We meet the families of the final four as the "Top Chef" finals continue in Telluride.

| Credit: Courtesy of NBCUniversal

The finals ofTop Chefare not where the cheftestants have traditionally hit their stride, but that’s exactly what’s been happening这一季. Adrienne is cooking interesting, delicious-looking food from her own perspective and her exhaustive training and attention to detail shines through. Meanwhile, Mustache Joe Sasto is coming off another elimination challenge win and the handlebars on his mustache seem to have added some volume. Joe Flamm is nervous about being thrust back into the competition after coming back fromLast Chance Kitchen并试图吸收尽可能多的经验。

厨师将汽车包装成,将它们带到落基山脉包围的田野中间。帕德玛(Padma)戴着一些美丽的西南耳环和女牛仔风格的外观(这与挑战无关,但它与Quickfire的景观有多大相关)。她带出了詹姆斯·比尔特(James Beard)装饰的Voltaggio兄弟,以帮助她宣布挑战。在周围的环境中暗示,厨师需要“球”之前的任务。没错,他们将与落基山牡蛎一起烹饪 - 厨师必须在菜肴中以两种不同的方式准备牛睾丸,这必须在30分钟内完成。

Joe Flamm and Carrie have worked with them before—Joe when he was working in Italy and Carrie when she was preparing for Top Chef, accurately anticipating such a challenge—and they immediately know what they want to prepare. Ball puns abound, Adrienne decides to take inspiration from a Korean dish that uses cod sperm sacks in a dashi-type broth. Carrie wants to change the texture of the Rocky Mountain oysters because the most off-putting aspect of the ingredient is their chewy, soft, wet mouthfeel. Joe Flamm is drawing inspiration from the dish he learned in Italy, describing the taste of the oysters as “between a gland and a brain with a little bit more iron to it.” The chef-y explanation aside, he is struggling to cook it properly and discovers halfway into the cook that Mustache is making a very similar dish. Mustache’s approach is informed by his prior work with sweetbreads, which have a similar origin and texture issue.

Finally, the chefs present their balls-out dishes. Mustache is up first with a cornflake-breaded Rocky Mountain oyster with white bean puree and brown butter braised Rocky Mountain oysters. Bryan goes in for seconds and asks about the technique of the breading, a promising sign. Adrienne is up next with her Rocky Mountain oyster dashi with fried Rocky Mountain oysters finished with chili oil and scallions. Joe Flamm’s dish bears resemblance to Mustache’s approach—fried and pureed Rocky Mountain oysters with white beans and Amatriciana sauce. Unfortunately for the Joe, Padma made a face after putting his balls in her mouth (sorry) and said “Oh.” Bryan asked about the cook of the oyster and Joe’s fallen face informs us that he knows it’s improperly cooked. Last but not least is Carrie’s Not Toast dish, a Rocky Mountain pâté with fried Rocky Mountain oysters, garlic, and shallots.

Adrienne Cheatham和Joe Sasto在顶级厨师身上。
| Credit: Courtesy of NBCUniversal

Courtesy of NBCUniversal

Voltaggio兄弟的顶部和底部偏好清晰,并宣布厨师首先表现不佳。乔·弗拉姆(Joe Flamm)在牡蛎上对厨师的不当行为将他放在底部,帕德玛(Padma)说他“锤击了这种蛋白质”。嘉莉的果泥也不适合法官。迈克尔·沃尔塔吉奥(Michael Voltaggio)称她的pâté为“涂装”,布莱恩(Bryan)感到盘子上的生蔬菜使盘子失去平衡,出于错误的原因而脱颖而出。在“更好的新闻”中,艾德丽安(Adrienne)味道浓郁的肉汤并没有牺牲盘子的落基山牡蛎方面,并给迈克尔留下了深刻的印象,因为他无瑕的处决,小胡子对睾丸的操纵印象深刻。帕德玛宣布,挑战的获胜者是厨师,他“以最大的尊重来对待牡蛎”,小胡子乔。这是他的第一个Quickfire胜利,但远非他的第一次比赛胜利,并以更多的动力使他陷入了淘汰赛挑战。在他发现自己的优势或他们的挑战将是什么之前,厨师必须堆入汽车并前往未知的地点。yabo电竞投注

全面航拍的落基山脉遵循chefs through the mountain range and lush Colorado forests. They eventually arrive at an observatory where Padma instructs them to go inside and see what’s on the other side of the door. Despite some trepidation, the chefs enter to find family members waiting for them. Joe Flamm’s grandmother, Carrie’s mom, Adrienne’s mom and Mustache’s dad are here for season 15’s take on the ode to family challenge, and they’ve prepared a potluck for the chefs, Padma and the Voltaggios.

