

找出我们的编辑和专业人士推荐哪种模型,以及为什么您应该真正投资Burr Grinder。
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A一杯咖啡is one of life's simple joys, and the best brews start with fresh, flavorful beans. That's where a coffee grinder comes in. While it's convenient to buy pre-ground coffee, whole beans retain flavor longer, and milling your favorite roasts through a grinder just before brewing guarantees the boldest, brightest cups. But not all grinders are created equally. The best ones feature settings that make it easier to achieve the right particle size for different brewing methods, from a straightforward French press to high-techespresso machines- 最重要的是,它们始终如一地产生这些磨削。

“重要的原因是第二种热水撞到了您的咖啡斑,它开始提取咖啡。”Casey Wojtalewicz,位于洛杉矶的联合创始人峡谷咖啡。"If your grind sizes are all different sizes, you're going to have small, fine pieces extracting water way faster than large pieces." This uneven extraction can result in a muddy, bitter cup of coffee, Wojtalewicz explains, and in the case of espresso, it hinders a clean shot, since the pressurized water will pass through the coarse particles faster than the fine ones.

Through research, expert consultation, and personal experience, we've learned that electric burr grinders—like our top pick, theBaratza Encore—are best for consistency and control, since they uniformly crush beans rather than blend them. However, there are also good blade and manual models that will save you money and space. Ahead are the best coffee grinders to instantly upgrade your coffee game.

Our Top Picks


Brew Grinder

最好的总体:Baratza Encore锥形毛刺咖啡研磨机

View at Amazon ($170)

优点:This pro pick is a workhorse that produces consistent coffee grounds at 40 different levels.


"Burr grinders, being more expensive, are what I recommend for people who enjoy coffee at home and want to improve the quality," Wojtalewicz says.

Baratza Encore是一款经典,它受到咖啡鉴赏家的喜爱(这是Wojtalewicz的最佳建议),就像审稿人(像Wirecutter和Cnet这样的网站唱歌)一样。一流的汉堡研磨机快速均匀地粉碎豆类,并不是挑剔的使用或清洁,并且用途广泛,可以为各种酿造风格生产地面。

由On/Off Dial和手动脉冲按钮控制,Encore的简单性(尤其是在一天的第一杯之前使用)。它具有相当大的8盎司全豆,其40毫米的商业级锥形毛毛毫不费力,均匀地磨成40个不同的一致性,从细到粗糙。并且高13.3英寸高5.5英寸宽x 6.3英寸,它不会像其他研磨机一样占用台面或厨柜上的太多空间。

  • Type:Electric conical burr
  • Dimensions:13.3 x 5.5 x 6.3英寸
  • 豆类料斗容量:8盎司(227克)
  • 地面垃圾箱容量:5盎司(142克)
  • Grind Settings:40
Brew Grinder
信用:由威廉姆斯·索诺玛(Williams Sonoma)提供

最超值: Oxo Brew Conical Burr Coffee Grinder

在威廉姆斯·索诺玛(Williams Sonoma)查看(105美元)




高级商务编辑说:“我几乎每天几乎每天都在家使用这种Oxo Grinder。”Megan Soll。“这与我们购买的那一天一样一致。可变的研磨尺寸非常适合在我们通常的滴水咖啡,Moka锅和冷啤酒之间切换。”



  • Type:Electric conical burr
  • Dimensions:6.8 x 11.8 x 14.8英寸
  • 豆类料斗容量:12盎司(340克)
  • Grind Settings:15
Brew Grinder
Credit: Courtesy of Nordstrom

最佳设计:Ode Electric Brew Grinder

在Nordstrom上查看($ 299)


缺点:There's no timer, and it's on the expensive side.



