Wylie Dufresne在顶级厨师
Wylie Dufresne pours sasparilla into the Quickfire.

好吧,好吧,我们是体育迷。另一集顶级厨师,又离获得胜利者又近一步,前四名上周决定。(Of course,最后的机会厨房即将成为前五名。) Mustache Joe is coming off of this third elimination challenge win and his mustache doesn’t show any signs of slowing down, Adrienne feels like she’s finally discovering her voice as a chef, and Carrie is still really enthusiastic about all things Colorado.

厨师堆入汽车,向丹佛说再见,他们朝着在特柳赖德的新挖掘中前进。在欣赏他们将留在这里的豪华套房之后,厨师骑马并前往谢里登轿车,在那里他们将学习Quickfire挑战,并找出谁从最后的机会厨房为标题的另一张照片。当他们进入老牛仔酒吧帕德玛时,汤姆和本周的客座法官Wylie Dufresne向他们致意。分子美食巨头杜弗雷斯(Dufresne)向厨师提出的挑战是制作一个以sarsaparilla为特色的美食室风格的菜肴(甜苏打水(最初是作为“宿醉疗法”),必须以“意外”的方式进行特色。在厨师身上的另一个限制中,他们必须画编号的刀,并按照该顺序从它们面前的类别中挑选一种成分:甜味剂,水果,蛋白质和蔬菜,直到它们都消失了。克里斯首先画画,最后是肋眼牛排,糖蜜,土豆和浆果。凯莉(Carrie)接下来,抓住猪肉,洋葱,蜂蜜和柠檬。胡子拿鱼,胡萝卜,酸橙和枫糖浆,艾德丽安(Adrienne)被鸡肉,红糖,西红柿和大蒜粘住。如果厨师对厨师的压力还不够高,帕德玛宣布这款Quickfire的获胜者将带回家10,000美元。

But before the chefs start cooking, there’s one more twist they need to account for: the winner of最后的机会厨房。这一切都归功于兄弟和芝加哥乔·弗拉姆(Chicago Joe Flamm)的菜肴 - 兄弟的富有创意的鸡肉鸡肉和硝基覆盆子和布鲁塞尔·芽菜哈希(Hash)与乔·弗拉姆(Joe Flamm)的精致羔羊配上羊肉和生粉豆豆。(请...请...)穿过Saloon Doors,乔·弗拉姆(Joe Flamm)戴着黑色牛仔帽子,在这里抓住标题。如果您一直在关注评论,您知道当乔在突然死亡Quickfire中过早地送回家时,我很心烦LCK。也许我对那个家伙有一个情绪,因为他唱着界线并以一种吸引我的优质用餐风格工作,但Spiaggia校友并不是在开玩笑顶级厨师,也许是斯蒂芬妮·伊扎德(Stephanie Izard)在芝加哥赛季击败理查德·布莱斯(Richard Blais)的最著名的。欢迎回来,乔,我们很高兴您在这里。


After a quick cook, the judges are ready to taste what the chefs have made. Chris is up first with his potato-crusted chicken fried steak with sarsaparilla country gravy and fennel salad that Padma calls a “nice pairing” and Wylie calls “a good idea.” Mustache is up next with a halibut crudo and tableside-poured sarsaparilla fennel soup (I guess he grabbed the fennel from the pantry). His strategy to make something cold to provide contrast to the other dishes the chefs offered seems to pay off as Padma calls it “very refreshing.” Joe Flamm is up next with pork porterhouse with sarsaparilla pickled carrots and sarsaparilla berry sauce. As he presents it, he knows that the pork is not cooked the way that he would have liked and feels disappointed in his first showing reentering the competition. Carrie is up next with her “top of the French onion soup” with sarsaparilla deglazed onions and beef stock. Some shade is thrown her way by the Joes who are caught on the hot mic trashing her approach—Mustache says “she can’t win twice with fucking tartines” and Joe Flamm replies “I know, right.” The judges seemed confused by the naming of the dish with Tom cutting her off, saying, “So it’s a crostini.” Last but not least is Adrienne with a sarsaparilla glazed chicken with crispy sarsaparilla chicken skin and garlic tomato compote. Chris, Mustache, and Carrie wind up in the top with Carrie taking home the $10K. Wylie even admits disappointment in the concepts presented to him, saying, “I thought that all the dishes, while not terribly creative, were quite tasty.” Joe’s dry pork and Adrienne’s chicken were both lacking in the sarsaparilla flavor the judges were looking for and wound up in the bottom.