Top Chef contestants and their families.
| Credit: Courtesy of NBCUniversal

Courtesy of NBCUniversal

The families prepared their “Sunday best” dishes for the chefs to try; Mustache’s dad made pig skin and feet in gravy and an entire lasagna. Adrienne’s mom prepared a traditional gumbo with rice while Joe Flamm’s grandmother made the rigatoni and meatballs that they eat around Christmas. Carrie’s mother had a more literal approach, making beef stroganoff that Carrie said they had eaten every week growing up. The reunions are touching and emotional for the chefs. Mustache and his father get teary-eyed discussing the sudden loss of his mother seven years ago from lung cancer. Carrie’s mother chides her about her many boyfriends and Adrienne’s mom recalls running the front of the house at a restaurant and raising her daughter in the kitchen. Adrienne has a precious moment with her mother, where they rehash the critiques she’s received this season and her mom coaches her to “take a risk.” Seems like someone’s definitely watchedTop Chef在过去。

嘉莉·贝尔德(Carrie Baird)在顶级厨师
| Credit: Courtesy of NBCUniversal

Courtesy of NBCUniversal

These dishes aren’t just to bring the chefs back to their roots, however, but will serve as the basis for their elimination challenge, Padma announces. The chefs have one and a half hours to make an updated version of their family’s dishes that communicates a little bit about their culinary journey from childhood to chefdom. Mustache gets a much-needed extra half hour of prep his dish and after their $350 budgets are exhausted at one of the last Whole Foods runs of the season, he gets to work.

乔·萨斯托(Joe Sasto)在顶级厨师
乔·萨斯托(Joe Sasto)和他的父亲在家庭菜挑战赛之前重新连接。
| Credit: Courtesy of NBCUniversal

Courtesy of NBCUniversal

The spirit of his father’s dish is the gravy in the pigs' feet, Mustache informs us, so he’s going to start on developing those flavors first so by the time his competitors get into the kitchen he’ll be ready to go. Joe Flamm and Adrienne both intend on keeping the flavors of their dishes as authentic as possible while changing the presentation to better reflect their culinary brands as chefs. Carrie plans on elevating her beef stroganoff by using game meat as an homage to her father who was a hunter and to incorporate the flavors into a raviolo.

Joe Flamm on Top Chef
Joe Flamm's grandmother provides a comfort in food and company.
| Credit: Courtesy of NBCUniversal

Courtesy of NBCUniversal

Adrienne needs to keep the richness of the roux in her gumbo, but it’s difficult to build the amount of flavor her mother does in her own gumbo in merely an hour and a half. She intends to accomplish this by deconstructing the elements of the gumbo that she can highlight, butter-poaching the crab for a soft luxurious element and preparing the shrimp separately to give the dish a bright pop. Joe Flamm makes a Pomodoro broth by roasting and juicing tomatoes and then cooks the pasta in the broth to infuse the dough with flavor. Carrie, meanwhile, is struggling to compose all the elements of her dish, frantically rolling out her dough and dealing with the delicate egg yolks. At the last minute, Mustache pulls his take on lasagna out of the oven and it doesn’t have the crispy edges he wants so he takes a blowtorch to the top, attempting to crisp up the dough and give it the authentic flavor and feel he desires.

最终,家庭和法官在周日最佳的比赛中进入了沃尔塔吉奥斯(Voltaggios)的加入,他们还将审判淘汰。小胡子首先是他试图用猪的脚和肉汁来改变烤宽面条的尝试。他用炖鸡肉,蘑菇和瑞士甜菜制作猪的脚,汤姆评论是“现代版本,但并没有失去原始菜的灵魂”。嘉莉(Carrie)寄出了她的馄饨告诉阿德里安(Adrienne):“它们并不完美,但它们很好。”她的最后一道菜是牛肉Stroganoff Raviolo,配以水牛香肠,蘑菇Duxelle,HerbedCrèmeFraiche和Caramelized Onions。她的菜的每个元素都致力于她的家人的另一个成员,坦率地说,听起来很美味。布莱恩(Bryan)特别喜欢在顶部的蛋黄如何模仿鸡蛋面条的丰富度,并很好地将菜肴融合在一起。汤姆(Tom)评论说,他希望她从肉中拿出一些炖液,并将其与奶油奶油混合在一起,因为这种酱汁是Stroganoff的关键要素,是她菜所缺乏的。接下来是艾德丽安(Adrienne)的“妈妈的笨蛋”,上面铺有黄油的国王螃蟹腿和虾,带有三位一体,炸andouille薯条以及汤姆称之为“非常好的处决”的米饭。他与其他法官们对调味料的完美充满了敬意,艾德丽安(Adrienne)整个赛季都在追逐。 Up last is Joe Flamm’s take on his grandmother’s rigatoni and meatballs—pork and veal agnolotti with Pomodoro paste, Parmesan crisp, and basil. In a season filled with pasta dishes, I’m impressed that the chefs were able to make these updated classics dynamic and give them a fresh feel that really elevates it beyond simply another pasta dish.

