
“自从3岁起,很多人都知道他们想成为厨师,”密歇根州安阿伯市的金·金小姐(Ji Hye Kim)说。“那根本不是我的故事。当我开始思考时,我30岁。”金在韩国首尔长大,在稳定的壮观餐点中。她的妈妈是一位才华横溢的厨师,所以从现年43岁的金(Kim)看来,金(Kim)将美味的食物视为理所当然。亚搏电竞“我一生一直在那里。”但是金的妈妈永远不会让她在厨房里提供帮助,而在某个时候,金停止了尝试。

Kim's family emigrated to New Jersey when she was 13. She eventually moved to Ann Arbor to attend the University of Michigan, studying political science and economics. When she graduated–shortly after the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks–she was willing to take any job that would sponsor her green card, and so ended up working in accounts receivable at a hospital. Today, Kim likes to joke that she went from "hospital to hospitality." On a whim, at age 27, she applied for a job at Zingerman's Delicatessen in the speciality foods department. "You're really only an adult when you hit 30 years old, I thought, so I had three years to mess around," Kim says. The move entailed a 90 percent pay cut, but she fell in love with the work immediately, especially "being able to talk about the food, and the connection to the land and to artisanal producers."

Invigorated, Kim started to make trays of homemade dumplings on the side, selling them to Asian restaurants in town, and started thinking about opening a restaurant of her own. Through a program at Zingerman's, she put herself through "culinary business school," putting in time in the prep kitchen at the delicatessen and working the line at Roadhouse, Zingerman's full-service restaurant. At the same time, Kim started running a food truck, laying the groundwork for what would eventually become金小姐,她的实体店,开业2016.


金小姐的菜肴提供历史课程,散布在风味和质地层中。对于Tteokbokki,米蛋糕,在她的菜单上,她转向了百年历史的食谱,该食谱在首尔的皇宫提供。“这被认为是一种非常豪华的菜,因为要制作米饭比米饭浓得多,而且米饭很昂贵。”在Kim的版本中,耐嚼的米蛋糕的警棍酥脆,扔进了咸味的酱油中,配以丝般的shiitake蘑菇,有光泽的荷包蛋和时令蔬菜。大流行前,她服务了几种类型的Bibimbap。美国的大多数韩国餐厅都提供标准化的菜肴,其中包括Julienned蔬菜,一个鸡蛋和一小菜Gochujang。金正日开采了区域差异,为朝鲜的双木巴普(Bibimbap)服务,大米撒上甜美的猪肉脂肪,上面撒上厚厚的猪肚,烤海藻和豆类酱汁,中间有生蛋黄。金向山区社区寻找食谱,米饭和马铃薯在碗的底部形成地壳,上面放着当地觅食的蘑菇,并配以Doenjang,Doenjang是一种发酵的大豆酱,Kim与腰果堆积了。第三个Bimbap,灵感来自韩国僧侣的饮食习惯(他们避免了葱属,只吃庙宇内的一定距离内可用的东西)以100%的本地蔬菜(没有大蒜),杂种米饭和大豆醋葡萄园蔬菜为特色。仍然是个人的最爱。 (She is eager to reintroduce these to the menu soon.)

没有比她烹饪的食物应该“便宜”的期望,使金沮丧的事情更加沮丧。亚搏电竞她指出,在两个街区的意大利餐厅,这些期望并没有在黄油酱中收取22美元的票房,他们指出:“人们不要对此大声疾呼。”她认为,尽管人们的思想,关心和劳动也能够做到很多亚搏电竞,但亚洲食品总体上被低估了。考虑金仅从当地农民那里购买,并公平地付款,并提供福利和安全网,例如健康保险,奖学金和按摩信用额,以及她的食物价格(主菜从每道菜$ 14- $ 24)亚搏电竞感觉正确。

It may have taken Kim until the age of 30 to realize this was where she wanted to be, but she plans to stay. She hopes to write a cookbook one day that collects the historical Korean recipes she loves in one spot, and she has her sights set on opening another smaller, quicker operation that focuses on the plant-based temple cooking of Korean buddhists. In many ways, Kim now sees this as her life's mission. "I'm just playing a small role in the work of how food evolves and how people live."
