to make a pizza. Lay the dough on a lightly floured pizza peel or inverted baking sheet. Gently press out the edges with your fingers. You will start to see some puffiness or bubbles now. Jerk the peel to make sure the dough is not sticking. If it is, lift the dough and dust the underside with a little flour (or, if no one is looking, blow under it very gently). Tuck and shape it until it’s a happy round.



在Bianco Pizza面团食谱中,您可以证明面团3个小时,然后将其分成球,然后再烘烤前进行证明。味道很好。没问题。但是,如果您证明了7个小时,会发生什么?如果您放开24小时怎么办?这将是不同的,而且这种差异可能比您的口味更重要。在第一个证明的3小时时,您的面团将比证明14个小时的面团更快,因为酵母不会将其转化得那么多糖。证明面团的时间越长,转化的糖越多,发酵的含酒精味就越多,酸味的味道就会越多。许多人喜欢那些口味 - ike酸味的面包 - 但是在这里,我不一定想要太多的面包,因为我不希望它们主导披萨馅料的口味。也就是说,没有错误的方法可以去这里。 Make the dough a few times, following the recipe, until you feel comfortable. Then start to play with it. Determine how long a proof you like.

Bear in mind that where you are in the world will also play its part. If you’re making the dough in Iceland, it's going to be different from making it in Phoenix. The climate is different, so it may need to proof for a little longer than 3 hours to start. Your water will be different, and it will affect the flavor of your dough. Never forget, we’re only dealing with four ingredients, and each one brings its own flavors and qualities to the pizza. So record the process as you go. Work with your sense of taste and your broader sensibility of the things you like. This basic dough recipe is only an early survey of a journey you get to finish yourself.

-- From比安科克里斯·比安科(Chris Bianco)。版权所有2017克里斯·比安科(Chris Bianco)。摘自Ecco的许可,Ecco是HarperCollins Publishers的烙印。
