From veggie-packed cocktails to super-bitter spirits.

When it comes to the酒店业,预测是徒劳的。买卖的瓦里安t has shuttered restaurants that were starting to thrive again,supply chain issues仍然是一个问题,餐馆工作人员面临空前的倦怠.

But some industry pros are looking forward to the cocktails that may make a splash in the new year. As consumers seek a bit of normalcy, they're also craving classic drinks with an edge. More and more bars will get inventive and intentional with no-alcohol options, and maybe they'll even ditch the "mocktail" moniker once and for all. Also: tequila, tequila, tequila. The spirit continues to increase in popularity. And is it finally time for Bolivia's Singani to make a splash stateside?

Below are the drink trends we'll see heading into 2022, according to drink pros.

Credit: Photo by Jennifer Causey / Food Styling by Melissa Gray / Prop Styling by Heather Chadduck Hillegas

Cocktails will be simple

"I've found many guests prefer cocktails they can understand, with three to four ingredients. The more unfamiliar ingredients in the drink, the less likely they are to order it unless the service team can passionately speak to each ingredient in a manner that can disarm the guest. So you're more likely to have a guest order a cocktail with gin, citrus, and some herbal or floral component than a 12-step cocktail." —Chauncey Jenkins, General Manager of BRUN Lounge in Richmond, Virginia


"Classics are classics for a reason, and it is the new standard for restaurants to provide elevatedold-fashioned, freshmargaritas,内格隆, andmartinis. The consumer has become a cocktail connoisseur, knowing their stuff and raising the bar on expectations. They want rare spirits, stories of the distillers, that one-of-a-kind drink mixed up by the bartender specifically for them, and rum, lots of rum." —多米尼克·冈萨雷斯(Dominique Gonzales),调酒师兼创始人Root Elixirs

“在大流行期间,消费者正在尝试不同的口味,并寻找独特的成分,以融入经典饮料,从当地的蜂蜜到辣椒辣椒。他们正在寻找有趣,有趣的成分来使他们的鸡尾酒生动。”-Gabriel Urrutia,布鲁加尔1888年Brand Specialist

F&W Recipe:纽约酸

Low and no-alcohol drinks will get even better

“我看到了更多的精力投入到低酒精或无酒精饮料上,我为产品的多样性感到高兴。我认为无酒精的烈酒行业还处于起步阶段,但是希望您能有任何希望。将酒吧作为每个人的社区中心,无论他们对鸡尾酒的兴趣如何。酒吧里的每个人都有空间。”-马特•雷鸡尾酒专家和团队领导经验er atThe Sazerac Housein New Orleans

“现在这是一个非常令人兴奋的类别。我们在菜单上看到了惊人的非酒精饮料,我们在自己的列表中包括了更多选择。我们在酒吧巴里斯塔环境方面有很多乐趣,共享诸如我们加香料的柴食谱和抹茶茶之类的成分都可以制作咖啡馆饮料和非酒精饮料。通常,餐饮体验围绕酒精旋转,这可以消除人类的联系,这是我们出去的真正原因。对于那些想喝酒的人来说,有点酒,但不要疯了,很高兴可以选择自我调节,但仍然有点幻想,享用饮料。”-Erin Scala, Beverage Director of小鸟的andCommon House

Jardin Verde non-alcoholic cocktail
Credit: Photo by Victor Protasio / Food Styling by Margaret Monroe Dickey / Prop Styling by Audrey Davis

"The demand is immense and growing. It's a matter of establishments realizing this. If they create offerings that are as refined as the cocktails and focused on health, people will pay $10+ for these drinks. In the coming years it'll become more common to see non-alcoholic cocktails produced with quality ingredients, commanding price-points comparable to alcoholic cocktails." —瑞安·诺伦(Ryan Nolen),酒保领导达克斯顿酒店in Birmingham, Michigan


"In 2022 we see a growing trend towards the use of a diverse array of fruits and vegetables in cocktails. There is something to be said about getting a healthy serving of vegetables while wetting your whistle. The pure flavor of fresh fruits and vegetables enhance the flavor profile of these concoctions, while the nutritional benefit is an added bonus." —Toshi Santiago,酒保The Meritage Resort & Spa


“干燥,干燥,干燥。对不起,如果您喜欢甜蜜,越来越多的人正在寻找少量糖量。健康阳性的视角肯定是在引导人们的口味,这在很大程度上包括大量减少糖消耗。”-Ryan Nolen