凯莉·贝尔德(Carrie Baird)在特柳赖德的顶级厨师


Padma starts off the elimination challenge by saying “being at this altitude I’m sure everyone is feeling a little high” and the smash cut to the chefs reactions—raised eyebrows, Mustache practically foaming at the mouth—gives the hope that it’s a marijuana challenge (I mean, come on, recreational cannabis is legal in Colorado, how can they不是杂草挑战吗?)但是,这是一个高度参考。厨师必须制作高概念,高端菜肴,才能在北美最高的餐厅Alpino Vino服务,该餐厅位于海平面12,000英尺的位置。作为他们菜肴的一部分,厨师必须包括一个烘焙成分,这是由于空气中的氧气差异而在高海拔下正确执行的。他们必须为法官小组准备这些菜肴,其中包括返回的盖尔,韦利和传奇的英国厨师保罗·利勃朗特。

嘉莉(Carrie)在海拔高度烘烤经验,她已证明她非常擅长于本赛季早些时候在山区挑战赛上生产的蛋糕。这使她有信心进入挑战,以执行惠灵顿牛肉wrapped in a piecrust. Mustache, on the other hand, is anxious about his baking experience and doesn’t have much in his repertoire to begin with, not to mention at altitude. He lands on preparing a savory profiterole to compliment the duck he is eager to make for the judges. Chris is making cornbread, elevating a recipe that’s been passed down in his family for generations. He’s excited to prepare a more upscale version of his soul food flavors. Chris has trucked along in the middle of the pack this season after making a huge impression at the beginning, keeping his head down and churning out some pretty tasty-looking dishes. Adjusting soul food to fine dining is a task, and Adrienne mentions off-hand that she hopes to open a restaurant of fine dining soul food because it is the only true American cuisine. For this challenge, however, she’s going back to her training in fine dining and hoping to really find her voice as a chef through her poached lobster, caviar, and pain de mie.


第二天,厨师将其装入缆车,将它们带入山之间的云层。嘉莉说,她有一个“清晰的时刻”,她不会准备原始的菜,因为她诗意的诗意是在梦中为她带来的一道菜。她将用圆柱形的玉米面包的模具在春季蔬菜的顶部注视着“它是色彩鲜艳的,是科罗拉多州,是嘉莉。”将它们带到山顶之后,厨师将他们带入皮卡,将他们带到Alpino Vino,在那里冲刺到厨房。

乔·弗拉姆(Joe Flamm)正在制作他从奥普拉(Oprah)的前私人厨师史密斯(Art Smith)中学到的饼干,并通过使其僵硬来适应它们,以便他们坚持变得蓬松而坚定。小胡子令人难以置信,因为他“从未制作过”自己制作的菜,所以他是唯一冒险的人(特别是凯莉和克里斯变得更容易的玉米面包)。同时,克里斯感到惊慌,因为他的玉米面包在烤箱40分钟后尚未完成烹饪,他仔细观察了。最后,它上升了,他准备专注于他的其他组件。

乔·弗拉姆(Joe Flamm)首先说:“我认为阿特·史密斯(Art Smith)对这道菜真的很满意,但他可能仍然对我大喊大叫。”乔的菜是酪乳炖猪里脊肉,配以豌豆栗色果泥,胡椒果酱和山羊奶酪酪乳滴饼干。每个人都对这道菜的平衡和风味印象深刻,汤姆特别喜欢乔选择保持豌豆生的。接下来是嘉莉(Carrie),她的wagyu ribeye配上鹅肝,春季蔬菜和蜂蜜玉米面包。帕德玛(Padma)对这道菜的概念感到不安,她说“没有独特的观点”。威利(Wylie)对整个菜肴的不良整合不良。保罗对她没有做牛肉惠灵顿的牛肉感到失望。

