Butterball University
信用:诺亚·考夫曼(Noah Kaufman)

从1981年从伊利诺伊州内珀维尔的厨房开始,黄油火鸡说热线, has become a ubiquitous part of Thanksgiving, offering up real time help to those in desperate turkey need, answering questions about everything from turkey cook time to what happens if you cut your turkey with a chainsaw (almost certainly nothing good). And the Turkey Talk Line has evolved over the years, like when it added the ability to文字和推文去年您的家禽问题。在土耳其谈话的讲话中,他们仅列出了10,000多个文本。多年来,现在50岁的土耳其准备传教士已经骑自行车。其中一些是厨师,其中一些是食品教育者,有些是食品设计师,但他们共同的一件事是他们都亚搏电竞从“ Butterball University”中“毕业”。这家土耳其公司使所有热线工作者在最初三年的每一年中都要经过一门密集的课程,他们会获得有关如何最好地回答11月1日热线打开时他们可能会得到的无数问题的指导。Butthball U的特殊加速课程,这是课程:


根据贝丝·萨默斯(Beth Somers)的说法,土耳其谈话线上最常见的问题是关于解冻火鸡。而且,从冷冻到RAW肯定是整个火鸡烹饪过程中最丑陋的部分,但出于健康原因,这也可能是最重要的。土耳其说话者的官方消息是,每天四磅火鸡应在冰箱中融化火鸡。另外,您可以尝试冷水方法,将火鸡浸入冷水中,每磅火鸡需要30分钟(NOTE:如果尝试此操作,请确保每30分钟更换每30分钟的水以确保有效解冻)。

火鸡Cooking Time


Basting a Turkey

Don't do it. That's likely what you hear if you call in. When she teaches new Hotline employees, 33-year Turkey Talk Line veteran Carol Miller makes the point to them that constant basting is not a useful technique because the liquid won't penetrate the turkey's skin. Instead, she says, rub butter under the skin or glaze the turkey during the end of the cooking process. (提示: If you're going to put butter under the skin, a clean and easy way to do it is to spread it on a piece of wax paper, chill it until it's a solid square and then cut squares or discs of butter out of the square and slide them under the skin.)


后出来的烤箱,让土耳其rest for 20 minutes. But make sure you carve it within two hours.



信用:诺亚·考夫曼(Noah Kaufman)

Carving a Turkey

热线的克里斯托弗·克莱姆(Christopher Clem)说,土耳其雕刻实际上可能是整个烹饪过程中最紧张的部分。他鼓励甚至经验丰富的雕刻师在厨房的私密中砍下鸟,因为“没人想要观众”。但是,无论您是否在公共场合进行雕刻,他都说要首先将鼓棒切开,从而露出白肉。然后,沿着底部切开火鸡乳房,直到击中乳房。接下来,沿着骨头从乳房的顶部切下,将其完全分开。分开后,您可以将乳房切成薄片。