"It's been surprising how quickly palates have moved to drier balances and more bitter complex flavors. The Aperol spritz and negroni have definitely led the charge, but people are delving into a lower-sugar, more vegetal, and herbaceous world of ingredients as fast as the bartenders can discover and incorporate them." —JIm Wrigley, Beverage manager for Grand Cayman'sKimpton Seafire Resort&Spa

F&W Recipe:Patagonian Negroni

Patagonian Negroni cocktails
学分:亚当·弗里德兰德(Adam Friedlander) /珍珠·琼斯亚搏电竞(Pearl Jones)的摄影

Bitter is better

"Bitter will be a flavor that gains more traction. Companies like Jeppson's are pushing the boundaries of what an experience with spirits can be. Bitterness is an extreme on the flavor scale. It kick-starts a part of the brain related to survival (bitter plants are a warning usually that they're poisonous), so people tend to really wake up when they taste them. When consumers have explored cocktails as long as we've been in the current renaissance, they inevitably gravitate towards those extremes, like umami (Chinese Baijiu) or bitter (Fernet, Malort, amaro, or dry vermouth)." —马特·雷

We'll be seeing more Singani

"I'm really excited about the Bolivian spirit Singani, especially Rujero, and its versatility. It's made from Muscatel of Alexandria grapes. As with most great beverages it was first distilled by monks. It's like a speed date of orchard fruit and white flowers on your tongue and is absolutely delicious. I've substituted it as the base spirit in Pisco sours, and enjoy it on the rocks with an orange peel." —Chauncey Jenkins

Bubbly cocktails will be served all day

“从早上到深夜,敬酒到无底,最好的喝气泡的时间是任何时候。我们越来越多地看到,在品酒和一天结束时,客人都想要一些葡萄酒。亚搏电竞我们正在看到市场上引入起泡的鸡尾酒;为旅行者提供纳帕仍然忠实的鸡尾酒选项。它们吸引了许多人,因为它们可以在一天中的任何时间饮用,并提供无尽的混合选择。yabo电竞投注,白兰地,杜松子酒和朗姆酒都与起泡酒配对。”亚搏电竞-Toshi Santiago

F&W Recipe:Golden Spritz

Golden Spritz
信用:©David Malosh

Tequila continues its meteoric rise

"Tequila and its popularity continues to grow. One of the more fun results of its popularity and our recent supply challenges, is that people are beginning to be more adventurous with the tequila that they select. At one point last year, there were many people enjoying a light, lean, and pristine type of tequila. We start to see guests trying out a more pulpy or mineral-laden style of tequila. We are even seeing more guests drink mezcal, which has always been a challenge to sell, due to its oftentimes smoky, flinty character." —Liz Martinez,达克斯顿酒店'sDirector of Beverage Service

“龙舌兰酒是一件美丽的东西,是一种爱的劳动,需要数年才能制作。在龙舌兰酒过程中,有很多文化,骄傲和艺术,应该在品尝或班级环境中突出和体验。有时间和一个地方对于射门而言,希望会有更多的龙舌兰酒。随着龙舌兰酒的消费量的增加,由于土地的土地和龙舌兰植物的长期老化可能会变得更加令人垂涎。随着变化,一旦很难动手,人们可能会决定饮食。”-多米尼克·冈萨雷斯(Dominique Gonzales)

“老实说,我只是很高兴人们喜欢龙舌兰酒。随着公司赢得奖项,展示了出色的Reposados和Anejo Tequilas,威士忌酒饮料的饮酒者正在更加关注自己的复杂和富裕的龙舌兰酒。我个人会很激动。如果人们开始学习龙舌兰酒在瓶装之前需要多少工作 - 一些龙舌兰植物需要20年才能准备收获。这是全世界最丰富的文化丰富遗产之一通过它。”-马特·雷

Cocktail classes are still in session

"We saw the demand for (to-go cocktails) tank almost instantly when restaurants started opening back up. But we have noticed a great interest in cocktail classes that demonstrate tricks on how to have a great home bar. We host classes that teach the basics of building a home bar. The idea is that if you come to them all, after one year, you'll be pretty skilled making drinks at home." —Erin Scala

“我认为,如果伴随着大师班,家庭教程或亲自教程之类的东西,鸡尾酒套件将是一件事情。但是,该套件更是您从该专业人士那里获得的知识并尝试尝试的机会在家。至于鸡尾酒,只有这些变体再次破坏了我们的日常生活,这种流行才能浮出水面。”-Chauncey Jenkins