接下来是用胡子,他的烤鸭和春豌豆,樱桃果酱和康普茶樱桃泡芙。法官对泡芙犯了一些问题,盖尔叫小胡子,因为从来没有从未做过学业。除了吹气之外,其余的菜都全面获得了好评如潮的评论,盖尔(Gail)一直是本赛季最重要的法官,声称“除了整个赛季,我最喜欢的一道菜都抛弃了。”这一观察得到了其他法官的广泛协议和来宾法官的点头协议。克里斯(Chris)酥脆的黑胡椒鹌鹑配玉米布丁,胡桃南瓜,枫木和培根玉米面包出来了,是克里斯说他为这个季节最自豪。保罗对高度影响鹌鹑的厨师的方式进行了漫长的解释,汤姆用简洁的“他过度煮熟”来总结。盖尔(Gail)提倡克里斯(Chris)的菜肴的味道,尤其是抵消鹌鹑油腻品质的黑胡椒。最终,艾德丽安(Adrienne)的黄油用山地面包,香槟beurre blanc和鱼子酱煮熟了,鱼子酱也与法官们相处得很好,他们觉得自己终于发现自己的声音是厨师。盖尔评论说,她原来的痛苦对面团面团的改编成功,伴随着黄油,完美地适合菜的背景。杜夫雷斯(Dufresne)喊着用醋制成的琼脂梨,这一概念他有点熟悉。 Tom notes that he doesn’t find the conception of the dish particularly exciting but that it's tasty.



评委们将他们的前三名 - 穆斯塔奇,芝加哥乔和艾德丽安(Adrienne)宣布为批评。每个人都同意这是厨师整个赛季都做饭的最好食物,这是他们第一次为胜利和损失而挑亚搏电竞剔。乔·弗拉姆(Joe Flamm)的饼干获得了盖尔(Gail)和保罗(Paul)的丰盛荣誉,他们想知道这是否是他专门为这项挑战而制作的菜。弗拉姆(再次赢得我的心)回答说,他从自己所知道的元素中获取了元素,并以新的方式将其应用于挑战。啊,终于,的精神顶级厨师本赛季被一名练习者所体现。小胡子的鸭子还引起了法官的热情称赞,Wylie说:“我一直在发现有关自己喜欢的菜的更多东西。”艾德丽安(Adrienne)对经典餐饮的看法同样受到威利(Wylie)的喜爱,他喜欢她如何以一种新颖而令人兴奋的方式将“老朋友”香槟,龙虾和鱼子酱聚在一起。盖尔(Gail)从一周的休假中回来了,他评论说,它的味道就像艾德丽安(Adrienne)经历了厨师的转变。胜利进入了“美食的清晰景象,以及我们今天最喜欢的一餐”:胡子!令人惊讶的是,考虑到法官用他的烤元素表达的失望,但他们对鸭子的反应告诉我们,其余的菜很特别。

乔·萨斯托(Joe Sasto)在顶级厨师
乔·萨斯托(Joe Sasto)在高空挑战中排名第一。


克里斯和凯莉之前被称为法官知道ing one of them will be going home. Chris defends his dish calling it “my favorite I’ve made all season.” The flavors and baked element fared well with the judges but they found the refinement lacking, and weren’t sure it really hit the mark in terms of fine dining. Carrie suffered similar issues with her dish, with the added element that the judges were unclear what her concept and vision for dining is. Ultimately, Chris is the one who must say goodbye because of the small technical mistakes on the cook of the quail. Given the trajectory of this season, it wasn’t exactly a surprise that the judges favored the safer dish over a riskier attempt with technical mistakes, but that’s the way the cornbread crumbles.

克里斯·斯科特(Chris Scott)
克里斯·斯科特(Chris Scott)从第15季开始打包。



  • 我真的对“阿米什人的灵魂食物”没有清楚的想法,并且觉得我们本赛季对克里斯的学习还不够!亚搏电竞我有很多问题!与我们的回来顶级厨师我们与克里斯的退出面试的报道,希望我们能得到一些答案!
  • “有人给我带来我该死的长袍!”
  • “顺便说一句海拔?”“态度如何!”汤姆本赛季真的和爸爸开玩笑一样全力以赴。
  • 帕德玛(Padma)在介绍中穿着蓝色连衣裙!愿景!
  • 说到视力,盖尔!那个皮草偷了!我的王后!绝对的传奇。
  • 他们会做的顶级厨师:肯塔基州which I am tentatively excited about. I hope they amp up the fine dining aspect that was, for the most part, lacking this season. Very excited for a bourbon challenge.
  • 我仍然对大麻可食用的挑战抱有希望。让我活着顶级厨师!
  • 乔戴着牛仔帽。这就是我要说的。
  • 如果任何人的结局餐中都有一个吐司,我会固定。
  • “Paul’s bad dude in the matrix outfit... I was like he’s gonna kill us”
  • 我真的很喜欢保罗·利布兰特(Paul Liebrandt)作为法官。他的评论是如此周到,我真的很喜欢学习为什么鹌鹑煮熟的原因。另外,他给了我一些令人惊叹的反应屏幕截图,我将在下雨天节省。