Denali Brewing Chuli Stout
Credit: Courtesy of Denali Brewing

Guinness. Murphy’s. Beamish. Known as “the big three” among beer aficionados, these are the storied Irish stouts most revelers will be gulping this weekend. And while these beers have provenance and tradition on their side, there are some exceptional North American-made dry stouts that can provide drinkers a nice change of pace onSt. Paddy’s Day.

Unlike other stout styles, most dry Irish stouts are quite low in alcohol—around four percent to five percent ABV, says Zachary Mack, a cicerone and owner ofAlphabet City Beer Co.在纽约市。干爱尔兰的黑啤酒通常不透明,几乎是黑色的,不包括牛奶糖或燕麦片,使其他烈性黑啤酒变甜。取而代之的是,它们爆发了烤麦芽和苦烤巧克力的口味。Mack解释说,它们通常还具有低水平的碳酸化和干口腔。

If you’re stocking up on beer for the weekend—or planning to go bar-hopping this Saturday—keep an eye out for the craft offerings on this list. Each is an interesting and able substitute for the traditional Irish brews you know and love.


早在1997年,这款烘焙烈性黑啤酒就充满了咖啡香气和口味,并为费城赢得了多个酿造奖项Yards. Love Stout is smooth and scrumptious, but light-bodied enough for all-day drinking.

旧的38号by North Coast Brewing Company

根据其制造商的说法旧的38号is a “Dublin dry stout” named after a historicCaliforniasteam engine. It’s dark and smooth, and the coffee and malt notes are accented by vanilla and mild spice. Fort Bragg, California-based North Coast produces a number of great beers, but this is arguably their best.


Atlantic Brewing Company Cadillac Mountain Stout
Credit: Allison Sasner

At 7 percent ABV,this Maine-made beerpacks a heavier wallop than most Irish-style stouts. It’s also heavy bodied, and so not the kind of beer you could chug by the gallon during a long afternoon of drinking. But if your St. Paddy’s plans involve just one or two pints, this is a complex, bewitching brew.

Denali Brewing Co.的Chuli Stout。

Named after a powerful river that flows near its Talkeetna, Alaska brewery,this stout是泡沫,光滑且愉快的干燥 - 甚至是风格。这也是痛苦的一面,但这不是敲门。即使您打算享受几种啤酒,这也是一杯饮料和品尝的啤酒。

Donnybrook Stout by Victory Brewing Company

At just 3.7 percent ABV, this beer from Pennsylvania-based Victory is one you can enjoy freely during a long St. Paddy’s Day. And enjoy it you will. The roasted malt richness and bitter chocolate are present, but toned-down compared to many other dry stouts.Donnybrookis an understated but satisfying take on the style and one that still goes down easy after a pint or two.

Le Sang D’Encre by Le Trou du Diable

Le Sang D'Encre Stout
Credit: Stéphane Daoust

不要让所有法国人把你扔掉;this Montreal-made brewwould make any Irishman smile. If you’re looking for a big, bold punch of roasted malt, this isn’t the beer for you. But if you’re in the market for something subtler and more balanced, Le Sang D’Encre (roughly, “inky blood”) is a great choice.

肥硕by Postmark Brewing

You’ve got to love the unpretentious name. And while its moniker is simple, this beer from Vancouver-based Postmark isn’t one-note. Earthy, rich, and laced with cocoa-nib goodness,肥硕is a medium-bodied, balanced brew that you’ll want to keep in your fridge more than one weekend a year.



你会很难追踪这啤酒如果you’re outside the Northeast. But if you’re anywhere in or around New England, this is worth seeking out. Creamy and bright,这个干燥的粗壮Boston-based Harpoon is a delicate, thirst-quenching offering.

Gritty McDuff的Black Fly Stout

燃烧的木炭和一丝干果的味道借给这种啤酒增加了复杂性。但是ABV为4.7%,它仍然可以轻松且可融合,它包装了您习惯于使用的所有烤麦芽和干啤酒花。如果您从未尝试过缅因州的啤酒坚韧, start with this one.

Uncle Steve’s Irish-Style Stout by Short’s Brewing Co.

Short's Brewing Company Uncle Steve's
Credit: Courtesy of Short's Brewing Company

You can’t find this brew much outsideMichigan, but we couldn’t leave it off this list. It’s a delectable mix of chocolate, espresso, and caramel that manages to be both hefty and buoyant at the same time.短裤是当地的最爱,并且在手工艺粉丝中已经具有良好的信誉。即使您本周末不在中西部,下次您访问时也要看这些家伙。