  • Type:电扁平毛刺
  • Dimensions:9.4 x 4.2 x 9.5英寸
  • 地面垃圾箱容量:2.8 ounces (80 grams)
  • Grind Settings:31

Related:The Best Drip Coffee Makers for a Great Morning Brew

Brew Grinder

最佳手册:Hario Ceramic Coffee Mill Mini-Slim Plus

在亚马逊上查看(34美元,最初为$ 40)



如果您想节省金钱或空间,请考虑手动Burr Grinder。Wojtalewicz说:“这增加了我个人喜欢的早晨咖啡仪式的另一个元素。”“可能需要花费一分钟的时间才能手动咖啡,但是如果您有正确的心态,那就成为在家酿造的正念仪式中的另一个有价值的一部分。”



  • Type:Manual conical burr
  • Dimensions:5.9 x 2.8×8.7英寸
  • 地面垃圾箱容量:.85盎司(24克)
  • Grind Settings:粗细范围
Brew Grinder
信用:由Sur la Table提供

最佳大容量:Breville Smart Grinder Pro

在Sur La Table上查看(200美元)



对于家里的高端机器,请查看Breville的Smart Grinder Pro。它使用不锈钢锥形毛刺和自动“剂量智商”程序来研磨和测量完美的咖啡,无论您的酿造方法如何。该设备由圆锥形毛毛提供动力,具有60种不同的设置,范围从法国压力机的粗糙研磨到浓缩咖啡的超级优质一致性。其易于阅读的LCD屏幕显示您选择的磨削设置,计时器以及镜头或杯子的数量;它还使您可以注意并保存首选项。另外,其精度计时器还以0.2秒的增量调整和程序磨削时间,以实现绝对控制。

无论您要制作多少批咖啡,这台机器都为您挑战。Breville Smart Grinder Pro可容纳多达1磅的全豆,这是我们看到的最大数量。对于浓缩咖啡爱好者,该设备包括Portafilter附件,这意味着您可以直接将咖啡直接磨成浓缩咖啡机的过滤器,而不会混乱。

  • Type:Electric conical burr
  • Dimensions:8.3 x 11.5 x 19.4 inches
  • 豆类料斗容量:18盎司(510克)
  • Grind Settings:60

Related:最好的牛奶起泡剂Coffee Drinks at Home






电刀片grinders操作有点像食品加工机亚搏电竞and won't produce as uniform grinds as their burr blade counterparts. However, they are more compact and less expensive.

"Blade grinders are a great option if you're brand new to making coffee at home," Wojtalewicz tells us. "If you are using a blade grinder, I'd recommend a brew method like French press, where all the grounds are extracting together at once over a longer period of time."

KRUPS快速触摸咖啡和香料研磨机是易于操作且设计非常简单的最佳选择。它的尺寸仅为3.9 x 4.1 x 8.25英寸,非常紧凑 - 对于那些厨房空间有限的人来说,他们不使用时需要将电器藏起来。尽管如此,研磨室仍容纳3盎司的豆类,可提供多达12杯咖啡,这都是大多数人都需要的。它坚硬的不锈钢刀片很容易通过全豆子闪闪发光,并在盖子上按下按钮。只有一种设置,因此您需要使用判断来知道何时停止磨削。作为额外的奖励,它可以作为定制混合和新鲜调味料的香料研磨机。

“我已经使用KRUPS快速触摸了多年,首先是我的主要研磨机,当我的预算较小,而且柜台空间较小,现在是我的旅行研磨机,因为它很容易与法国新闻界一起打包,”社论Taysha Murtaugh说yabo电竞投注商业团队主任。“尽管它当然不如毛刺研磨机那么均匀,但对新手来说,这并不那么令人生畏,并且完成了工作。”

  • Type:电刀片
  • Dimensions:3.9 x 4.1 x 8.25英寸
  • 地面垃圾箱容量:75克
  • Grind Settings:1


专家们认为,升级早晨啤酒的最佳和最简单方法是投资像我们的首选Baratza Encore这样的Burr Coffee Grinder(在亚马逊上查看), or the more reasonably priced Oxo Brew Conical Burr Coffee Grinder (在威廉姆斯·索诺玛(Williams Sonoma)查看)。这两种选择都有各种设置,以均匀地控制和均匀地研磨豆类,从而产生干净,清晰的咖啡。

Factors to Consider


When choosing a coffee grinder, you'll need to decide whether you want a blade, burr, or manual model. Blade grinders are a bit like food processors, slicing beans into teeny-tiny bits. The longer you keep your grinder running, the finer your grounds. Popular with beginners, blade grinders won't achieve as consistent texture as burr blades, but they are smaller and inexpensive.

