
当安吉尔·巴雷托(Angel Barreto)首次与他在华盛顿特区的餐厅安朱(Anju)的供应商安朱(Anju)建立帐户时,销售人员不相信当他订购150磅咸虾时,他很认真。即使商店有库存的成分,销售人员说他并不认为巴雷托实际上“需要它”。不是第一次(也不是最后一次),有人惊讶的是,巴雷托(Barreto)是一半的波多黎各人和半黑人,笑容伸展,耳朵伸到耳边,经营着华盛顿特区最受欢迎的韩国餐厅之一。他说:“很少有[厨师]看起来像我一样烹饪亚洲美食,尤其是韩国美食。”亚搏电竞


If someone had any lingering doubt about Barreto's grasp on Korean cuisine, it would melt away the instant that food arrived at the table atAnju。厚,巨大的王曼杜(韩国饺子万神殿的绿巨人)以三组为食,在接缝处爆裂,巧妙地填充了不可能的肉,里面撒上剩下的炒饭,少量的姜,大豆和扇贝,腌制,腌制,腌制腌制一整天被塞入饺子包装纸之前。饺子酥脆,放入一块甜酱油中,然后撒上用炸大蒜,佩里拉种子和黑胡椒制成的辣椒酥脆的辣椒。结果是对巴雷托的专业知识的复杂,周到且美味的部署。(尽管巴雷托会争辩说他不是专家:“我是韩国粮食的学生,首先是韩国食品。”)亚搏电竞

His mastery is especially evident when the fried chicken arrives at the table. There has been no dearth of excellent Korean fried chicken around the country in recent years, but Barreto's is somehow both crispier and lighter than the rest. He brines the meat with Korean long peppers, garlic, onions, salt, and sugar and dredges it twice: once in all-purpose flour, the second time in a mixture of starches (roasted soybean powder, potato starch, and cornstarch), which creates the shatteringly crisp skin. The chicken is also fried twice and then tossed in a sticky-sweet and spicy gochujang glaze and drizzled with an unexpected ingredient: white barbecue sauce by way of Alabama. "It cuts through the sweetness and spiciness of gochujang-based sauce," explains Barreto. "It adds a layer of richness."

Before he started making fried chicken, Barreto had a strong interest in politics and was convinced that he was going to end up as a lobbyist one day. He had been accepted to George Mason University and planned to study international relations, but he found he hated it in practice during an externship. Barreto learned a friend was attending culinary school at Johnson & Wales, and he decided to enroll in cooking school at L'Academie de Cuisine in Gaithersburg, Maryland, closer to his home in Washington, D.C. "I was immediately more happy cooking food and learning about food," Barreto recalls. "I brought my camera and took pictures of everything. I was probably the most annoying person in class." Though he studied French food, he found himself gravitating toward Asian flavors and eventually landed a spot at The Source, Wolfgang Puck's now-shuttered pan-Asian behemoth, where he spent nearly six years and worked his way up to executive sous chef.

It was during this time, through chef Scott Drewno, that he met chef Danny Lee, who approached him to run the new restaurant he was opening. Anju, which means "drinking food," is intended to educate and inform diners about Korean cuisine, showing them what the food can be beyond Korean barbecue. The food is modern—honey-lacquered sweet potatoes are served with a mound of fluffy sesame whipped cream straight from an iSi canister; a tender, salty kimchi potato pancake is paired with plenty of crème fraîche—but always rooted in tradition. "For us, it always had to be related to something tangible based in Korean food and society," Barreto explains. When it comes to Korean food, Barreto is always studying the old as well as the new, bringing back older techniques and recipes, like a snappy and gently bitter banchan made from bellflower root, to the menu.

他还是一个实践的佛教徒,深入了解他在厨房中领导的方法。巴雷托解释说:“佛教的一件事是健康的,有时会放慢脚步。”这些天对他来说,这意味着要花时间进行“激进的自我护理”,并将他的思想和身体作为优先事项。如果领导人对自己诚实并拥抱变革,他对餐饮业的未来充满希望。他说:“我们总是说我们在酒店业。”“但是有时候,款待不会扩展到我们的工人。我希望我们能真正延长它 - 不仅是给我们的客人,而且还向我们的工作人员致敬。”

Alex Lau的照片