Piney Ales正在崛起,但酿酒商的云杉常绿使用。

即使在由IPAS统治的工艺品行业中,来自圣地亚哥的镇流器点酿造公司的Sculpin IPA是一个传奇啤酒,通常被称为最佳主流IPAS之一,并帮助Catapult镇流器指向a billion-dollar, nationwide brand。在啤酒厂中添加了传说,愿意创造各种舒适品种:大约五年前,葡萄柚雕刻林几乎创造了比原来更多的嗡嗡声。像habanero,菠萝和“aloha”这样的迭代。但上周,镇流器点宣布可能是迄今为止它最意外的扭曲......云杉尖头Sculpin IPA。更令人惊讶,我在今年的伟大美国啤酒节上抽了啤酒,这是我尝试过的更多突出产品之一。

Could 2018 finally be the year spruce breaks loose? If so, it would be a trend literally centuries in the making. “Tree parts have been used in recipes for thousands of years, going back to the great philosophers,” explains Tom Kehoe, founder of费城的围场酿造。In 2005, the brewery introduced Poor Richard’s Spruce Ale as part of its “Ales of the Revolution” series that recreates historical recipes from the Founding Fathers. Spruce Ale, likely the only year-round spruce beer produced in the U.S., is based on a recipe from none other than Benjamin Franklin.

Milton, Delaware’s Dogfish Head Craft Ales also cites a historical precedent for its pale ale brewed with Pennsylvania spruce tips calledPennsylvania Tuxedo。The beer is a collaboration with the state’s outdoor clothing company Woolrich, which was established in 1830. “I read the diary of the founder and learned he brewed a spruce beer over a century ago,” Sam Calagione, founder of Dogfish Head, tells me, “so I contacted the current generation of Woolrich family leaders, and our companies collaborated on the annual beer and clothing release. The employees of Woolrich get to work in the woods around the mill in the forest plucking the fresh spruce tips to send them to Dogfish to make this beer.”

“你不会在温暖的气候中找到任何云杉啤酒,”Kehoe说,解释了宾夕法尼亚州的连接。但提示增加了不仅仅是当地的耀斑。“引入了云杉的原因,跳跃被引入英语啤酒 - 你需要用香料平衡甜味的麦芽味道。云杉,就像啤酒花一样,可以是那个香料......它有助于平衡风味概况。“

平衡行为可能会解释为什么云杉有机会再次在当前再次制作名称。在过去的十年中,IPAS世界发生了一系列重大转变:曾经是曾经 - 时尚的西海岸IPA,已向新英格兰IPA的新浪潮。在坚果壳中,西海岸倾向于专注于啤酒花的精神,林的苦涩;但是,在苦涩的军备赛中吹灭了饮酒者的味道后,啤酒员将相反的方向走向成果,榨汁机IPAS。然而,正如往往的情况下,摆锤可能会摇摆太远。

By offering softer foresty notes without adding any abrasive bitterness, spruce does an excellent job of finding a hoppy beer’s middle ground. “The fresh spruce tips really allow Sculpin’s complexity to shine, accentuating aromas and flavors already found in the original Sculpin IPA,” says James Murray, Vice President of Brewing at Ballast Point, explaining why, after three years of experimentation, Sculpin is finally going the spruce route nationwide. “The addition of spruce tips brings flavors of pine, red berry, lemon and wine grapes, which complement Sculpin’s citrusy hop profile. On the nose, you enjoy a unique piney, citrusy and woody character. The result is the perfect seasonal addition to the Sculpin family.”

Calagione seeks a similar harmony in his use of spruce. “We did our first spruce beer at Dogfish Head about a decade ago—it was called 'Spruce Willis,' I shit you not—and I fell in love with how nicely certain earthy hop varieties play with freshly harvested spruce tips,” he tells me. “Both ingredients walk the line gracefully between citrusy and piney notes.”

A decade ago, I tasted my way through Yards Ales of the Revolution series and distinctly remember Poor Richard’s Spruce Ale, despite being aggressively herbaceous, as the standout beer of the night, making for lovely food pairings as well. In 2014, I sipped Pennsylvania Tuxedo at Dogfish Head’s launch event and still remember how delightfully the subtle boost of evergreen notes perfectly matched that cold fall evening. Then, just two weeks ago, even the sight of the word “spruce” at the Great American Beer Festival piqued my interest. Spruce Tip Sculpin IPA delivered on the promise of its name but used its spruce to create a refreshing quality that awoke my battered tongue. Apparently, every time I have encountered a spruce beer, I’ve found them thoroughly enjoyable; clearly, it’s time to openly admit that I’m a spruce beer fan.

可以向美国最受欢迎的IPA中添加云杉,这是突破力矩云杉一直在等待吗?云杉尖端Sculpin IPA现在只击中商店货架,尚待看到。但至少是,如果你遇到任何态度的云杉啤酒 - 并且有更多的东西可以发现 - 不要害怕尝试。云杉实际上已经在啤酒上长时间加起来了。