皇家Falooda,ES Teler和ChèkoucBach

Dive into These Icy, Creamy, Chewy, Dreamy Desserts


有一个时间和一个厚切片的地方丰富的巧克力蛋糕和黏糊糊,新鲜的饼干-and it's definitely not during a heat wave. When the hot weather rolls around, all I want to do is dive into a cooling category of desserts that appear throughout Asia, from China to the Philippines, which are hard to label but extremely easy to eat.

Refreshingly cold, textural wonderlands that are not quite drinks and not quite soups, these desserts seem to follow the equation of something creamy (like condensed milk or scoops of ice cream), plus something chewy (think tapioca pearls or various jellies), plus something crunchy (like basil seeds). They often feature tropical fruits like lychee, jackfruit, or avocado, and they don't shy away from a savory element like red beans or vermicelli. They contain as many colors as they do textures.

Here, we explore three of my favorites:ES TELER来自印度尼西亚,ChèkucBach来自越南,以及法鲁多达来自印度和巴基斯坦。他们每个人都很美味。


学分:Rishon Hanners的Greg Dupree /亚搏电竞食物风格 / Heather Chadduck Hillegas的Prop Styleling

一世n the Vietnamese canon of cooking, there is a brilliant category of sweets known as chè, which, according to chef Doris Hô-Kane, translates roughly to "dessert soup." There are several types of chè, but they all have one thing in common: They are multitextural dreamscapes made from elements that are creamy, crunchy, and cooling. Hô-Kane, who runsBanBè,布鲁克林的越南裔美国人面包店特别喜欢ChèkucBach或“白色块甜点汤”。(“在[英语]中听起来不如越南人那样美丽,”Hô-Kane说。)

格瓦拉khuc巴赫享用在越南是由于to its reputation as a refreshing way to combat hot weather. Traditionally, the dessert is a monochromatic mound of white: squares of almond-flavored panna cotta, piles of coconut cream, shaved ice, pieces of lychee and longan, and soaked basil seeds.


来自印度尼西亚:ES TELER

学分:Rishon Hanners的Greg Dupree /亚搏电竞食物风格 / Heather Chadduck Hillegas的Prop Styleling

ES TELERsits comfortably in the middle of a Venn diagram of "dessert" and "refreshing drink." The Indonesian treat is served in a glass but is most often eaten with a spoon. At its core,ES TELERincludes six key ingredients, says Lara Lee, the author of the cookbook椰子和桑巴尔剃光冰的冷碎片,成熟的鳄梨,年轻的椰子肉,嫩菠萝蜜,椰子糖浆(几乎具有椰子味的vanilla味)以及凝结的牛奶可提供甜味。整个印度尼西亚的街头供应商和高档餐厅都以其冷却性能而备受喜爱。李指出,该国的平均温度往往会悬停在80°F左右,而ES Teler通常“作为下午的小吃”被食用。

像大多数心爱的食物一样,ES Tel亚搏电竞er也有不同的起源故事。一些人声称它是在制冰比赛中发明的,而另一些人则声称他们早在1960年代和1980年代就发明了它。李说,甚至这道菜的名字也被民间传说包围。“ Teler”是Javanese中的lang语短语,转化为“变得高”。食用这道菜后,有人说:“ Esnya Bikin Teler”,或者,“这种冰使我很高”,名字卡住了。

一世t might seem odd to the Western palate to incorporate avocado chunks into a sweet treat, but the bright green fruit offers a creamy note that underlines the tropical flavors of es teler. Lee notes that versions of the icy dessert can also include other textural pops such as durian pulp and basil seeds. She prefers to add colored tapioca pearls and green squares of nata de coco (or coconut gel) for both color and chew.


学分:Rishon Hanners的Greg Dupree /亚搏电竞食物风格 / Heather Chadduck Hillegas的Prop Styleling

There is no incorrect way to layer法鲁多达, the milky, traditionally rose-heavy dessert beloved in India, Pakistan, and other parts of South Asia. Everyone has their own preference on how to stack the components-but falooda is always best built in a tall glass.


When making falooda, I prefer to start with the crunchiest elements and work my way up to the creamiest. Gelled chia seeds sit at the bottom of the glass, offering maximum bite. (Basil seeds are more traditional, but I prefer the way chia seeds have a heartier bloom.) Next is a layer of gently cooked al dente vermicelli. Cubes of rose jelly, the element that makes this falooda "royal," are added next to offer some bounce.