At judges table, everyone is elated with the meal calling it “in a word, fantastic.” Padma said that she “had the greatest food of the season from all of you,” but conceded that there was one winner: Adrienne! It’s Adrienne’s first elimination challenge win of the season and it couldn’t have come at a better time. Bryan called the balance of the heat, acid and seasoning “perfect” and Graham raved about the cook on the fish.

Adrienne Cheatham在顶级厨师
| Credit: Courtesy of NBCUniversal

Courtesy of NBCUniversal

在艾德丽安(Adrienne)踏上一边,法官们通知了ch夫人没有真正的底菜。他们对胡子将两盘菜的方式印象深刻,嘉莉如何能够将牛肉史特罗加诺夫转化为一种不那么谦虚,更精致的风味,以及乔·弗拉姆(Joe Flamm)如何执行他的面食。当厨师前往炖肉室时,评委们开始努力挑选他们的奇妙菜肴。

The Voltaggios and Top Chef judges.
The judges deliberate over one of the closest matchups of the season.
| Credit: Courtesy of NBCUniversal

Courtesy of NBCUniversal

They agree that Joe Flamm’s pasta was the best, if there were aspects of it that were slightly underseasoned. That being said, they felt that the Parmesan crisp offered saltiness and that as a composed dish it worked. Tom felt that perhaps Mustache’s rotolo was cut too soon and that’s why the top of the pasta curled up (it was, in fact, the blowtorch he took to the pasta right before serving). The judges agree that he accomplished that aspect of the crusty lasagna, but that it was perhaps unnecessary in this rendition. Finally, they felt that Carrie missed a huge opportunity to create the creamy, earthy sauce typical of a beef stroganoff and that her dish suffered because of it. As the chefs are called before the judges, they make it clear that it wasn’t that there was a bad dish so much as there were two superb ones, and one great one. With that, they ask Carrie to pack her knives and go.

Adrienne Cheatham在顶级厨师
| Credit: Courtesy of NBCUniversal

Courtesy of NBCUniversal

在决赛和艾德丽安(Adrienne),乔·弗拉姆(Joe Flamm)和乔estachio(Joestachio)之前,这些决赛还有一条腿,因为他们终于在这场比赛中陷入了自己的工作。

Last Chance Comments

  • Challenges the chefs initially think they might get this episode: cooking for Oprah (she has a house in the area), riding an elk, going golfing, downhill mountain bike riding, fighting four grizzly bears to the death in the Observatory.
  • 乔·弗拉姆(Joe Flamm)和他的导师艺术史密斯(Art Smith)为奥普拉(Oprah)烹饪,她说:“每个人都得到饼干!”这是如此宝贵。如果有人能找到我的视频,我将永远感激不尽。亚搏刀塔2
  • This is the second episode of the season with gratuitous ball puns: “Hope no one is allergic to nuts!” “This challenge is going to take some real balls” “Gotta go balls out... God, I gotta stop with the ball jokes”
  • “我可以重做吗?”“不。
  • Carrie suggested breaking off Mustache’s fingers at one point as a strategy to beat him. Don’t think I missed that!
  • 艾德丽安(Adrienne)的妈妈在河边指导她真是一个可爱的场景。您真的可以看到她得到的强度。看到每个人都与家人建立联系是令人激动的。您真的可以说出这对每个人意味着什么。
  • 我拒绝相信胡子是一个“完美的孩子”。不错的尝试,爸爸乔。
  • The elimination challenge was cooked in伊丽莎·加文(Eliza Gavin)(来自西雅图季节)厨房!当他们将其保留在Top Cheffam.
  • 我们有一分钟的炖房间包装!制片人,听到我的恳求!带回来炖房间!那葡萄酒不是乐趣吗?亚搏电竞
  • Joe Flamm was looking especially bashful this judge’s panel.
  • 你们都知道我不能在不提盖尔的情况下做LCC。当她不在时,我总是想念她。外观!评论!(对不起,格雷厄姆。)