尽管价格更高,但Burr Grinders提供了更大的一致性和控制力,在酿造时会产生更饱满,更均衡的风味。它们不会切成薄片,而是通过扁平磁盘或彼此筑巢的圆锥形毛刺将咖啡豆融合到地面上。Wojtalewicz说:“对我来说,拥有Burr Grinder是人们可以在改善其家庭咖啡游戏方面做出的最重要的投资。”“无论是电动还是手动(手动),Burr Grinders都可以准确地设置咖啡粒度,然后通过仅使地面通过达到所需尺寸时就可以通过,从而始终如一地产生磨削。”

Manual (or hand) grinders are the smallest option and tend to be much more affordable than their electric counterparts. Users grind beans through two burrs by cranking a handle, which, admittedly, takes time and effort. However, manual grinders produce even grounds, and they can even offer different settings for various sizes. Also, they're much quieter than both blade and burr grinders.

Flat vs. Conical Burrs

虽然Burr Grinders普遍优于刀片研磨机,但有不同类型的毛刺。扁平的毛刺水平且平行于彼此,而圆锥形毛刺相互坐在彼此的内部。两种样式都将咖啡豆压在毛刺之间。毛刺之间的间距可以调整以确定磨削尺寸。陪审团是最好的。这取决于偏好。


许多咖啡研磨机为不同的研磨设置设置。Wojtalewicz解释说:“根据Burr Grinder的数量,您可以为浓缩咖啡机提供足够细的地面,或者对于冷啤酒和法国压力机的粗糙度。”

例如,Baratza Encore提供了1到30个设置的规模,这使咖啡饮用者有机会尝试各种磨削设置,以找到他们喜欢的最终风味。这些设置通常在显示面板上布置,并带有表盘或按钮,以方便调整。一些磨床还夸耀了包括计时器在内的功能以及测量理由或节省偏好的能力。


尺寸is a major consideration when purchasing any appliance, and in the case of a coffee grinder, you'll want to consider both footprint (how much space it takes up on your counter or in your cupboard and if it's lightweight enough to move around) and capacity (how many beans it can hold in the hopper and how many grounds can fit in the canister).




Here are the grind ranges Wojtalewicz recommends playing around with per method, using the Baratza Encore's available settings:

  • 浓缩咖啡:1-3
  • Aeropress:9-12
  • Moka Pot:9-12
  • V60:14-18
  • 自动滴水:16-20
  • Chemex: 18-22
  • 法国出版社:24-28


A:Wojtalewicz说,如果您想保持一致的磨削。“实际上,我实际上尝试订购地面咖啡或在杂货店里使用Burr Grinder,然后才能做到这一点。”


凯蒂·麦克唐纳(Katie MacDonald)是一位高亚搏电竞级食品作家,他涵盖了从厨师的必备经典作品到最新,最出色的厨房食品52,Allrecipes,真正简单等等的一切。这篇文章是由Taysha Murtaugh更新的,Taysha Murtaugh负责Food&Wine的商务团队。亚搏电竞亚搏电竞她已经撰写和编辑了近十年的食物和生活方式内容,并作为奖亚搏电竞金,担任咖啡师多年。为此,我们的团队咨询了Casey Wojtalewicz,位于洛杉矶的联合创始人峡谷咖啡, and tapped into their own experience before scouring the market and considering recommendations from competitor sites.