
Love of turkey goes beyond just Thanksgiving. From sandwiches to ground meat, turkey has become a leaner alternative to other meats in everyday cooking. Here are recipes and tips for preparing this delicious bird as well as holiday inspiration.


用干燥的盐水调味这些土耳其腿,在他们向吸烟者之前用味道,产生多汁,烟熏和温柔的肉,从Chipotle辣椒踢球。在冰箱中露出的腿过夜也有助于保持皮肤干燥,并在烹饪时清脆。火鸡腿将从吸烟者中出现一个美丽的桃花心木颜色。为他们提供整体(这将是完美的感恩节),或撕碎肉并将其混合成谷物碗,意大利面沙拉,三明治等。保存骨骼,也可以为汤或酱汁制作烟熏火鸡肉汤。阅读更多信息how to make these turkey legs, step-by-step.
How to Salt-Roast Turkey
Rating: Unrated 2
Turkey Curry
Rating: Unrated 1
Spatchcocked Smoked Turkey
Rating: Unrated 10.
Sweet, tangy, and succulent thanks to Rodney Scott’s smoky dry rub and spicy mopping sauce, this turkey is easy to tackle on a kamado-style cooker. While Scott swears by the thermal qualities of a ceramic grill, this turkey can also be cooked in a kettle grill or smoker at 225 until it reaches an internal temperature of 155F or roasted in the oven at 325F (cook times will vary).
How to Cook a Thanksgiving Turkey
Cooking a Thanksgiving turkey is tricky at best, so take heed: If you want to bring a bronzed beauty of a bird to the table, arm yourself with this essential intel.


Chipotle Mayonnaise-Roasted Turkey
亚搏电竞食品和葡萄酒亚搏电竞's Justin Chapple flavors mayonnaise with smoky chipotle chiles, then spreads it under the skin and all over the outside of a turkey before roasting. It yields super-juicy, delicious meat that's perfect for any holiday meal.
Rating: Unrated 1
不要因为这个简单而愚弄火鸡从F&W的Justin Chple。当肉类多汁和柔软时,盐和胡椒就是你所需要的。因为它是spatchcocked(拆除骨架,鸟类在烹饪前扁平化),皮肤是令人遗憾的,并且它在近一半的时间作为传统版本烘烤。
醋 - 烤烤火鸡

当顶级大厨得主克里斯汀基士接管了再保险sponsibility of cooking Thanksgiving dinner, she gave her brother the job of roasting the turkey. This recipe, which she taught him, uses cider vinegar as the brine, which tenderizes it and yields flavorful drippings perfect for pan jus.